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454 lines (374 loc) · 20.5 KB

Version 27 ("Polish Landscapes")

Aug 8th, 2020


Plugin check_multipath

Free memory allocated to the pattern buffer by the function regcomp.

lib/meminfo_procps, lib/vminfo_procps

Fix the libprocps-ng:newlib detection at build time. Most distro packaged version of procps-ng correctly report the version of the library libprocps. According to the project mailing-list and my own tests, Debian and Ubuntu report UNKNOWN as library version. But, under openSUSE Tumbleweed, Archlinux, Slackware, and Fedora it is shown properly. So switch from UNKNOWN to libprocps >= 3.3.12 in configure.

Also add a documentation page for developers because the procps-ng:newlib library is still in active development and there's no stable version available.


Plugin check_network

Add a bunch of command-line options:

  • -i,--ifname: only display interfaces matching a POSIX Extended Regular Expression;
  • --ifname-debug: display the list of metric keys and exit (for debugging);
  • -k,--check-link: report an error if one or more links are down;
  • -l,--no-loopback: skip the loopback interface;
  • -W,--no-wireless : skip the wireless interfaces;
  • -%,--perc: return percentage metrics when possible.

Note that the percentage can only be calculated for links with an available physical speed. This feature has been asked by iam333. See the issue #55.

By default all the counters are reported in the perdata, but it's now possible to select a subset of them if it's preferable:

  • -b --no-bytes: omit the rx/tx bytes counter from perfdata;
  • -C,--no-collisions: omit the collisions counter from perfdata;
  • -d --no-drops: omit the rx/tx drop counters from perfdata;
  • -e --no-errors: omit the rx/tx errors counters from perfdata;
  • -m,--no-multicast: omit the multicast counter from perfdata;
  • -p,--no-packets: omit the rx/tx packets counter from perfdata.

Make it possible to set the thresholds for all the reported metrics, by using the following new plugins (they are actually just symlinks to check_network):

  • check_network_collisions
  • check_network_dropped
  • check_network_errors
  • check_network_multicast

Previously it was only possible for the network traffic in bytes.

Add two extra command-line switches -r/--rx-only and -t/--tx-only for discarding the transmission and received metrics respectively. This should allow even more custom plugin configurations and should be especially usefull for setting thresholds in the network traffic in bytes.

lib/netinfo* (check_network): switch from getifaddrs glib call to linux rtnetlink

Switch to linux rtnetlink to be able to get the required network statistics for all the available network interfaces, not only for the AF_PACKET-capable ones.

This new implementation in particular let now check_network return the statistics also for the WireGuard interfaces [#58].

lib/netinfo-private: switch to ETHTOOL_GLINKSETTINGS when possible

Change SIOCETHTOOL ioctl to use ETHTOOL_GLINKSETTINGSinstead of the obsolete ETHTOOL_GSET, when determining the network interface speed. This requires Linux kernel 4.9+. In case of failure revert to the obsolete ETHTOOL_GSET.

See the kernel commit (net: ethtool: add new ETHTOOL_xLINKSETTINGS API) if you need deeper technical informations.


Add to all files containing C code the SPDX License Identifier for the GPL 3.0+ license.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


