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Dipeua Berthold Dipeua
I'm just a person who likes to write code and look for vulnerabilities in applications.
Valentin MATHIEU valmathieu

Supergrid Institute Lyon

Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
@enertel enertel

Enertel AI Kingston, Toronto

D. Estes drutantian
I'm a social media content creator based on my foot modeling and I develop apps for Google and Meta ecosystems.

Drew Estes USA

Evgeny Denisov jenisov
cpu - compiler - thread - process - kernel - os - driver - network - transport - protocol - model - edge - cloud - serverless

RTSoft GmbH Moscow

Abhisit Sangjan abhisit
A Passionate in Free Open Source Software


AJEsau AlphaEcho11
Nerd father & exploring the world of AI/ML. Sorcery included.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Paull Young Paullyoung
Head of Sustainability @ GitHub

@github Los Angeles

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Sharath S Pawar sharathspawar
I'm interested in solving complex unsolved problems haunting the industry. Technology, you name it. In a couple of hours. We are ready to go. Extrovert + Code

@Probots-Techno-Solutions Bengaluru

Irina Mocan IrinaMaria
Independent thinker, challenging the status quo. Keen interest in data analysis and process automation using Python.


Curtis Halpin mitosis7
Athlete, biotechnologist, and creature. Seeking to expand my research acuity equipped with GitHub tools.

SFSU, Cabrillo College Santa Cruz, CA

Clement Lumumba Clemo97
Software Engineer

E-learning Solution Limited Nairobi, Kenya

Salim Oyinlola salimcodes
Engineer (ML/AI/IoT) & Technical Writer

Lagos, Nigeria

James Glynn jamesglynn
Co-creates open energy systems optimisation models for strategic planning, climate risk mitigation & security scenario analysis to inform data driven dialogue. Ireland

Rafael Teogenes RafTeog
Data visualization expert. Studying and working hard to become a data engineer and, hoping/working for a better world while I'm on it. A linux noob.

Tata Consultancy Services Rio de Janeiro

Arisu Tachibana aliceinwire
Gentoo Kernel Project Leader Gentoo Kernel Security and kci-dev maintainer

@miraclelinux Tokyo,Japan

Ankur Arohi AnkurArohi
Energy,Algortihms,AI,Optimization,Problem Solver enthusiast, Network Security Algorithms and Installations

RWTH Aachen Bremen,Germany

Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

Ram rprakashg-rh
Principal Specialist Solutions Architect - Industrial Edge

Red Hat Seattle, WA

Haruna Umar EngUH01
A Professional Electrical Engineer and Smart Grid Professional with excellent analytical and problem solving skills, proffer sustainable solutions to problems

TCN Nigeria

Arindam Das arindas
Specializes in distributed systems, deep learning inference and AI SaaS at scale.

@claritas-healthtech India

Daejung Kim daejungkim
Software Engineer

LG Electronics Inc.

James A Omina Nyalwendo
I am a Software Engineer,/ Android-Kotlin Mentor. / Java / Google Cloud Platform / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence / Python /C#/ HTML, CSS, JavaScrip


Gokul gokulyc Python and React Enthusiast


Genesis Self GenesisSelf

Chicago, IL

Egor Lyukhanov ealux
Electric power systems, engineering, automatization.


JioCreators JioCreators
We♥️ Creators. @JioCreators


Ganesh Raju ganeshraju
Ganesh Raju: Big Data, Data Science, ML expert, focusing on ARM64. Contributor to projects like Tensorflow, Hadoop, Apache Bigtop, HBase, MxNet, Arrow, Anaconda