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Félix Brezo, Ph. D. febrezo
Coding, only, free software. Topics of interest: #cyberintelligence, #OSINT, #cryptocurrencies, #blockchain, #security, #DFIR, #privacy, #STIX.

@febrezo & @Telefonica Madrid (España)

Samuel Hassine SamuelHassine
CEO and Co-Founder @FiligranHQ

Filigran Paris

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

권동만 dmkwon
I hope today is good!!! #__brain_refresh__

intellicode 경기도 수원시 영통구 광교로 105, 경기R&DB센터 504호

Prince Oforh Asiedu PrinceAsiedu
Software developer with high hopes of contributing to impactful and meaningful projects.

Phelsy Software Tesano, Accra - Ghana

Jean-Baptiste Alleaume jbanety
Engineering Manager at @FiligranHQ. Over 15 years in IT and entrepreneurship, now mentoring teams and contributing to the development of innovative products.

@FiligranHQ Saint-Omer, Fance

Florian DeLemarre delemaf
Full Stack Developer

@FiligranHQ France

Studio.DPI DPI-Studio
We design tools & methodologies for investigative journalism professionals.


smnx Sammxes


Rémi Augier raugier

Filigran Quilly, France

Laxmikant Swami swamilax
Read Here

SPPU India

Nithin Raj Jinxer26
Django Developer | DevOps Engineer | Penetration Tester
Acv Andrecv22
Andre Piazza andpiazza
Product / Marketing leader in tech. Co-founder at Octanage.

Octanage Austin, TX

Raunak Singh Jolly rksingh2001
SE at @browserstack | Ex-Oriserve, Xivtech | CSE NIT Srinagar 2023

Browserstack New Dehli

Stephanya Casanova savacano28
I'm looking for ....


josue rushanika josuerushanika
Full-Stack Developer, Cyber Security with a continuous learning mindset. JavaScript | React | Redux | API SQL| Ruby on Rails. Open to new opportunitie

Available for hire Africa

Ellyn EllynBsc
Senior Product Owner @FiligranHQ


John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Guillaume Marcel marcelguillaume
Front-End Developper

R2 - Agence Digitale Rennes, France

Ken Abruzzi Ken-Abruzzi
I'm a network security engineer and my interests focus on web vulnerability.

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Céline Sèbe CelineSebe
🖥 Fullstack software engineer

Filigran France

Helene Nguyen helene-nguyen
Yumicode_ 💻 Engineering Manager - Fullstack Software Engineer, DevOps & Database Administrator PostgreSQL
