SIG Scheduling is responsible for the components that make Pod placement decisions.
The charter defines the scope and governance of the Scheduling Special Interest Group.
Joining the mailing list for the group will typically add invites for the following meetings to your calendar.
- biweekly meeting (Asia & Europe): Tuesdays at 9:00 UTC (biweekly starting Tuesday Feb 11, 2025). Convert to your timezone.
- biweekly meeting (NA & Europe): Thursdays at 17:00 UTC (biweekly starting Thursday June 7, 2018). Convert to your timezone.
- descheduler biweekly meeting Europe time: Tuesdays at 14:30 CET (biweekly starting Tuesday Feb 27, 2024). Convert to your timezone.
- descheduler biweekly meeting North America time: Tuesdays at 19:30 CET (biweekly starting Tuesday March 12, 2024). Convert to your timezone.
The Chairs of the SIG run operations and processes governing the SIG.
- Wei Huang (@Huang-Wei), Apple
- Abdullah Gharaibeh (@ahg-g), Google
The Technical Leads of the SIG establish new subprojects, decommission existing subprojects, and resolve cross-subproject technical issues and decisions.
- Wei Huang (@Huang-Wei), Apple
- Abdullah Gharaibeh (@ahg-g), Google
- Aldo Culquicondor (@alculquicondor), Google
- Slack: #sig-scheduling
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs
- GitHub Teams:
- @kubernetes/sig-scheduling-api-reviews - API Changes and Reviews
- @kubernetes/sig-scheduling-bugs - Bug Triage and Troubleshooting
- @kubernetes/sig-scheduling-feature-requests - Feature Requests
- @kubernetes/sig-scheduling-misc - General Discussion
- @kubernetes/sig-scheduling-pr-reviews - PR Reviews
- @kubernetes/sig-scheduling-proposals - Design Proposals
- @kubernetes/sig-scheduling-test-failures - Test Failures and Triage
- Steering Committee Liaison: Benjamin Elder (@BenTheElder)
The following working groups are sponsored by sig-scheduling:
The following subprojects are owned by sig-scheduling:
- Owners:
- Owners:
- Leads:
- Owners:
- Owners: