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index a80940313d..eaea10b0bf 100644
--- a/pages/interlink/concepts.mdx
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@@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ Each InterLink can be attached to one Scaleway VPC. The InterLink and the VPC mu
Every InterLink has a defined bandwidth, representing the maximum data transfer rate possible over the connection. Measured in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps), it shows how much data can be transmitted over InterLink per second.
+## Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
+**B**order **G**ateway **P**rotocol (BGP) is a standardized gateway protocol that allows autonomous systems to exchange routing information. InterLink uses BGP to facilitate [route propagation](#route-propagation), so that the Scaleway VPC and the external infrastructure's router can learn each other's routes.
+## Connection type
+The type of physical connection for an InterLink. In the long term, InterLink will be available in both **hosted** and **dedicated** connection types. For now, only **hosted** connections (facilitated via a partner) are available:
+- **Hosted InterLink**: The customer provisions an InterLink via a [partner](#partner). The available bandwidth is shared between multiple customers: each gets a specified amount when creating their InterLink.
+- **Dedicated InterLink**: The customer gets sole use of a single InterLink port on Scaleway's router, with the entire bandwidth of that port.
+[Find out more about connection types](/interlink/reference-content/overview/#types-of-interlink).
## InterLink
InterLink, currently in Private Beta, is Scaleway's product to let you create a secure, private connection between your external infrastructure, and your Scaleway VPC. This allows you to direct your traffic safely from your Scaleway infrastructure to your on-premises infrastructure, away from the public internet.
@@ -72,7 +85,4 @@ Route propagation can be activated or deactivated at any given time on an InterL
## Routing policy
-See [Allowed routes list](#allowed-routes-list).
+See [Allowed routes list](#allowed-routes-list).
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index 0000000000..5468e1d9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ title: How to complete InterLink provisioning
+ description: Learn how to complete the provisioning process for your Scaleway InterLink, to ensure your hosted connection between your on-premises infrastructure and Scaleway VPC is up and running as soon as possible.
+ noindex: true
+ h1: How to complete InterLink provisioning
+ paragraph: Learn how to complete the provisioning process for your Scaleway InterLink, to ensure your hosted connection between your on-premises infrastructure and Scaleway VPC is up and running as soon as possible.
+ validation: 2024-12-09
+ posted: 2024-12-09
+tags: interlink direct-connect provision hosted partner contact error
+ - network
+InterLink is currently in [Private Beta](https://www.scaleway.com/en/betas/), and only available to selected testers.
+After you have [ordered your InterLink](/interlink/how-to/order-interlink), further action is required on both the customer side and the [partner](/interlink/concepts/#partner) side before the InterLink is provisioned and ready for active use. This page walks you through the steps to take and how to deal with potential problems that could arise.
+- A Scaleway account logged into the [console](https://console.scaleway.com)
+- [Owner](/iam/concepts/#owner) status or [IAM permissions](/iam/concepts/#permission) allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
+- [Ordered an InterLink](/interlink/how-to/order-interlink)
+## Contact partner to request InterLink
+After ordering the InterLink from Scaleway, you **must** contact your chosen partner to request that they provision the connection on their side. Scaleway is not able to automatically do this step for you.
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to finish provisioning. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. Note down the [pairing key](/interlink/concepts/#pairing-key) for your InterLink. This is a unique identification number which the partner will need in order to provision your InterLink.
+4. Contact your partner. After [creating your InterLink order](/interlink/how-to/order-interlink/), either their online portal URL, or their email address was displayed to you for this purpose. Use the relevant method to contact your partner, provide the pairing key, and request that they provision your InterLink from their side.
+You can also use the [Get a partner](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-partners-get-a-partner) endpoint in the API to get contact details and other information about your selected partner.
+Your InterLink will remain in `Requested` status until the partner responds to your request.
+## Wait for partner to accept InterLink request
+Once you have requested the InterLink from your partner, you must wait for them to respond to your request. There is no further action for you to take at this point. You can keep track of your InterLink's [status](/interlink/reference-content/statuses/) via the [InterLink listing](https://console.scaleway.com/interlink/links) in the Scaleway console.
+When the partner approves your request, the InterLink moves to `Provisioning` status. This means that the partner has agreed to facilitate your InterLink, and is now preparing the resources and configuration necessary to establish the physical connection.
+Your InterLink will remain in `Provisioning` status until this process has been completed.
