File tree
1,374 files changed
lines changed- .idea
- ai-data
- generative-apis
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- managed-inference
- how-to
- reference-content
- bare-metal
- apple-silicon
- how-to
- troubleshooting
- dedibox
- how-to
- elastic-metal
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- bin
- changelog
- april2023
- april2024
- august2023
- august2024
- databases
- february2022
- november2022
- october2022
- september2022
- december2023
- december2024
- elastic-metal
- may2022
- october2022
- february2023
- february2024
- iam/december2022
- instances
- march2022
- november2022
- september2022
- january2023
- january2024
- january2025
- july2023
- july2024
- june2023
- june2024
- kubernetes
- november2022
- october2022
- managed-services/november2022
- march2024
- may2023
- may2024
- network
- january2023
- march2022
- november2022
- november2023
- november2024
- observability/october2022
- october2023
- october2024
- september2023
- september2024
- serverless
- january2023
- july2022
- september2022
- storage/december2022
- components
- compute
- gpu
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- instances
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- console
- account
- how-to
- troubleshooting
- billing
- additional-content
- api-cli
- how-to
- containers
- container-registry
- how-to
- kubernetes
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- dedibox
- dedicated-servers
- how-to
- hardware
- how-to
- troubleshooting
- kvm-over-ip
- how-to
- vps
- how-to
- dedibox-console
- account
- how-to
- classic-hosting
- how-to
- cpanel-hosting
- dedibox-network
- dns
- how-to
- domains
- how-to
- ip-failover
- how-to
- ipv6
- how-to
- network
- how-to
- reference-content
- rpn
- how-to
- reference-content
- developer-tools
- scaleway-cli
- reference-content
- scaleway-sdk
- terraform
- environmental-footprint/environmental-footprint
- additional-content
- how-to
- faq
- identity-and-access-management
- audit-trail
- how-to
- troubleshooting
- iam
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- organizations-and-projects
- additional-content
- api-cli
- how-to
- secret-manager
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- macros
- bare-metal
- cockpit
- compute
- console
- developer-tools
- edge-services
- network
- serverless
- storage
- vpc
- webhosting
- managed-databases
- mongodb
- api-cli
- how-to
- postgresql-and-mysql
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- redis
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- managed-services
- data-lab
- how-to
- iot-hub
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- transactional-email
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- webhosting
- how-to
- reference-content
- network
- domains-and-dns
- how-to
- reference-content
- edge-services
- how-to
- reference-content
- interlink
- reference-content
- ipam
- how-to
- reference-content
- load-balancer
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- public-gateways
- how-to
- troubleshooting
- vpc
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- observability/cockpit
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- partners/partner-space
- how-to
- serverless
- containers
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- functions
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- jobs
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- messaging
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- sql-databases
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- storage
- block
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- object
- api-cli
- how-to
- reference-content
- troubleshooting
- tutorials
- abort-multipart-upload-minio
- access-mac-mini-with-reemo
