Features • Usage • Interactsh Client • Interactsh Server • Interactsh Integration • Join Discord
Interactsh is an open-source tool for detecting out-of-band interactions. It is a tool designed to detect vulnerabilities that cause external interactions.
- DNS/HTTP(S)/SMTP(S)/LDAP Interaction
- CLI / Web / Burp / ZAP / Docker client
- AES encryption with zero logging
- Automatic ACME based Wildcard TLS w/ Auto Renewal
- DNS Entries for Cloud Metadata service
- Dynamic HTTP Response control
- Self-Hosted Interactsh Server
- Multiple domain support (self-hosted)
- NTLM/SMB/FTP(S)/RESPONDER Listener (self-hosted)
- Wildcard / Protected Interactions (self-hosted)
- Customizable Index / File hosting (self-hosted)
- Customizable Payload Length (self-hosted)
- Custom SSL Certificate (self-hosted)
interactsh-client -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
./interactsh-client [flags]
-s, -server string interactsh server(s) to use (default "oast.pro,oast.live,oast.site,oast.online,oast.fun,oast.me")
-config string flag configuration file (default "$HOME/.config/interactsh-client/config.yaml")
-n, -number int number of interactsh payload to generate (default 1)
-t, -token string authentication token to connect protected interactsh server
-pi, -poll-interval int poll interval in seconds to pull interaction data (default 5)
-nf, -no-http-fallback disable http fallback registration
-cidl, -correlation-id-length int length of the correlation id preamble (default 20)
-cidn, -correlation-id-nonce-length int length of the correlation id nonce (default 13)
-sf, -session-file string store/read from session file
-m, -match string[] match interaction based on the specified pattern
-f, -filter string[] filter interaction based on the specified pattern
-dns-only display only dns interaction in CLI output
-http-only display only http interaction in CLI output
-smtp-only display only smtp interactions in CLI output
-up, -update update interactsh-client to latest version
-duc, -disable-update-check disable automatic interactsh-client update check
-o string output file to write interaction data
-json write output in JSONL(ines) format
-ps, -payload-store enable storing generated interactsh payload to file
-psf, -payload-store-file string store generated interactsh payloads to given file (default "interactsh_payload.txt")
-v display verbose interaction
-version show version of the project
-health-check, -hc run diagnostic check up
Interactsh Cli client requires go1.20+ to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo -
go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/interactsh/cmd/interactsh-client@latest
Get your free api key by signing up at https://cloud.projectdiscovery.io
You can configure your PDCP_API_KEY in two ways:
- To configure the API key interactively, run the following command:
./interactsh-client -auth
- If you prefer to pass the API key directly, use the -auth option followed by your API key:
./interactsh-client -auth=<pdcp-api-key>
This will generate a unique payload that can be used for OOB testing with minimal interaction information in the output.
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v0.0.5
[INF] Listing 1 payload for OOB Testing
[INF] c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn.oast.pro
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (A) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (AAAA) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received HTTP interaction from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (MX) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (TXT) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received SMTP interaction from at 2021-26-26 12:26
with -sf, -session-file
flag can be used store/read the current session information from user defined file which is useful to resume the same session to poll the interactions even after the client gets stopped or closed.
interactsh-client -sf interact.session
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ 1.0.3
[INF] Listing 1 payload for OOB Testing
[INF] c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn.oast.pro
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (A) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (AAAA) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received HTTP interaction from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (MX) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received DNS interaction (TXT) from at 2021-26-26 12:26
[c23b2la0kl1krjcrdj10cndmnioyyyyyn] Received SMTP interaction from at 2021-26-26 12:26
Running the interactsh-client
in verbose mode (v) to see the whole request and response, along with an output file to analyze afterwards.
