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oTTeuM oTTeuMsTudio
Studying AI Engineering (Agentic Workflow Machine) and Rust (Level: Beginner)


Mekail HashSlayer
Picking things up bit by bit. Breaking things down from token to transistors.

Ninit Denver, Colorado

Rony Lee ronylee11
A Web Dev and Linux User (arch btw)


Lucas Dietrich lucasdietrich
Embedded Systems, IoT, Zephyr RTOS/Linux/Yocto/Rust


Shankar Banavasi sbanavasi
Proven experience in industry and academia

Ninaad Communications Bangalore

Omkar Vichare omkar-vichare
Hello there! 👋, I'm Omkar 🛸Digital Design Engineer, sketch artist🎗️ ✈️Reach me : [email protected]


Danish thatdanish
I turn coffee into code.

Technical University of Dresden Dresden, Germany

Simon Newton ThePlexus
Privacy @cloudflare, Community @QubesOS, tinkerer of tech, linux fan. interests; privacy, infrastructure, firmware, security, RF, telecoms

Cloudflare London

Florian Kromer fkromer
System architect, software architect/DevSecOp/developer, startup accelerator... swiss army knife.

ABUS Security Center GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg

Thierry Laurion tlaurion
Making security more accessible --- PGP fingerprint: 0ACCB2B664EE17E054B05E0B4A38DA8BEB9C8396

Insurgo Open Technologies


CEA Grenoble - France

Vandy Carlos vandycarlos

Vandy Carlos São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Yavor Kolev yavko
Idk what to put here


Zhenjie Li VectorFruit
The sky is the limit.

Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Guilhem Fauré gfauredev
Currently studying in France at Université Paul Sabatier, I’m mostly self-taught and willing to work in real projects.

Guilhem FAURE France

Mahesh Attarde mahatt


Biswajeet biswajek

Verana Networks Bangalore

Lucas Alves luhalvesbr

Prague, CZ / Sao Paulo, BR

Ahnaf Shahriar ShahriarAhnaf
UW CE 2026. Welcome to my projects where I dabble in Embedded Development and Computer Architecture.

Touching Grass

David Peng DanSnow
Co-Founder & Front-End Lead @storipress. Also interested in Systems Programming.

@storipress Taiwan

Michael sckid1108
Engineering for a long long time

Tenuvah Designs Western United States

K likw99
Let's make things happen.


Hussein Abdulreda HRida
[-] Keep improving (Never ends) 👍 ;) [x] Find a Job [x] Finish Masters in Computer Science [x] Finish Bachelor in Computer Science

@Aditec Heilbronn, Deutschland