- actility-lorawan-operator
- add-disk-configure-datastore-esxi
- ansible-bionic-beaver
- ansible-galaxy
- ark-server
- arqbackup-pc-mac
- automate-tasks-using-cron
- back-up-postgresql-barman
- backup-dedicated-server-s3-duplicity
- backup-postgresql-pgbackrest-s3
- backup-synology-nas-s3-hyper-backup
- bash-christmas-tree
- bind-dns-server
- building-ai-application-function-calling
- ceph-cluster
- cilicon-self-hosted-ci-on-apple-silicon
- collecting-visualizing-logs-elastic-stack
- configure-apache-kafka
- configure-apache-lets-encrypt
- configure-chef-ubuntu-xenial
- configure-dvc-with-object-storage
- configure-failover-proxmox
- configure-graphite
- configure-ipv6-virtual-machine-esxi
- configure-nagios-monitoring
- configure-netbox-managed-postgresql-database
- configure-nextcloud-ubuntu
- configure-nginx-lets-encrypt
- configure-nodemcu-iot-hub
- configure-plex-s3
- configure-realtime-alerting-slack
- configure-smtp-relay-tem
- configure-tem-smtp-with-wordpress-plugin
- configure-virtual-machine-esxi
- configure-vm-hyperv
- configuring-gitlab-scaleway-elements-database
- configuring-loadbalancer-wordpress
- create-deploy-staging-site-cpanel
- create-esxi-cluster-dedibox
- create-models-django
- create-openwrt-image-for-scaleway
- create-serverless-scraping
- create-valheim-server
- create-wordpress-instances-cli
- dagster-serverless-jobs
- deploy-angular-application
- deploy-awstats
- deploy-big-blue-button
- deploy-chatwoot-self-care
- deploy-clickhouse-database
- deploy-hasura-engine-database-postgresql
- deploy-instances-packer-terraform
- deploy-k3s-cluster-with-cilium
- deploy-laravel-on-serverless-containers
- deploy-mdbooks-serverless-containers
- deploy-meilisearch-instance
- deploy-nextcloud-s3
- deploy-openproject-database-postgresql
- deploy-penpot-with-docker-instantapp
- deploy-phpmyadmin-with-docker
- deploy-remote-desktop-ubuntu-2204
- deploy-saas-application
- deploy-static-website-with-hugo-and-github-runners-to-object-storage
- deploy-ubuntu-20-04-instance-scaleway-elements
- deploy-ubuntu-22-04-instance
- deploy-umami-on-serverless-containers
- deploy-wordpress-from-application-library
- deploy-wordpress-managed-database-mysql8
- deploying-a-documentation-website-with-docusaurus-on-scaleway
- deploying-qdrant-vectordb-kubernetes
- dhclient-dedibox
- dhcpcd-dedibox
- discourse-forum
- django-ubuntu-focal-fossa
- docker-instantapp
- easydeploy-argocd
- easydeploy-gitlab-runner
- easydeploy-gitlab-server
- easydeploy-grafana
- easydeploy-vault
- enabling-encryption-in-kapsule-with-cilium
- encode-videos-using-serverless-jobs
- encrypt-s3-data-rclone
- encrypt-volumes
- erpnext
- erpnext-13
- first-steps-linux-command-line
- flask
- focalboard-project-management
- foreman-puppet
- get-started-containers-docker
- get-started-crossplane-kubernetes
- get-started-deploy-kapsule
- get-started-kubernetes-loadbalancer
- get-started-kubernetes-storage
- getting-started-with-kops-on-scaleway
- gitlab-instant-app
- glpi
- glusterfs
- gpu-super-resolution
- hadoop
- hestiacp
- host-github-runner
- how-to-implement-rag
- how-to-implement-rag-generativeapis
- install-apache-ansible
- install-cassandra
- install-cockroachdb-scaleway-instances
- install-configure-couchdb
- install-docker-ubuntu-bionic
- install-docker-ubuntu-jammy-jellyfish
- install-github-actions-runner-mac
- install-golang-ubuntu-bionic
- install-ispconfig
- install-kvm-elastic-metal
- install-mattermost
- install-medusa
- install-openlitespeed-wordpress
- install-openvpn
- install-parse-server
- install-pgbouncer
- install-php-composer
- install-postgresql
- install-rkhunter
- install-wireguard
- installation-jekyll
- installation-lemp-ubuntu-bionic
- installation-lemp-ubuntu-focal
- installation-uncomplicated-firewall
