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Pull Request Auto Reviewer Private

Add review comments to your pull requests based on changes
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Pull Request Auto Reviewer Private (GitHub Action)

action example

The script works only in private repos. For public ones you should use prator.

Add review comments to your pull requests based on changes in 2 steps:

  1. Create a file with rules for the action script. (more info):
- prependMsg: "🗯️ [pull-request-auto-reviewer]("
- checks:
    - paths: "**/*.js"
      message: |
        ### As you changed javascript file(s) tick the following checks:

        - [ ] unit/integration tests are added
        - [ ] no performance implications
        - [ ] relevant documentation is added/updated
    - paths: "package-lock.json"
      message: |
        ### Since you've added/updated dependencies, pay attention to this:

        - [ ] clear reasoning for adding or updating the dependency is provided
        - [ ] no security implications or concerns related to the dependency
  1. Create a workflow (more info):
name: Auto Review comment
      - main
      - master
  pull-requests: write
  contents: read
    name: Auto-review
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 2
      - name: Analyze changes
        uses: pshergie/prator-private@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          rules-path: path-to-your-rules-file

Add rules for the action script

For this step you need to create a YAML file with the rules that are going to be utilized by the action script. There you need to specify 2 params:

  • prependMsg is a message that is prepended to every message of GitHub actions bot. Leave empty if not needed.
  • checks contains a list of paths and message keys. paths is dedicated to specify path(s) of changes that would trigger posting of a followed message as a pull request comment. In case of multiple paths they should be separated by a comma. message could be a simple string or markdown. All messages will be combined into a single comment.

Add the action to your config

In this step create a workflow that uses the action script. pull-requests: write permission is needed for the GitHub actions bot to be able to post a comment in a PR. contents: read permission is needed to read the necessary info of your repo. fetch-depth is needed for a correct work of a diff fetch in the script. It's also important to provide 2 params that are being consumed by the action script:

  • token: your GitHub token
  • rules-path: a path to the file with rules that you have specified earlier (for instance .github/auto-review-rules.yml)

Pull Request Auto Reviewer Private is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Add review comments to your pull requests based on changes

Pull Request Auto Reviewer Private is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.