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Ahmed Elkfrawy Kfrawy9
Android Developer

cairo, Egypt

Jose Carlos Garcia Diaz chepecarlos
Hola 👋 soy ChepeCarlos de ALSW, únete a la comunidad para compartir, aprender y crear proyectos ÉPICOS✌️

ALSW San Miguel, El Salvador

Ernesto Jacinto Rosales ErnestoJacRos
Ingeniero en Comunicación Multimedia. Soy una persona altamente sociable, autodidacta y con habilidades para el trabajo en equipo.


NoobYang noobyang
See the unknown scenery; taste different kind of life.
Vyshakh vyshas

United Kingdom

Usama Razzakul usamarazzakul
Android Developer || Kotlin & Jetpack Compose || MVVM I'm a Junior Developer in Android Development.

CS Student Rangpur City,Bangladesh

Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

João Victor Ferreira JoaoFerreiraGit
Don't forget to code today, what might be running tomorrow
Đinh Huỳnh Gia Bảo andreafletcherdinh

University of Information Technology Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Yusuf Eka Sayogana blegoh
Web & Mobile Dev


ياسين الباقر Yasynalbaqr

التعاون السودان

ArreaDev arreadev
j’essaye de coder mais c’est compliqué


Maira de Lima mairalima
Professional in IT with 9 years of experience, passionate about technology. Developed new skills in Android development.


Mohammad Reza Kazemi cleverboy01
I'm cooking something up! Have Fun :)
Arth Jaiswal anshjaiswal12
Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule. - Friedrich Nietzsche

ignition science

foxdefalt D-f4lt


Abolfazl Khodabande abol4sp
Creating Android apps with Kotlin, while constantly learning and improving.


seif mortada SeifMortada
Android Developer


Auve Hassan auvehassan
I am Auve Hassan, I am just like myself. One and identical.

REVE Systems Dhaka, Bangladesh

Balbino Pedro Baptista balbinopb
Be yourself in positive way
WolfNord wolfnord-tech
Software Engineer & Artist = Creative Developer
