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YouTube API (Python)

This is a repository hosting the code examples demonstrated in the YouTube API tutorial on my youtube channel.


There are two main Python scripts: and

  1. Install the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Execute the scripts

    • To run yt_auth, you will need store your secrets as client_secret.json in the same directory.
    • 2b. To run yt_public, simply create a .env file and add a line to your API key: API_KEY=<YOUR_API_KEY>
  3. Experiment! Modify to use one the ready-made functions (search_result, comment_threads etc) with a YouTube video ID / channel ID. The function names are pretty self-explanatory. Modify to modify what gets returned, startDate, endDate etc.

pyscriptVidId = 'Qo8dXyKXyME'
channelId = 'UCzIxc8Vg53_ewaRIk3shBug'

# try one of the following (uncomment) 
# response = search_result("pyscript")
response = channel_stats(channelId) 
# response = comment_threads(pyscriptVidId)


# when returning channel_stats

# returns:
{'kind': 'youtube#channelListResponse', 'etag': '5AtqmD44H4QfpPsqQ4Wnihwsngc', 'pageInfo': {'totalResults': 1, 'resultsPerPage': 5}, 'items': [{'kind': 'youtube#channel', 'etag': 'GB2ykHK9DVB-53aKbVA6YAUXNkE', 'id': 'UCzIxc8Vg53_ewaRIk3shBug', 'statistics': {'viewCount': '57498', 'subscriberCount': '961', 'hiddenSubscriberCount': False, 'videoCount': '59'}}]}

When returning comment_threads, it is recommended to return it with a maxResults parameter for videos with many comments:

{'kind': 'youtube#commentThreadListResponse', 'etag': 'Ic9b-4hLJVdF7UDLjD4AtQLB0Lw', 'nextPageToken': 'QURTSl9pM0hzMS1NSUo2c1lwNFloWWIwakpIanhtemlCdkRqYXJ6SlUtLVpVYVFwU2RyeE5RZ0dlX0cyLU0ya3JHWmlKdldRSVFXWU9HRQ==', 'pageInfo': {'totalResults': 20, 'resultsPerPage': 20}, 'items': [{'kind': 'youtube#commentThread', 'etag': 'TIrOdgUxY0GufmjsAq37cP98_wI', 'id': 'UgwyC-Lg8xTM-ZwDIMl4AaABAg', 'snippet': {'videoId': 'Qo8dXyKXyME', 'topLevelComment': {'kind': 'youtube#comment', 'etag': 'r-Y1IQx1b405LtcbYs4TnrJh3Jg', 'id': 'UgwyC-Lg8xTM-ZwDIMl4AaABAg', 'snippet': {'videoId': 'Qo8dXyKXyME', 'textDisplay': 'Ahuet guys, it was really impressive, obviously when he create repl tag and instead html-page he got realtime pyhton console!', 'textOriginal': 'Ahuet guys, it was really impressive, obviously when he create repl tag and instead html-page he got realtime pyhton console!', 'authorDisplayName': 'Белгородский Джедай', 'authorProfileImageUrl': '', 'authorChannelUrl': '', 'authorChannelId': {'value': 'UCDqaIEKwP63mCEa1DbdI8sg'}, 'canRate': True, 'viewerRating': 'none', 'likeCount': 0, 'publishedAt': '2022-05-09T19:47:23Z', 'updatedAt': '2022-05-09T19:47:23Z'}}, 'canReply': True, 'totalReplyCount': 0, 'isPublic': True}}, {'kind': 'youtube#commentThread', 'etag': 'XuqkWlpnGIcVU4IpNssELzh6cGE', 'id': 'Ugx7GGYIl6G4UYf-PSR4AaABAg', 'snippet': {'videoId': 'Qo8dXyKXyME', 'topLevelComment': {'kind': 'youtube#comment', 'etag': 'v2NOrgq8b3kEr1kSpq6vQJ2CnhE', 'id': 'Ugx7GGYIl6G4UYf-PSR4AaABAg', 'snippet': {'videoId': 'Qo8dXyKXyME', 'textDisplay': 'Thank you very much.. Please add more more more project about pyscript.... From Indonesia🇮🇩', 'textOriginal': 'Thank you very much.. Please add more more more project about pyscript.... From Indonesia🇮🇩', 'authorDisplayName': 'Renni Ekaputri', 'authorProfileImageUrl': '', 'authorChannelUrl': '', 'authorChannelId': {'value': 'UCrsuj8xA6W_pUIo5yagHgYA'}, 'canRate': True, 'viewerRating': 'none', 'likeCount': 0, 'publishedAt': '2022-05-09T18:45:03Z', 'updatedAt': '2022-05-09T18:45:03Z'}}, 'canReply': True, 'totalReplyCount': 1, 'isPublic': True}, 'replies': {'comments': [{'kind': 'youtube#comment', 'etag': 'wUSmUhfU3ox5KY0Sz0KsPnp6iB4', 'id': 'Ugx7GGYIl6G4UYf-PSR4AaABAg.9aolZGyDz3w9apYGzzghC4', 'snippet': {'videoId': 'Qo8dXyKXyME', 'textDisplay': 'Thank you Renni! Check out the other projects we build with pyscript too 😀<br><br>Part 1 (intro to PyScript): <a href=""></a><br>Part 2 (PyScript deployment): <a href=""></a><br>Part 3 (PyScript + Altair data dashboard): <a href=""></a><br>Part 4 (PyScript Guest Book app, CRUD): <a href=""></a>', 'textOriginal': 'Thank you Renni! Check out the other projects we build with pyscript too 😀\n\nPart 1 (intro to PyScript):\nPart 2 (PyScript deployment):\nPart 3 (PyScript + Altair data dashboard):\nPart 4 (PyScript Guest Book app, CRUD):', 'parentId': 'Ugx7GGYIl6G4UYf-PSR4AaABAg', 'authorDisplayName': 'Samuel Chan', 'authorProfileImageUrl': '', 'authorChannelUrl': '', 'authorChannelId': {'value': 'UCzIxc8Vg53_ewaRIk3shBug'}, 'canRate': True, 'viewerRating': 'none', 'likeCount': 0, 'publishedAt': '2022-05-10T01:59:27Z', 'updatedAt': '2022-05-10T01:59:27Z'}}]}}, {'kind': 'youtube#commentThread', 'etag': 'KmRQzOOglhz5HHoGpXcEri1TS28', 'id': 'Ugxo6DY0jEyzXfmye2R4AaABAg', 'snippet': {'videoId': 'Qo8dXyKXyME', 'topLevelComment': {'kind': 'youtube#comment', 'etag': '5cTRv8hTa0SnVvzegMjpA0zg4y8', 'id': 'Ugxo6DY0jEyzXfmye2R4AaABAg', 'snippet': {'videoId': 'Qo8dXyKXyME', 'textDisplay': 'Nice 👍<br>Does it take in .ipynb files?', 'textOriginal': 'Nice 👍\nDoes it take in .ipynb files?', 'authorDisplayName': 'phlorah', 'authorProfileImageUrl': '', 'authorChannelUrl': '', 'authorChannelId': {'value': 'UCq035cbe5f_l8b8KNN08NnA'}}}}}]}

