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Wet Ocean wetocean
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Wet Ocean Alberta, Canada

BillskyXD Billsky14
Sup dude, Welcome to my profile. Nothing special here cuz im too lazy for creating a repo or new project.
adrianasamusic Aremixdj
DJ Software Developer Commercial property broker

AdrianaMusic south africa

Carl Angelo Pepino Smoll05
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science student in Cebu Institue of Technology - University
Takuya Takuya-Miyazaki
Takuya Miyazaki origin.

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Esheshwari Kumari Esheshwari
Hey there! I'm pursuing Bachelor's in CSE and am here to upskill myself, to do projects and to build my professional portfolio.
Gijs Gijs6
Unyybgwrf! I sometimes make some code and sometimes I put it here. Have a awesome day!

the Netherlands

Jamel C. Lyons jamelclyons
A designer software development engineer turning ideas into tangible assets.

SEVEN TECH Columbus, Ohio

Ayman Ahmed Altairi AymanAltairi73
Mobile App Developer | Flutter as frontend Firebase Expert as backend | UI/UX Designer.

Freelancer Yemen/Mukalla

RIzki Syaputra rizkipm
CEO at UDACODING | Mobile Developer and Trainer UDACODING

@Udacoding Tangerang Selatan