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:$:!:$-Code &Trade =Repeat (Consistency)

Nairobi Kenya

Pranesh Mukhopadhyay Mukhopadhyay
Data scientist by day, open source developer by night


Azin Sharaf azinsharaf
Geospatial Analyst

Wood Rodgers, Inc. Oakland, CA

Avanteesh Motheram Avanteesh
A programmer during the day, an astronomer at Night.
Luca Sacramento De Oliveira lucasao98
Computer Science student at UESC. Passionate about software development and research.


Daian Douglas daiandouglas
Após trabalhar muito em outras áreas, estou retornando para a área dos meus sonhos e reaprendendo a programar.

EDP - Escritório de Desenvolvimento de Projetos Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil

Samuel de Paula Samuel-de-Paula

SENAI Valinhos/Vinhedo, São Paulo, Brasil

Brothers_code sulemanfaaiz
A beginner in learning python
Marcos Defina marcosdefina
Another fiscomper in the wall

São Carlos - SP

Gabriel Melo melogabriel
Data Analyst with experience in digital analytics, research, marketing and project management.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Rogério Domingos rogeriods
I'm Rogério Domingos, System Analyst from Brazil.
Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

White Dxke whitedxke
Flutter Software Engineer

BESMART Minsk, Belarus

PhD Student in Signal Processing Lab 4

EPFL Lausanne

Fatemeh Tarashi Kashani FatemehTarashi
Geometric Data Analyst.

A non-Euclidean world

Ankita Jaradi Aalikazone
Experienced in the USA & APAC Talent Acquisition| Recruitment Analyst| Focused on IT, SaaS, Cloud, Gen AI and Data Management and Niche Hiring

Epergne Solutions Pte Ltd Singapore

Arianf86 Aran-coder
python development
Ashutosh aashutosh004
Exploring new Technologies and learning new things . Currently Focused on learning Machine Learning and AI
Out on a thorny path of learning more technologies. Interested in hardware, software, and more!

Chicago, IL

ArreaDev arreadev
j’essaye de coder mais c’est compliqué


@developer-eco developer-eco

Web Development Bangladesh

Eliza Sousa SousaEliza
Programadora Full Stack Nutricionista, escritora e amante de boa música

@tryber São Paulo/SP