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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Bertrand C bcheronn
IT craftsman and data molder, trainer and coach flying/skiing/sailing/riding/driving/cycling across three borders (FR, CH and DE)

Regio TriRhena

Louis 1somniak

@epita Paris

Valentin_Kh ValentinKhmer
🇰🇭 Franco-Cambodian

EPITA Paris France

Antrubtor Antrubtor
Just a cat :) Student at @epita | Member of @prologin


Ethan Rouimi Ethanol48
Programmer with big ambitions

Paris, France

François-Xavier Courel FXCourel

@lite-corp @Hoche-MP2I-MPI Versailles

Matteo {fr0mars} Ahouanto fr0mars
Low-Level Development & Cryptanalysis enjoyer

@FuzzingLabs Paris, France

Ethan Perruzza EthanPERRUZZA
French Engineering IT Student at @epita (currently in ING2)


Antonin Loubiere AntoninLoubiere
French young developer and Mozilla Firefox contributor.
Valmar CalValmar
Cybersecurity student 🎓


chaouki cha0uki
Je suis un étudiant à Rabat. J'ai un grand intérêt pour l'informatique, la programmation et les technologies émergentes.

Rabat, Maroc

Flavien HENROTTE--ROBERT Flavienhr
Hello, I'm Flavien, an @epita student and I practice IT for 6 years ;-)

Strasbourg, France

Jeanne Malécot MalecotJeanne
Master 2 Student at Télécom Paris | Artificial Intelligence - Deep Learning, Symbolics AI, Medical Imaging, Natural Language Processing

Télécom Paris Paris



Francois Cottet fcottet

@microsoft Singapore

Anthony "LeWarpy" BILLON LeWarpy
weird dude who type like an dumb kid

@Almyria, formerly @DreamseeTelevision Bourges, France

Maayane AHAROUNI maayaneaha
Maayane AHAROUNI, 18 years old. Second student year at EPITA.

@prologin @Atelier-Epita @aharouniscompany

Greg Gregoire-perso
Second student year at Epita.


Antoine Groudiev Red-Rapious
Computer science student at ENS Ulm

Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, France

Clément Swarwerth
📺 Volunteer at @prologin |🎓 Student at @epita

Prologin Paris

Th. Ma. thierrymarianne

Greater Paris Metropolitan Area

@epita Engineering IT Student


Hugo ArtilleryJuggernot
High and low level magician fullstack dev

CPE Lyon

French Security Engineering @advens Former Student at @epita