interactsh-client -v -o interactsh-logs.txt
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ 1.0.3
[INF] Listing 1 payload for OOB Testing
[INF] c58bduhe008dovpvhvugcfemp9yyyyyyn.oast.pro
[c58bduhe008dovpvhvugcfemp9yyyyyyn] Received HTTP interaction from at 2021-09-26 18:08:07
HTTP Request
GET /favicon.ico HTTP/2.0
Host: c58bduhe008dovpvhvugcfemp9yyyyyyn.oast.pro
Referer: https://c58bduhe008dovpvhvugcfemp9yyyyyyn.oast.pro
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36
HTTP Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Server: oast.pro
Using the server
flag, interactsh-client
can be configured to connect with a self-hosted Interactsh server, this flag accepts single or multiple server separated by comma.
interactsh-client -server hackwithautomation.com
We maintain a list of default Interactsh servers to use with interactsh-client
- oast.pro
- oast.live
- oast.site
- oast.online
- oast.fun
- oast.me
Default servers are subject to change/rotate/down at any time, thus we recommend using a self-hosted interactsh server if you are experiencing issues with the default server.
Using the token
flag, interactsh-client
can connect to a self-hosted Interactsh server that is protected with authentication.
interactsh-client -server hackwithautomation.com -token XXX
If you are away from your terminal, you may use notify to send a real-time interaction notification to any supported platform.
interactsh-client | notify
Interactsh-web is a free and open-source web client that displays Interactsh interactions in a well-managed dashboard in your browser. It uses the browser's local storage to store and display all incoming interactions. By default, the web client is configured to use interact.sh as default interactsh server, and supports other self-hosted public/authencaited interactsh servers as well.
A hosted instance of interactsh-web client is available at https://app.interactsh.com
A Docker image is also provided with interactsh client that is ready to run and can be used in the following way:
docker run projectdiscovery/interactsh-client:latest
docker run projectdiscovery/interactsh-client:latest
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v1.0.0
[INF] Listing 1 payload for OOB Testing
[INF] c59e3crp82ke7bcnedq0cfjqdpeyyyyyn.oast.pro
interactsh-collaborator is Burp Suite extension developed and maintained by @wdahlenb
- Download latest JAR file from releases page.
- Open Burp Suite → Extender → Add → Java → Select JAR file → Next
- New tab named Interactsh will be appeared upon successful installation.
- See the interactsh-collaborator project for more info.
Interactsh can be used with OWASP ZAP via the OAST add-on for ZAP. With ZAP's scripting capabilities, you can create powerful out-of-band scan rules that leverage Interactsh's features. A standalone script template has been provided as an example (it is added automatically when you install the add-on).
- Install the OAST add-on from the ZAP Marketplace.
- Go to Tools → Options → OAST and select Interactsh.
- Configure the options for the client and click on "New Payload" to generate a new payload.
- OOB interactions will appear in the OAST Tab and you can click on any of them to view the full request and response.
- You can set Interactsh as the default for ActiveScan in the
menu. - When checking the
Use Permanent Database
option, you can review interactions that occurred after ZAP was terminated. - See the OAST add-on documentation for more info.
quickssrf is Caido extension developed and maintained which allows using Interactsh from within Caido Proxy.
- Download latest zip file from releases page.
- Open Caido → Plugins → Install Package → Select zip file → Next
- New sidebar named QuickSSRF will appear upon successful installation.
- See the quickssrf project for more info.
Interactsh server runs multiple services and captures all the incoming requests. To host an instance of interactsh-server, you are required to setup:
- Domain name with custom host names and nameservers.
