🚫 This rule is disabled in the ✅ recommended
This rule enforces the suite descriptions to follow the desired format.
By default, the regular expression is not configured and would be required if rule is enabled.
Example of a custom rule configuration:
rules: {
"mocha/valid-suite-title": ["warn", { pattern: "^[A-Z]", message: 'custom error message' }]
is a rule error level (see Configuring Rules)^[A-Z]
is a custom regular expression pattern to match suite names against;^[A-Z]
enforces a suite name to start with an upper-case letter
The following patterns are considered warnings (with the example rule configuration posted above):
// bdd
describe('something to test', function () {});
context('something to test', function () {});
// tdd
suite('something to test', function () {});
These patterns would not be considered warnings:
// bdd
describe('Test suite', function () {});
context('Test suite', function () {});
// tdd
suite('Test suite', function () {});
There is also possible to configure a custom list of suite names and a custom error message via the second and third rule configuration option:
rules: {
"mocha/valid-suite-title": ["warn", "^[A-Z]", ["describe", "context", "suite", "mysuitename"], "custom error message"]
// OR
rules: {
"mocha/valid-suite-title": ["warn", { pattern: "^[A-Z]", suiteNames: ["describe", "context", "suite", "mysuitename"], message: "custom error message" }]