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JanLan JanLan7
Músico profesional apasionado por la programación. En este espacio, registro mis primeros pasos en el mundo del código.
Agustin Arce aarcex3
QA Tester

Asuncion, Paraguay

Rodrigo Vallejos rodrvn
I enjoy creating applications that help improve the world, and sharing my knowledge with others programmers.


Qetsy qetsyqetsy
Musician, poet.

Encarnación, Paraguay.

Sergio Garcia forNerzul

Monchis San Ignacio, Misiones

Milena Isasi MilenaIsasi
Full Stack Developer

Encarnación - Paraguay

Marco Irala Iralak07
Siempre estoy buscando maneras de aplicar lo que aprendo en mi trabajo diario y ayudar a otros a hacer lo mismo.


Mobin Enrique Akhtar Khavari Mobinake
Trying to understand what the true reality is.

Villarrica, Paraguay

Carlos Raul Benitez Krug CarlosRBK
Full Stack Developer | JavaScript | React.js | Vue.js | Express.js | Node.js | MongoDB | PostgreSQL | Typescript

Padeco Global Encarnación, Itapúa, Paraguay

Jonathan Didier Gimenez Gonzalez jdg24g
Full Stack Developer | Python | HTML | CSS | Javascript | MySQL | Amazon EC2 | Flask | Django

Group Prill Company S.A. Tomas Romero Pereira

Enmanuel Rodriguez rodmacPy
Full Stack Developer | Javascript | MongoDB | Express | React | Node

Coronel Bogado, Itapúa, Paraguay

Julio David Benitez Rios Mbarakaj4
Creating django apps since november 2023, enjoying my time coding and drinking coffee with my colleagues @No-Country

Encarnacion, Itapua, Paraguay

Niquito nicolasvargaszz
Data analysis and Machine learning. Python Programmer. Information Engineering student at UPTP PARAGUAY 🇵🇾


Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Osvaldo Gioia osgioia

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ariel Ayala ArielAyala
Software Engineer ⭐ Angular | Netcore | Sql Server 📖 React | NodeJs | Docker

Lithium Asunción, Paraguay

Victor Ramirez vicram10
System Developer, Web Programmer, Geek, Project Leader, Tech Lead Founder of eGeek

eGeek Lambare - Paraguay

Matias Sebastian Ramirez Brizuela ramirezsebas
Passionate about building cool projects!

ITTI Digital San Lorenzo, Central, Paraguay

Christian Amado cmasdev
Franciscan | Husband | Father | Diabetic Type 1 | Software Engineer | .NET Developer | Microsoft MVP x10

Edge S.A. Asunción, Paraguay