- Basic droplet running 24/7 in the background.
interactsh-server -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
./interactsh-server [flags]
-d, -domain string[] single/multiple configured domain to use for server
-ip string public ip address to use for interactsh server
-lip, -listen-ip string public ip address to listen on (default "")
-e, -eviction int number of days to persist interaction data in memory (default 30)
-ne, -no-eviction disable periodic data eviction from memory
-a, -auth enable authentication to server using random generated token
-t, -token string enable authentication to server using given token
-acao-url string origin url to send in acao header to use web-client) (default "*")
-sa, -skip-acme skip acme registration (certificate checks/handshake + TLS protocols will be disabled)
-se, -scan-everywhere scan canary token everywhere
-cidl, -correlation-id-length int length of the correlation id preamble (default 20)
-cidn, -correlation-id-nonce-length int length of the correlation id nonce (default 13)
-cert string custom certificate path
-privkey string custom private key path
-oih, -origin-ip-header string HTTP header containing origin ip (interactsh behind a reverse proxy)
-r, -resolvers string[] list of resolvers to use (file or comma separated)
-config string flag configuration file (default "$HOME/.config/interactsh-server/config.yaml")
-dr, -dynamic-resp enable setting up arbitrary response data
-cr, -custom-records string custom dns records YAML file for DNS server
-hi, -http-index string custom index file for http server
-hd, -http-directory string directory with files to serve with http server
-ds, -disk disk based storage
-dsp, -disk-path string disk storage path
-csh, -server-header string custom value of Server header in response
-dv, -disable-version disable publishing interactsh version in response header
-up, -update update interactsh-server to latest version
-duc, -disable-update-check disable automatic interactsh-server update check
-dns-port int port to use for dns service (default 53)
-http-port int port to use for http service (default 80)
-https-port int port to use for https service (default 443)
-smtp-port int port to use for smtp service (default 25)
-smtps-port int port to use for smtps service (default 587)
-smtp-autotls-port int port to use for smtps autotls service (default 465)
-ldap-port int port to use for ldap service (default 389)
-ldap enable ldap server with full logging (authenticated)
-wc, -wildcard enable wildcard interaction for interactsh domain (authenticated)
-smb start smb agent - impacket and python 3 must be installed (authenticated)
-responder start responder agent - docker must be installed (authenticated)
-ftp start ftp agent (authenticated)
-smb-port int port to use for smb service (default 445)
-ftp-port int port to use for ftp service (default 21)
-ftps-port int port to use for ftps service (default 990)
-ftp-dir string ftp directory - temporary if not specified
-version show version of the project
-debug start interactsh server in debug mode
-ep, -enable-pprof enable pprof debugging server
-health-check, -hc run diagnostic check up
-metrics enable metrics endpoint
-v, -verbose display verbose interaction
We are using GoDaddy for domain name and DigitalOcean droplet for the server, a basic $5 droplet should be sufficient to run self-hosted Interactsh server. If you are not using GoDaddy, follow your registrar's process for creating / updating DNS entries.
Install go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/interactsh/cmd/interactsh-server@latest Considering domain name setup is completed, run the below command to run interactsh-server -domain INTERACTSH_DOMAIN Following is an example of a successful installation and operation of a self-hosted server: A number of needed flags are configured automatically to run |
interactsh-server -domain interact.sh
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v1.0.0
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[HTTPS] Listening on TCP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[SMTPS] Listening on TCP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on UDP
Multiple domain names can be given in the same way as above to run the same interactsh server across multiple configured domains.
interactsh-server -d oast.pro,oast.me
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ 1.0.5
[INF] Loading existing SSL Certificate for: [*.oast.pro, oast.pro]
[INF] Loading existing SSL Certificate for: [*.oast.me, oast.me]
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[HTTPS] Listening on TCP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[SMTPS] Listening on TCP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on UDP
Note: While running interactsh server on Cloud VM's like Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), it is required to update the security rules to allow "all traffic" for inbound connections. |
There are more useful capabilities supported by interactsh-server
that are not enabled by default and are intended to be used only by self-hosted servers.
