Also see the root readme for a shortlist of differences of db-vendo-client to hafas-client and of differences between the profiles.
journeys(from, to, [opt])
– get journeys between locationsrefreshJourney(refreshToken, [opt])
– fetch up-to-date/more details of ajourney
journeysFromTrip(tripId, previousStopover, to, [opt])
– not supportedtrip(id, lineName, [opt])
– get details for a triptripsByName(lineNameOrFahrtNr, [opt])
– not supporteddepartures(station, [opt])
– query the next departures at a stationarrivals(station, [opt])
– query the next arrivals at a stationlocations(query, [opt])
– find stations, POIs and addressesstop(id, [opt])
– get details about a stop/stationnearby(location, [opt])
– show stations & POIs aroundradar(north, west, south, east, [opt])
– not supportedreachableFrom(address, [opt])
– not supportedremarks([opt])
– not supportedlines(query, [opt])
– not supportedserverInfo([opt])
– not supported