+If your InterLink does not move to `Provisioning` status, you may see one of the following statuses:
+- `Refused`: The partner did not agree to provision your InterLink. Delete this InterLink resource, and contact your partner for more information. Consider re-ordering with a different partner.
+- `Expired`: Your InterLink order timed out: after 10 days, no response was received from the selected partner. Delete the InterLink resource, and create a new order if you wish to try again.
+## Partner provisions InterLink
+When the partner has finished provisioning your InterLink, it moves to `Active` status. This indicates that the physical link and necessary accompanying configuration have been completed on the partner's side, and your InterLink is ready for use.
+You must still configure your InterLink by attaching it to a VPC, attaching an allowed routes list, and activating route propagation, before traffic can flow over the InterLink. For help with these steps, see our documentation on [How to configure your InterLink](/interlink/reference-content/configuring/).
+If you see a `Limited connectivity` status next to your InterLink on the [listing page](https://console.scaleway.com/interlink/links), this indicates that the partner provisioned your InterLink, but either IPv4 or IPv6 connectivity is down. Similarly, a `Down` status indicates the InterLink is provisioned, but both IPv4 **and** IPv6 connectivity are down. Open a Scaleway support ticket, or contact your partner for assistance.
+A `Locked` status indicates, again, that the InterLink was provisioned, but Scaleway Trust and Safety have locked the resource. No actions are possible from you as a user: you should open a support ticket for help and information.
diff --git a/pages/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink.mdx b/pages/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink.mdx
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index 0000000000..4a93bc683c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ title: How to configure your InterLink
+ description: Learn how to configure your Scaleway InterLink, from attaching a VPC to creating allowed routes and activating route propagation. We walk you through al the steps necessary to start using your hosted connection.
+ noindex: true
+ h1: How to configure your InterLink
+ paragraph: Learn how to configure your Scaleway InterLink, from attaching a VPC to creating allowed routes and activating route propagation. We walk you through al the steps necessary to start using your hosted connection.
+ validation: 2024-12-09
+ posted: 2024-12-09
+tags: interlink direct-connect configure attach-vpc route-propagation allowed-routes
+ - network
+InterLink is currently in [Private Beta](https://www.scaleway.com/en/betas/), and only available to selected testers.
+Once your InterLink has been [provisioned](/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning/) by your chosen partner, a number of configuration steps become available to you. These steps must be carried out in order for traffic to successfully flow over your InterLink:
+- Attach a VPC
+- Create and attach an allowed routes list
+- Activate route propagation
+This document explains how to complete these configuration steps with the Scaleway console.
+- A Scaleway account logged into the [console](https://console.scaleway.com)
+- [Owner](/iam/concepts/#owner) status or [IAM permissions](/iam/concepts/#permission) allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
+- [Ordered an InterLink](/interlink/how-to/order-interlink/) which has been [provisioned](/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning/) by the partner
+## How to attach a VPC
+Attaching an InterLink to a VPC allows you to complete the connection from your external infrastructure, across the InterLink, to the Scaleway resources in the selected VPC.
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Attached VPC** section, click **Attach VPC**. A pop-up displays:
+4. Select one of your existing VPCs from the dropdown list. It must be in the same region as the InterLink. Alternatively, click **+ Create VPC** to create and attach a new VPC.
+ An InterLink can only be attached to one VPC at a time, but you are free to detach the VPC and attach a different one whenever you like.
+5. Click **Attach VPC**
+ The VPC is attached and you are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page.
+To enable traffic to flow across the InterLink, you must still create and attach an allowed routes list, and activate route propagation.
+## How to attach an allowed routes list
+After attaching a VPC, the next step in configuring your InterLink is to create and attach an allowed routes list.
+The VPC and the external infrastructure's routers both announce their routes to each other via [BGP](/interlink/concepts/#border-gateway-protocol-bgp) when route propagation is activated, but all of these routes are blocked by default. Allowed routes lists let you whitelist ranges of route announcements to allow, so that traffic can flow along these routes across the InterLink.
+Each InterLink can have one allowed routes list attached to it, but a single allowed routes list can be attached to multiple InterLinks, if desired.
+See the dedicated documentation on [creating an allowed routes list](/interlink/how-to/create-allowed-routes-list/) to create a list, then follow these instructions to attach it:
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Route propagation** section, click **Attach allowed routes list**. A pop-up displays.