-- git diff --stat 532861c 2de9564
.codeclimate.yml                            |   2 +-
.gitattributes                              |   1 -
AUTHORS                                     |  25 +++---                               |  68 -----------------
NEWS                                        | 661 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
NEWS-OLD                                    | 660 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     | 324 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                   |  20 ++---
check_skel.c.sample                         |   5 +-                                |  23 +-----
include/                         |   1 -
include/collection.h                        |   1 -
include/common.h                            |   4 +-
include/container_docker.h                  |   1 -
include/container_podman.h                  |   1 -
include/cpudesc.h                           |   1 -
include/cpufreq.h                           |   1 -
include/cpustats.h                          |   1 -
include/cputopology.h                       |   1 -
include/getenv.h                            |   1 -
include/interrupts.h                        |   1 -
include/jsmn.h                              |   1 -
include/json_helpers.h                      |   1 -
include/kernelver.h                         |   1 -
include/logging.h                           |   1 -
include/meminfo.h                           |   1 -
include/messages.h                          |   1 -
include/mountlist.h                         |   1 -
include/netinfo-private.h                   |  59 --------------
include/netinfo.h                           |  79 ++++---------------
include/perfdata.h                          |   1 -
include/processes.h                         |   1 -
include/procparser.h                        |   1 -
include/progname.h                          |   1 -
include/progversion.h                       |   1 -
include/string-macros.h                     |  10 ---
include/sysfsparser.h                       |   1 -
include/system.h                            |   6 +-
include/tcpinfo.h                           |   1 -
include/testutils.h                         |   1 -
include/thresholds.h                        |   1 -
include/units.h                             |   1 -
include/url_encode.h                        |   1 -
include/vminfo.h                            |   1 -
include/xalloc.h                            |   1 -
include/xasprintf.h                         |   1 -
include/xstrton.h                           |   1 -
lib/                             |   4 +-
lib/collection.c                            |   1 -
lib/container_docker_count.c                |   1 -
lib/container_docker_memory.c               |   1 -
lib/container_podman.c                      |   1 -
lib/container_podman_count.c                |   1 -
lib/container_podman_stats.c                |   1 -
lib/cpudesc.c                               |   1 -
lib/cpufreq.c                               |   1 -
lib/cpustats.c                              |   1 -
lib/cputopology.c                           |   1 -
lib/interrupts.c                            |   1 -
lib/json_helpers.c                          |   1 -
lib/kernelver.c                             |   1 -
lib/meminfo.c                               |   1 -
lib/meminfo_procps.c                        |   3 +-
lib/messages.c                              |   1 -
lib/mountlist.c                             |   1 -
lib/netinfo-private.c                       | 454 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lib/netinfo.c                               | 303 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------------------
lib/perfdata.c                              |   1 -
lib/processes.c                             |   1 -
lib/procparser.c                            |   1 -
lib/progname.c                              |   1 -
lib/sysfsparser.c                           |   1 -
lib/tcpinfo.c                               |   1 -
lib/thresholds.c                            |   1 -
lib/url_encode.c                            |   1 -
lib/vminfo.c                                |   1 -
lib/vminfo_procps.c                         |  30 ++++++--
lib/xasprintf.c                             |   1 -
lib/xmalloc.c                               |   1 -
lib/xstrton.c                               |   1 -
packages/specs/ |   2 +-
plugins/                         |  17 +----
plugins/check_clock.c                       |   1 -
plugins/check_cpu.c                         |   8 +-
plugins/check_cpufreq.c                     |   1 -
plugins/check_cswch.c                       |   1 -
plugins/check_docker.c                      |   1 -
plugins/check_fc.c                          |   1 -
plugins/check_ifmountfs.c                   |   1 -
plugins/check_intr.c                        |   1 -
plugins/check_load.c                        |   1 -
plugins/check_memory.c                      |   1 -
plugins/check_multipath.c                   |   3 -
plugins/check_nbprocs.c                     |   1 -
plugins/check_network.c                     | 423 +++++++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
plugins/check_paging.c                      |   1 -
plugins/check_podman.c                      |   1 -
plugins/check_readonlyfs.c                  |   1 -
plugins/check_swap.c                        |   1 -
plugins/check_tcpcount.c                    |   1 -
plugins/check_temperature.c                 |   1 -
plugins/check_uptime.c                      |   1 -
plugins/check_users.c                       |   1 -
tests/                           |   2 +-
tests/testutils.c                           |   1 -
tests/tsclock_thresholds.c                  |   1 -
tests/tscswch.c                             |   1 -
tests/tsintr.c                              |   1 -
tests/tslib_uname.c                         |   1 -
tests/tslibcontainer_docker_count.c         |   1 -
tests/tslibcontainer_docker_memory.c        |   1 -
tests/tslibkernelver.c                      |   1 -
tests/tslibmeminfo_conversions.c            |   1 -
tests/tslibmeminfo_interface.c              |   5 +-
tests/tslibmeminfo_procparser.c             |   1 -
tests/tslibmessages.c                       |   1 -
tests/tslibperfdata.c                       |   1 -
tests/tsliburlencode.c                      |   1 -
tests/tslibvminfo.c                         |   1 -
tests/tsload_normalize.c                    |   1 -
tests/tsload_thresholds.c                   |   1 -
tests/tspaging.c                            |   1 -
tests/tstemperature.c                       |   1 -
tests/{tstestutils.c => tststestutils.c}    |   1 -
tests/tsuptime.c                            |   1 -
125 files changed, 852 insertions(+), 2447 deletions(-)

Version 26 ("Lockdown")

May 5th, 2020


Fix build with musl by including limits.h when PATH_MAX is used.

Bug reported and patched by Louis Sautier. See also: Gentoo bug #717038

Fix build when -fno-common is added to CFLAGS.

The build with -fno-common failed with the error message:

(.bss+0x8): multiple definition of `program_name'
(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `program_name_short'

This flag will be apparently enabled by default in gcc 10. Bug reported by sbraz.

Fixed travis CI build

Fix by sbraz.


New plugin check_podman

New plugin check_podman for checking some runtime metric of podman containers.

Package creation

Add Fedora 32 and CentOS 8 to the supported distributions.


