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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

百里(barry) kooksee
happy coding


Abduhamid Botirov abduhamidweb
I work with JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux/toolkit on the front end, and Node.js, REST API, Express.js, Postgres, GraphQL, and Redis on the backend.

Najot Ta'lim & CodeCrafters & Hoca Toshkend

Piyush Aggarwal ThePiyushAggarwal
Playing with Next.js, Node.js, TypeScript and a little bit of lot of things JS

@Movermates Faridabad

Cal Desmond-Pearson The-Social-Hermit
Trying (at a rather an advanced age) to learn how to code. Stroke Survivor—Wheelchair Witch—Radical Faerie. PKM devotee 🤔

Tyneside, UK

Abhishek Gahlot abhishekgahlot
Mad Computer Scientist! Another account


Rufus Pollock rufuspollock
Founder of @okfn, @datopian and @life-itself. Aspiring to commitment without attachment. Everything to do, nowhere to go.

@datopian @okfn @life-itself @flowershow