etcd is a production-ready store for building cloud-native distributed systems and managing cloud-native infrastructure via orchestrators like Kubernetes. Etcd should provide distributed system primitives** (such as distributed locking and leader election) that allow users to **create scalable, highly available and fault-tolerant systems. Etcd is the place to store the infrastructure configuration, not only as part of Kubernetes, but also as a standalone solution.
The charter defines the scope and governance of the etcd Special Interest Group.
Joining the mailing list for the group will typically add invites for the following meetings to your calendar.
- Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly). Convert to your timezone.
- Robustness Tests Meeting: Wednesdays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly). Convert to your timezone.
- Triage Meeting: Thursdays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly). Convert to your timezone.
The Chairs of the SIG run operations and processes governing the SIG.
- James Blair (@jmhbnz), Red Hat
- Wenjia Zhang (@wenjiaswe), Google
The Technical Leads of the SIG establish new subprojects, decommission existing subprojects, and resolve cross-subproject technical issues and decisions.
- Benjamin Wang (@ahrtr), VMware
- Marek Siarkowicz (@serathius), Google
- Slack: #sig-etcd
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs
- GitHub Teams:
- @kubernetes/sig-etcd-leads - SIG Chairs and Tech Leads
- Steering Committee Liaison: Antonio Ojea (@aojea)
The following working groups are sponsored by sig-etcd:
The following subprojects are owned by sig-etcd:
Directly access data objects stored in etcd by kubernetes.
- Owners:
An embedded key/value database for Go.
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Serve Consul with etcd
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Distributed database benchmark tester
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Kubernetes manifests powering
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Public etcd Discovery Service
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Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
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etcd manager
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future site of the new etcd operator, currently used for wg-etcd-operator artifacts
- Owners:
etcd playground
- Owners:
etcd playground
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failpoints for go
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Use a custom domain in your Go import path
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etcd java client
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issue tracking for project wide non-code concerns
- Owners:
protodoc generates Protocol Buffer documentation.
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Raft library for maintaining a replicated state machine
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- Owners:
Serve the Apache Zookeeper API but back it with an etcd cluster
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