- jitsi-debian
- jitsi-debian-stretch
- jitsi-docker
- jitsi-ubuntu-bionic
- jitsi-ubuntu-focal-fossa
- jitsi-ubuntu-jammy-jellyfish
- jump-desktop
- k8s-gitlab
- k8s-kapsule-multi-az
- k8s-velero-backup
- kubernetes-package-management-helm
- large-messages
- lb-firewall-haproxy-pfsense
- librenms-monitoring
- load-overflow-proxmox-and-elastic-metal
- load-testing-vegeta
- loriot-lorawan-network-server
- magento-ubuntu
- manage-container-registry-images
- manage-database-instance-pgadmin4
- manage-instances-with-terraform-and-functions
- manage-k8s-logging-loki
- manage-zigbee-devices-with-iot
- mariadb-ubuntu-bionic
- mastodon-community
- matomo-analytics
- migrate-data-minio-client
- migrate-data-rclone
- migrate-databases-instance
- migrate-dedibox-to-elastic-metal
- migrate-mysql-databases-postgresql-pgloader
- migrating-docker-workloads-to-kubernetes-kapsule
- migrating-from-another-managed-kubernetes-service-to-scaleway-kapsule
- minikube-elastic-metal
- mist-streaming-server
- mlx-array-framework-apple-silicon
- mongodb-ubuntu-1604
- monitor-gpu-instance-cockpit
- monitor-k8s-grafana
- mutli-node-rocket-chat-community-private-network
- nats-rdb-offload
- nextcloud-instantapp
- nextjs-app-serverless-functions-sqldb
- nginx-reverse-proxy
- nvidia-triton
- object-storage-s3fs
- odoo
- odoo-easy-deploy
- openvpn-instant-app
- overleaf
- pihole-vpn
- plausible-analytics-ubuntu
- postgis-managed-databases
- postman-api
- powerdns-ubuntu-bionic
- prestashop-dedibox
- processing-images-structured-outputs-pixtral
- prometheus-monitoring-grafana-dashboard
- protect-server-fail2ban
- protect-server-using-crowdsec
- proxmox-softraid
- proxy-protocol-v2-load-balancer
- pushing-metrics-logs-from-scw-instance
- remote-desktop-with-xrdp
- restic-s3-backup
- rtmp-self-hosted-streaming
- ruby-on-rails
- run-manage-linux-vm-on-apple-silicon-tart
- run-messaging-platform-with-rocketchat
- run-nodejs-express-server-on-serverless-containers
- run-python-flask-server-on-serverless-container
- s3-customize-url-cname
- s3cmd
- self-hosted-repository-gitea
- sem-terraform
- send-emails-tem-serverless-framework
- send-emails-with-serverless-and-tem
- send-sms-iot-device-twilio
- sentry-error-tracking
- set-up-spf-dkim-for-dns-providers
- set-up-yunohost-debian
- setting-up-tunnel
- setup-ampere-ai-framework-arm-instances
- setup-cockroachdb-cluster
- setup-elastic-metal-proxmox-cluster-with-private-networks
- setup-jupyter-notebook
- setup-k8s-cluster-rancher
- setup-lamp-stack-ubuntu2204
- setup-minecraft
- setup-mongodb-on-ubuntu
- setup-moodle
- setup-mysql
- setup-nginx-reverse-proxy-s3
- setup-nomad-cluster
- setup-postfix-ubuntu-bionic
- sinatra
- snapshot-instances-jobs
- sns-instances-notification-system
- socket-io
- stop-outgoing-spam
- store-s3-cyberduck
- store-s3-transmit
- store-wp-mediacloud-s3
- strapi
- strapi-app-serverless-containers-sqldb
- systemd-essentials
- terraform-quickstart
- traefik-v2-cert-manager
- transform-bucket-images-triggers-functions-deploy
- trigger-ifttt-actions
- upgrade-managed-postgresql-database
- use-cockpit-with-terraform
- use-container-registry-github-actions
- use-managed-redis-with-mysql
- using-bucket-website-with-mkdocs
- using-own-grafana
- using-secret-manager-with-github-action
- veeam-backup-replication-s3
- visualize-timeseries-data-timescaledb-grafana
- vpc-public-gateway-autoconfiguration
- vuls-security-scanner
- wireguard-mesh-vpn
- wordpress-instantapp
- wordpress-lemp-stack
- wordpress-lemp-stack-focal
- wordpress-lemp-stack-ubuntu-jammy-jellyfish-22-04
- zabbix-monitoring
- zammad-ticketing
- zulip
Some content is hidden
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1,374 files changed
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