Timezone | Date/Time |
<%= [ | |
'America/Los_Angeles', | |
'America/Denver', | |
'America/Chicago', | |
'America/New_York', | |
'Europe/London', | |
'Europe/Amsterdam', | |
'Asia/Shanghai', | |
'Asia/Tokyo', | |
].map((zone) => { | |
return ` | ${zone} |
}).join('\n') %> |
Or in your local time:
- https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/?iso=<%= date.toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss") %>
All meetings are listed on the project calendar at https://lists.lfenergy.org/calendar, subject to the mailing lists you are subscribed to.
fill in Zoom details
fill in recording details
fill in voting members as a checklist
Extracted from <%= agendaLabel %> labelled issues and pull requests from <%= owner %>/<%= repo %> prior to the meeting.
<%= agendaIssues.map((i) => {
return * ${i.title} [#${i.number}](${i.html_url})
}).join('\n') %>