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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Maarten Vanhaverbeke mvhbk
PhD Student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Previously Epidemiologist at WHO Europe

@cmmid @WorldHealthOrganization London, United Kingdom

Manuel Ruiz ManuelRuizAravena
One Health ecologist.

Mississippi State University Starkville, MS

Fer Arce farcego
Wildlife ecologist performing Lévy flights on his career. Postdoctoral research fellow at MSU working on Host-pathogen ecology. Lemming lover

Mississippi state University Starkville

Paulo M R Coelho pmcoelho
We come from the land of the ice and snow From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow The hammer of the gods Will drive our ships to new lands
chrissi m. MintyHybrid
wetlab X bioinformatics hybrid with a fable for plants

Bavaria, Germany

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Hugz hugzsoubrier
Mediterraneanist & Epidemiologist, graduate from Imperial College and LSHTM. Currently at @epicentre-msf.

Epicentre, MSF - Charité Paris/Berlin

Federica Gazzelloni (she/her) Fgazzelloni
Independent External Expert (IEE) - Certified Carpentries Instructor - IHME Collaborator | #Statistics | #Actuarial | #rstats | @rladies Rome Events Organaizer

@rladies World

Ashutosh Kumar ashucreative
I am Health Economist (PE Fellow) at the CDC. I have a Ph.D. in Economics. I use econometrics and statistic for research in health economics


James Azam jamesmbaazam
Research Software Engineer, working on the Epiverse Initiative at LSHTM. Mostly work with/in R.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom

Lucca Nielsen Luccan97
Public health background, experience working with Brazilian government agencies and NGOs. Passion for Open Data solutions, Epidemiological Surveillance, and GIS

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo

Andree Valle Campos avallecam
peruano using health data science.

@epiverse-trace London, UK

Raphael Saldanha rfsaldanha
Geographer, Master's in Public Health, PhD in Health Information and Communication. Postdoc at @INRIA.

Inria Montpellier, FR

Rafa Lopes rafalopespx
Interested in the dynamics and its signatures on the time series variability on epidemics Working on DENV, CHIKV, ZIKV, and climate change

Yale University, Yale School Of Public Health USA

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Harry Reyes Nieva harryreyesnieva

Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY, USA

Dhihram Tenrisau Dhihram
Epi and infectious disease related

LSHTM Indonesia

Julia Epi Julia-Epi
Computational epidemiology in @JuliaLang.


Pengfei Song Song921012
Associate Professor, XI'an Jiaotong University. Interested in Partial Differential Equations, Deep Learning, AI for Science

Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, 710049

Nikolaos Papachristou nikolaospapachristou
Quality, Data Scientist, Senior Manager
Sherry Zhang huizezhang-sherry
Postdoc @ UT Austin | Statistics and Data Science

University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas, USA