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Releases: nsacyber/WALKOFF
Releases · nsacyber/WALKOFF
- CSV to Array action in the Utilities app
- The action results SSE stream truncates the result using the
config option
- Bytes conversion bug in the RedisCacheAdapter
- Bug in playbook editor using users and roles as arguments
- Bug where some callbacks weren't getting registered
- Column width bug in playbook editor, execution, and metrics pages
- OpenAPI validation bug with the newest version of the swagger validator
- Arguments can now reference branches. This will resolve to the number of
times that branch has been executed. - Log messages are more comprehensive and useful.
- More error checking on the worker processes to harden them.
- Bug where databases couldn't be used with a password.
- Bug where app instances would receive an Argument rather than the necessary
integer ID. - Compatibility issue with pip 10 and the
script. - Bug in the validation of execution elements where, once an error was found, it
wouldn't be removed. - Fixed bug where exporting playbooks with Python 3 would cause an error.
- Bug where argument ids were not stripped on exporting of playbooks, causing
errors when importing them into a different instance of Walkoff.
- Bug where Workflows with unbounded Actions were unable to be executed
- Multiple tools have been added to help develop workflows
- Playbooks can be saved even if they are invalid. However, playbooks cannot
be executed if they are invalid. - The playbook editor displays the errors on a workflow which must be solved
before the workflow can be executed - You can now use Python's builtin
module in an app, and the log
messages will be displayed in the playbook editor
- Playbooks can be saved even if they are invalid. However, playbooks cannot
- The metrics page has been introduced in the UI which displays simple metrics
related to the execution of workflows and actions. - The devices used in the actions in workflows are now objects, enabling
dynamic selection of the device used for the action. To further support this,
an action in the Utilities app namedget devices by fields
allows you to
query the devices database. - The ability to use a key-value storage has been created. This is now the
mechanism used to push workflows and backs the SSE streams. Currently two
options are available for key-value store, DiskCache, a SQLite-backed
key-value storage, and Redis. By default Walkoff will use DiskCache, but it
is recommended that users configure and use Redis. - The SSEs now use dedicated SseStream objects which are backed by the cache.
These objects make constructing and using streams much easier.
objects have been made available to use in custom interfaces. - A
object which makes it much easier to log events to the case
database has been created.
- The
used to construct interfaces has been modified
to extend fromwalkoff.sse.StreamableBlueprint
which in turn extends
Flask's Blueprint. This makes the interface cleaner and more flexible. - Changes to the REST API
- In the configuration resource:
, andzmq_requests
have been
removed from the API- The ability to edit the cache configuration has been added
- In the playbook resources:
- All execution elements have a read only list of human-readable errors
- A workflow has a read only Boolean field "is_valid" which indicates if
any of its execution elements have errors
- In the configuration resource:
- All changes to the configuration will only be applied on server restart
- Refactorings have been done to minimize the amount of global state used
throughout Walkoff. Work will continue on this effort. - Metrics are now stored in the execution database
- Changes to styling on the playbook editor
has been deprecated and will be removed in
version 0.10.0. Usewalkoff.sse.SseEvent
or the streams inwalkoff.sse
- Bug where branches where all branches weren't being evaluated in a workflow
- Bug where object arguments could not be converted from strings
- Testing the backend now requires the additional the dependencies in
- The minimum accepted unit test coverage for the Python backend is now 88%
- Bug where some device fields were being deleted on update
- Bug where NO_CONTENT return codes were failing on Werkzeug WSGI 0.14
- All node modules are now bundled into webpack
- An unintentional backward-breaking change was made to the format of the
dictionary used in the interface dispatcher which sometimes resulted in
a dict with a "data" field inside a "data" field. This has been fixed.
- Improved deserialization in the user interface
- Empty arrays are omitted from returned execution element JSON structure in
PATCH /api/devices
now doesn't validate that all the fields of the device
are provided.- Fixed dependency bug on GoogleProtocolBuffer version
Introducing Conditional Expressions for complete control over conditions, Execution Control to monitor and control running workflows, performance improvements, and an improved REST API.
- An execution control page is now available on the user interface. This page
allows you to start, pause, resume, and abort workflows as well as displays
the status of all running and pending workflows.- With this feature is a new resource named
which is
available through the/api/workflowqueue
- With this feature is a new resource named
- You now have the ability to use a full set of Boolean logic on conditions.
This means that on branches and triggers you can specify a list of conditions
which must all be true (AND operator), or a list of conditions of which any
must be true (OR operator), or a list of conditions of which exactly one must
be true (XOR operator). You can also negate conditions or have child
conditions. This new conditional structure is called a ConditionalExpression
and wraps the old Condition objects. - Playbooks can be exported to and imported from a JSON text file through either the UI or using the new
GET /api/playbooks?mode=export
and thePOST /api/playbooks
using a
body respectively.
- Significant changes to the REST API
- We have changed the HTTP verbs used for the REST API to reflect their more
widely-accepted RESTful usage. Specifically, the POST and PUT verbs have
been swapped for most of the endpoints. - Workflows are now accessed through the new
rather than the/api/playbooks
endpoints - The
and the/api/workflows
endpoints now use the UUID
instead of the name. - The
and the
endpoints are now accessed
throughPOST /api/playbooks?source={id_to_copy}
and the
POST /api/workflows?source={id_to_copy}
endpoints respectively. - Server-Sent Event streams are now located in the
endpoints - Errors are now returned using the RFC 7807 Problem Details standard
- We have changed the HTTP verbs used for the REST API to reflect their more
- Playbooks, workflows, and their associated execution elements are now stored
in the database which formerly only held the devices. The both greatly
increased scalability as well as simplified the interactions between the
server and the worker processes as well as increased scalability. - Paused workflows and workflows awaiting trigger data are now pickled
(serialized to binary) and stored in a database table. Before, a conditional
wait was used to pause the execution of a workflow. By storing the state to
the database, all threads on all worker processes are free to execute
workflows. - Information about the workflow which sent events are now available in both
the Google Protocol Buffer messages as well as the arguments to callbacks
using the interface event dispatcher. - All times are stored in UTC time and represented in RFC 3339 format
- The marshmallow object serialization library is now used to serialize and
deserialize execution elements instead of our old homemade solution
- The "sender_uids" argument in the interface dispatcher
decorators is now an alias for "sender_ids". This will be removed in
version 0.9.0
- The
endpoint has been removed. - The
have been removed. Use the/api/workflowqueue
resource instead - Removed
from the playbooks. This may be added later to
provide backwards-compatible import functionality to the workflows. /api/devices/import
endpoints have been
removed. Use the newPOST /api/devices
GET /api/devices?mode=export
endpoints respectively.
- The minimum accepted unit test coverage for the Python backend is now 86%
- Fixed bug in
where data field of the SSE would not be
populated if no data was not specified, causing the SSE event to be invalid