# returns:
|    date    | estMinutesWatched | views | likes | subscribersGained |
| 2022-05-01 |        756        |  194  |   9   |        11         |
| 2022-05-02 |        886        |  248  |   4   |         8         |
| 2022-05-03 |        589        |  247  |   7   |         1         |
| 2022-05-04 |       4972        | 1346  |  50   |        22         |
| 2022-05-05 |       9866        | 2689  |  62   |        55         |
| 2022-05-06 |       10002       | 2759  |  98   |        92         |
| 2022-05-07 |       10243       | 3200  |  96   |        78         |
| 2022-05-08 |       12072       | 3600  |  108  |        100        |
| 2022-05-09 |       11594       | 3746  |  116  |        92         |
| 2022-05-10 |       8958        | 2762  |  66   |        69         |
| 2022-05-11 |       7152        | 2156  |  33   |        51         |
| 2022-05-12 |       8462        | 2269  |  63   |        61         |
| 2022-05-13 |       7275        | 2480  |  64   |        52         |
| 2022-05-14 |       5567        | 1702  |  36   |        33         |
| 2022-05-15 |       4054        | 1218  |  22   |        32         |
| 2022-05-16 |       3759        | 1138  |  15   |        29         |
| 2022-05-17 |       3555        | 1040  |  16   |        21         |
| 2022-05-18 |       3612        |  921  |  21   |        15         |
| 2022-05-19 |       3134        |  899  |  19   |        15         |
| 2022-05-20 |       2649        |  656  |  10   |        17         |
| 2022-05-21 |       2569        |  678  |  14   |        12         |
| ... <TRUNCATED> ...                                                |
| 2023-04-17 |       2646        |  723  |  12   |        13         |
| 2023-04-18 |       2098        |  660  |   8   |        15         |
| 2023-04-19 |       2244        |  653  |   7   |        10         |
| 2023-04-20 |       1897        |  589  |  13   |        17         |
| 2023-04-21 |       2277        |  699  |  10   |        20         |
| 2023-04-22 |       2694        |  734  |  11   |        20         |
| 2023-04-23 |       2642        |  694  |   8   |        19         |
| 2023-04-24 |       3174        |  839  |  20   |        24         |
| 2023-04-25 |       3472        |  916  |  20   |        20         |
| 2023-04-26 |       4346        | 1088  |  32   |        23         |
| 2023-04-27 |       3838        |  964  |  14   |        18         |
| 2023-04-28 |       3884        |  957  |  20   |        26         |

It will also save the data into a csv file in the same directory. You can modify these behaviors, including the filename, the desired columns, and date ranges etc by modifying the file.

Next Steps

  • Add argparse
  • Refactor code to make them parameterized functions
  • Simple charting / tabular printing
  • Supports other methods from YouTube API
  • Provide cleaning utility for unpacking returned results