-- git diff --stat f5c0edc 6c41cc9

.travis.yml                                                       |   2 +-
AUTHORS                                                           |   2 +                                                         |  30 ++++++++---                                                      |  30 ++++++++++-
debian/copyright                                                  |   2 +-
include/                                               |   8 +--
include/collection.h                                              |   2 +-
include/{container.h => container_docker.h}                       |   8 +--
include/container_podman.h                                        | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
include/{json.h => jsmn.h}                                        |   0
include/json_helpers.h                                            |  35 ++++++++++++
include/progname.h                                                |   4 +-
include/testutils.h                                               |  10 +++-
include/xalloc.h                                                  |   2 +
include/{xstrtol.h => xstrton.h}                                  |   9 ++--
lib/                                                   |  15 ++++--
lib/collection.c                                                  |  25 ++++++---
lib/{container_count.c => container_docker_count.c}               |  34 +++---------
lib/{container_memory.c => container_docker_memory.c}             |   2 +-
lib/container_podman.c                                            | 373 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/container_podman_count.c                                      | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/container_podman_stats.c                                      | 179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/json_helpers.c                                                |  66 +++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/processes.c                                                   |   1 +
lib/xmalloc.c                                                     |  17 ++++--
lib/{xstrtol.c => xstrton.c}                                      |  20 ++++++-
packages/                                              |   8 +--
packages/                                            |  16 +++++-
packages/specs/                       |   6 +++
plugins/                                               |  13 ++++-
plugins/check_clock.c                                             |   2 +-
plugins/check_cpu.c                                               |   2 +-
plugins/check_cswch.c                                             |   2 +-
plugins/check_docker.c                                            |   4 +-
plugins/check_fc.c                                                |   3 +-
plugins/check_intr.c                                              |   2 +-
plugins/check_podman.c                                            | 261 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/                                                 |  16 +++---
tests/{ =>}             |   0
tests/                  |   1 +
tests/                     |   1 +
tests/{tslibcontainer_count.c => tslibcontainer_docker_count.c}   |   6 +--
tests/{tslibcontainer_memory.c => tslibcontainer_docker_memory.c} |   8 +--
43 files changed, 1362 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

Version 25 ("Gentoo")

May 5th, 2020


Fix issues reported by lgtm, clang, and Codacy

Fix two security issues reported by lgtm analyzer, an issue reported by the clang static analyser v8, and some issues reported by Codacy.

Library sysfsparser

Fix debug messages in sysfsparser_thermal_get_temperature().

Plugin check_memory

Add min, max, warning and critical to perfdata for mem_available and mem_used as asked by sbraz.

Minor code cleanup, and typo fixes.

Build system

Fix compilation when libcurl headers are not installed.


Udate the external jsmn library.

Move some functions to the new library perfdata.

Build system

Fix a warning message about obsolete AC_PROG_RANLIB.

Add a build option to disable libcurl: --disable-libcurl.

Package creation

Make rpm packages for Fedora 30 and Debian 10 (Buster) packages.

Drop support for the Linux distribution Fedora 24-27 and Debian 6 (Squeeze).

Test framework

New unit test for lib/perfdata.c.


-- git diff --stat 440eefa c4a58b5

AUTHORS                                               |   6 ++                                             |  16 ++--                                          |  17 +++--
debian/changelog                                      |  32 ++++++++
include/                                   |   1 +
include/json.h                                        | 490 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
include/perfdata.h                                    |  37 +++++++++
include/string-macros.h                               |   1 +
include/thresholds.h                                  |   9 ++-
lib/                                       |   2 +-
lib/container_count.c                                 |   7 +-
lib/container_memory.c                                |   8 +-
lib/cputopology.c                                     |   3 +-
lib/json.c                                            | 417 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lib/perfdata.c                                        |  85 +++++++++++++++++++++
lib/sysfsparser.c                                     |  41 +++++-----
lib/thresholds.c                                      |  26 +++++--
packages/                                  |  25 ++++---
packages/docker-shell-helpers/ |   6 +-
packages/                                |  30 +++-----
packages/specs/           |  14 +++-
plugins/check_clock.c                                 |  10 +--
plugins/check_cpu.c                                   |   3 +
plugins/check_memory.c                                |  55 ++++++++++++--
plugins/check_swap.c                                  |   3 +
plugins/check_uptime.c                                |   8 +-
plugins/check_users.c                                 |   3 +-
tests/                                     |   9 ++-
tests/tslibcontainer_count.c                          |   2 +-
tests/tslibkernelver.c                                |   7 +-
tests/tslibperfdata.c                                 | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
31 files changed, 925 insertions(+), 559 deletions(-)

Version 24

January 13th, 2019


Plugin check_cpufreq

The frequences returned by sysfs are in KHz. This issue has been reported by sbraz. Thanks!


Plugin check_uptime

Add warn, crit, and min values to perfdata. Based on a merge request opened by magmax. Thanks!

Plugin check_cpufreq

Make it possible to output the values in Hz/kHz/mHz/gHz by adding some new command-line switches:

  • -H,--Hz
  • -K,--kHz
  • -M,--mHz
  • -G,--gHz
Build system

Check for the compiler flag -Wstringop-truncation availability.

Remove the autotools-generated file libtool.

Fix unsupported warning options for clang (7.0.0):

  • -Wformat-signedness
  • -Wstringop-truncation

Support Fedora 29 packaging (rpm packages generation).


-- git diff --stat 0a3b90b 0b7e7ea

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ |    26 +
.gitignore                           |     1 +                            |     8 +-                         |     3 +-
libtool                              | 11645 --------------------------------
m4/cc_try_cflags.m4                  |     4 +-
packages/                 |     7 +-
plugins/check_cpufreq.c              |    35 +-
plugins/check_uptime.c               |     9 +-
9 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 11665 deletions(-)