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Azure Blob Storage CSI driver development guide

  • Clone repo
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone $GOPATH/src/
  • Build Blob Storage CSI driver
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make blob
  • Run verification before sending PR
$ make verify
  • If there is config file changed under charts directory, run following command to update chart file.
helm package charts/latest/blob-csi-driver -d charts/latest/
  • Build container image and push to dockerhub
export REGISTRY_NAME=<dockerhub-alias>
make push-latest

Test locally using csc tool

Install csc tool according to

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd rexray/gocsi/csc
$ make build

Start CSI driver locally

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ ./_output/blobplugin --endpoint tcp:// --nodeid CSINode -v=5 &

Before running CSI driver, create "/etc/kubernetes/azure.json" file under testing server(it's better copy azure.json file from a k8s cluster with service principle configured correctly) and set AZURE_CREDENTIAL_FILE as following:

export set AZURE_CREDENTIAL_FILE=/etc/kubernetes/azure.json

1. Get plugin info

$ csc identity plugin-info --endpoint tcp://
""        "v0.7.0"

2. Create an blobfuse volume

$ csc controller new --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block CSIVolumeName  --req-bytes 2147483648 --params skuname=Standard_LRS
"andy-mg1160alpha3#fuse4ef4b1d0c53d41bc88f#csivolumename"       2147483648      "skuname"="Standard_LRS"

3. Stage volume

mkdir /tmp/staging-target-path
csc node stage --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block --staging-target-path /tmp/staging-target-path "andy-mg1160alpha3#fuse4ef4b1d0c53d41bc88f#csivolumename"

4. Publish volume

mkdir /tmp/target-path
csc node publish --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block --staging-target-path /tmp/staging-target-path --target-path /tmp/target-path "andy-mg1160alpha3#fuse4ef4b1d0c53d41bc88f#csivolumename"

5. Unpublish volume

csc node unpublish --endpoint tcp:// --target-path /tmp/target-path "andy-mg1160alpha3#fuse4ef4b1d0c53d41bc88f#csivolumename"

6. Unstage volume

csc node unstage --endpoint tcp:// --staging-target-path /tmp/staging-target-path "andy-mg1160alpha3#fuse4ef4b1d0c53d41bc88f#csivolumename"

7. Delete blobfuse volume

$ csc controller del --endpoint tcp:// CSIVolumeID

8. Validate volume capabilities

$ csc controller validate-volume-capabilities --endpoint tcp:// --cap 1,block CSIVolumeID
CSIVolumeID  true

9. Get NodeID

$ csc node get-info --endpoint tcp://

10. Create snapshot

$  csc controller create-snapshot

11. Delete snapshot

$  csc controller delete-snapshot

How to update chart index

helm repo index charts --url=

How to debug Dockerfile config

  • create blob.Dockerfile file
RUN apt-get update && clean-install ca-certificates pkg-config libfuse-dev cmake libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgnutls28-dev uuid-dev libgcrypt20-dev wget
RUN wget -O /tmp/packages-microsoft-prod.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/packages-microsoft-prod.deb && apt-get update && apt install blobfuse fuse -y && rm -f /tmp/packages-microsoft-prod.deb
RUN apt remove wget -y
# this is a workaround to install nfs-common & nfs-kernel-server and don't quit with error
RUN apt update && apt install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server -y || true
LABEL maintainers="andyzhangx"
LABEL description="Azure Blob Storage CSI driver"
  • build image from blob.Dockerfile
docker build --no-cache -t andyzhangx/blobnfs:v1 -f ./blob.Dockerfile .
docker run --network host -it andyzhangx/blobnfs:v1 sh