might require custom ports for services if the default ones are already busy. If this is the case but still default ports are required as part of the payload, it's possible to configure interactsh-server
behind a reverse proxy, by port-forwarding HTTP/TCP/UDP based services via http/stream
proxy directive (proxy_pass
Assuming that interactsh-server
essential services run on the following ports:
- HTTP: 8080/TCP
- HTTPS: 8440/TCP
- SMTP: 8025/TCP
- DNS: 8053/UDP
- DNS: 8053/TCP
The nginx configuration file to forward the traffic would look like the following one:
# http/https
http {
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name mysite.com;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/interactsh.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/interactsh.key;
location / {
proxy_pass https://interachsh.mysite.com:80/;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
stream {
# smtp
server {
listen 25;
proxy_pass interachsh.mysite.com:8025;
# dns
server {
listen 53;
proxy_pass interachsh.mysite.com:8053;
server {
listen 53 udp;
proxy_pass interachsh.mysite.com:8053;
Configured Domains
interactsh-server -d oast.pro,oast.me
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ 1.0.5
[INF] Loading existing SSL Certificate for: [*.oast.pro, oast.pro]
[INF] Loading existing SSL Certificate for: [*.oast.me, oast.me]
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[HTTPS] Listening on TCP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[SMTPS] Listening on TCP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on UDP
Index page for http server can be customized while running custom interactsh server using -http-index
interactsh-server -d hackwithautomation.com -http-index banner.html
placeholder is also supported in index file to replace with server domain name.
Interactsh http server optionally enables file hosting to help in security testing. This capability can be used with a self-hosted server to serve files for common payloads for XSS, XXE, RCE and other attacks.
To use this feature, -http-directory
flag can be used which accepts diretory as input and files are served under /s/
interactsh-server -d hackwithautomation.com -http-directory ./paylods
Interactsh http server optionally enables responding with dynamic HTTP response by using query parameters. This feature can be enabled by using -dr
or -dynamic-resp
The following query parameter names are supported - body
, header
, status
and delay
. Multiple header
parameters can be specified to set multiple headers.
- body (response body)
- header (response header)
- status (response status code)
- delay (response time)
curl -i 'https://hackwithautomation.com/x?status=307&body=this+is+example+body&delay=1&header=header1:value1&header=header1:value12'
HTTP/2 307
header1: value1
header1: value12
server: hackwithautomation.com
x-interactsh-version: 1.0.7
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
content-length: 20
date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 12:31:05 GMT
this is example body
- Dynamic HTTP Response feature is disabled as default.
- By design, this feature lets anyone run client-side code / redirects using your interactsh domain / server
- Using this option with an isolated domain is recommended to avoid security impact on associated root/subdomains.
To enable wildcard
interaction for configured Interactsh domain wildcard
flag can be used with implicit authentication protection via the auth
flag if the token
flag is omitted.
interactsh-server -domain hackwithautomation.com -wildcard
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v1.0.0
[INF] Client Token: 699c55544ce1604c63edb769e51190acaad1f239589a35671ccabd664385cfc7
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[HTTPS] Listening on TCP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[SMTPS] Listening on TCP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on UDP
As default, Interactsh server support LDAP interaction for the payload included in search query, additionally ldap
flag can be used for complete logging.
interactsh-server -domain hackwithautomation.com -sa -ldap
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v1.0.0
[INF] Client Token: deb58fc151e6f0e53d448be3eb14cd7a11590d8950d142b9cd1abac3c2e3e7bc
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[DNS] Listening on UDP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on TCP
The length of the interactsh payload is 33 by default, consisting of 20 (unique correlation-id) + 13 (nonce token), which can be customized using the cidl
and cidn
flags to make shorter when required with self-hosted interacsh server.
interactsh-server -d hackwithautomation.com -cidl 4 -cidn 6
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v1.0.2
[INF] Loading existing SSL Certificate for: [*.hackwithautomation.com, hackwithautomation.com]
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[HTTPS] Listening on TCP
[SMTPS] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on UDP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on TCP
Note: It is important and required to use same length on both side (client and server), otherwise co-relation will not work.
interactsh-client -s hackwithautomation.com -cidl 4 -cidn 6
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v1.0.2
[INF] Listing 1 payload for OOB Testing
[INF] c8rf4e8xm4.hackwithautomation.com
The certmagic library is used by default by interactsh server to produce wildcard certificates for requested domain in an automatic way. To use your own SSL certificate with self-hosted interactsh server, cert
and privkey
flag can be used to provider required certificate files.
