The working group is dedicated to enabling automatic and efficient operation of etcd clusters in Kubernetes using an etcd-operator. The working group will discuss the requirement and use cases of such an etcd-operator. It will also try to create a roadmap to develop such an etcd-operator. Note: the etcd clusters, to be managed by the etcd-operator, are to support applications instead of Kubernetes itself. In addition to the slack channel, mailing list, and meetings, you can join our discussion through issues and PRs in the etcd-operator repo
The charter defines the scope and governance of the etcd Operator Working Group.
Joining the mailing list for the group will typically add invites for the following meetings to your calendar.
- Regular WG Meeting: Tuesdays at 11:00 PT (Pacific Time) (bi-weekly). Convert to your timezone.
- Benjamin Wang (@ahrtr), VMware
- Ciprian Hacman (@hakman), Microsoft
- Josh Berkus (@jberkus), Red Hat
- James Blair (@jmhbnz), Red Hat
- Justin Santa Barbara (@justinsb), Google
- Slack: #wg-etcd-operator
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs
- Steering Committee Liaison: Maciej Szulik (@soltysh)