Note: To utilize all of the functionality of the SSL protocol, a wildcard certificate is mandatory.
interactsh-server -d hackwithautomation.com -cert hackwithautomation.com.crt -privkey hackwithautomation.com.key
_ __ __ __
(_)___ / /____ _________ ______/ /______/ /_
/ / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ '/ ___/ __/ ___/ __ \
/ / / / / /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /__/ /_(__ ) / / /
/_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/\___/\__/____/_/ /_/ v1.0.2
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[HTTPS] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on TCP
[SMTPS] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on UDP
FTP support can be enabled with the -ftp
flag and is recommended for self-hosted instances only. The FTP agent simulates a fully-functional FTP server agent with authentication that captures authentications with every file operation. By default, the agent listens for clear text FTP on port 21 (this can be changed with the -ftp-port
flag) and tls FTP on port 990 (this can be changed with the -ftps-port
flag) and lists in read-only mode the content of the OS default temporary directory (customizable with the -ftp-dir
option). The ftp engine uses the custom certificate and private key if provided or it will extract the certificate and private key from the first acme domain if provided.
Example of starting the FTP daemon and capturing a login interaction:
$ sudo go run . -ftp -skip-acme -debug -domain localhost
[INF] Outbound IP:
[INF] Client Token: 6dc07e4a76c3d5e58e4bea13ce073dc403499b128c62397aff7b934a6e4822e3
[INF] Listening with the following services:
[DNS] Listening on TCP
[SMTP] Listening on TCP
[HTTP] Listening on TCP
[FTP] Listening on TCP
[DNS] Listening on UDP
[LDAP] Listening on TCP
[DBG] FTP Interaction:
{"protocol":"ftp","unique-id":"","full-id":"","raw-request":"USER test\ntest logging in","remote-address":"","timestamp":"2022-09-29T00:49:42.212323+02:00"}
The -smb
flag enables the Samba protocol (only for self-hosted instances). The samba protocol uses impacket smbserver
class to simulate a samba daemon share listening on port 445
unless changed by the -smb-port
flag. When enabled, interactsh executes under the hoods the script smb_server.py
. Hence Python3 and impacket dependencies are required.
Example of enabling the samba server:
$ sudo interactsh-server -smb -skip-acme -debug -domain localhost
Responder is wrapped in a docker container exposing various service ports via docker port forwarding. The interactions are retrieved by monitoring the shared log file Responder-Session.log
in the temp folder. To use it on a self-hosted instance, it's necessary first to build the docker container and tag it as interactsh
(docker daemon must be configured correctly and with port forwarding capabilities):
docker build . -t interactsh
Then run the service with:
$ sudo interactsh-server -responder -d localhost
On default settings, the daemon listens on the following ports:
- UDP: 137, 138, 1434
- TCP: 21 (might collide with FTP daemon if used), 110, 135, 139, 389, 445, 1433, 3141, 3128
The examples uses interactsh client library to get external interactions for a generated URL by making a http request to the URL.
Nuclei vulnerability scanner utilize Interactsh for automated payload generation and detection of out of band based security vulnerabilities.
See Nuclei + Interactsh Integration blog and guide document for more information.
Interactsh server supports DNS records for cloud metadata services, which is useful for testing SSRF-related vulnerabilities.
Currently supported metadata services:
- aws.interact.sh points to
- alibaba.interact.sh points to
Interactsh is inspired from Burp Collaborator.
Interactsh is distributed under MIT License and made with 🖤 by the projectdiscovery team.