+4. Select an allowed routes list from the drop-down list, and click **Attach list**.
+ Make sure that the allowed routes list is suitable for the incoming routes (announced by the Scaleway VPC) and outgoing routes (announced by the external infrastructure) that should be propagated on this InterLink.
+The list is attached, ad you are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page.
+## How to activate route propagation
+Once you have attached a VPC and attached an allowed routes list, you can activate route propagation. This is the final step in configuring your InterLink so that traffic can flow between the VPC and your external infrastructure: it triggers the dynamic exchange of route information between the VPC and external infrastructure.
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Route propagation** section, use the toggle to turn route propagation **ON**.
+ A pop-up displays, showing the attached allowed routes list which will define the incoming and outgoing route announcements to accept. You can change the attached allowed routes list if you wish.
+ It is not possible to activate route propagation without attaching an allowed routes list, as all route announcements would be blocked, rendering the action ineffective.
+4. Click **Activate route propagation**.
+ Route propagation is activated, and you are returned to your InterLink's overview page.
+ While route propagation remains active, traffic can flow across the routes allowed over the InterLink. The VPC and external infrastructure will dynamically exchange and update route information. You can deactivate route propagation at any time: if you do so, all routes are blocked and no traffic can flow.
+## How to modify your InterLink configuration
+You can modify the following aspects of your InterLink configuration at any time:
+- The attached Scaleway VPC
+- The attached allowed routes list
+- Whether route propagation is on or off
+It is not possible to modify settings that were defined at the time of creating the InterLink, such as its region, partner, location, or bandwidth. To modify any of those settings, you must delete the InterLink and create a new one.
+### How to change the attached VPC
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Attached VPC** section, click the unlink icon next to the VPC you want to detach.
+ A pop-up displays, confirming that this action will detach the VPC, and the InterLink will not be connected to any Scaleway resources until you reattach a VPC.
+ If route propagation was activated, it will be automatically deactivated when you detach the VPC.
+4. Click **Detach VPC**.
+ The VPC is detached, and you are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page. No traffic can currently flow over the InterLink, and all associated routes are removed from the VPC's route table.
+ Follow the next steps to attach another VPC.
+5. In the **Attached VPC** section, click **Attach VPC**. A pop-up displays:
+6. Select one of your existing VPCs from the dropdown list. It must be in the same region as the InterLink. Alternatively, click **+ Create VPC** to create and attach a new VPC.
+ Ensure that the allowed routes list that is attached to the InterLink is suitable for the VPC you are attaching. Remember that the outgoing routes in the list should correspond to the route announcements to whitelist from the VPC itself.
+7. Click **Attach VPC**.
+ The VPC is attached and you are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page. Remember to check the Allowed routes list and activate route propagation so that traffic can flow across the InterLink.
+### How to change the attached allowed routes list
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Route propagation** section, click the three dot icon next to the Allowed routes list you want to detach. Then click **Detach list** in the menu that displays.
+ A pop-up confirms that this action will detach the current list from your InterLink. If route propagation was active, it will be automatically deactivated because with no attached allowed routes list, the default rule will block the propagation of any new or updated routes.
+4. Click **Detach list**.
+ The list is detached, and you are returned to your InterLink's Overview page.
+5. In the **Route propagation** section, under **Allowed routes list** click **+** to add a new list. See the dedicated documentation on [creating and attaching an allowed routes list](/interlink/how-to/create-allowed-routes-list/) for a step by step guide.
+### How to edit an existing allowed routes list
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Route propagation** section, click the three dot icon next to the Allowed routes list. Then click **Edit list** in the menu that displays.
+ You can also edit allowed routes lists from their [dedicated tab in the console](https://console.scaleway.com/interlink/allowed-routes), including lists that aren't currently attached to an InterLink.
+ The **Edit allowed routes List** wizard displays. See the dedicated documentation on [creating and attaching an allowed routes list](/interlink/how-to/create-allowed-routes-list/) for help with allowed routes lists.
+4. Make the required edits, and click **Edit allowed routes list**
+ A warning displays, to remind you that modifications will immediately be propagated on InterLinks using this list.
+5. Click **Save**.
+The list is modified and modifications are immediately applied.
+### How to deactivate route propagation
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Route propagation** section, use the toggle to turn route propagation **OFF**.
+ A pop-up displays, confirming that this action will turn off route propagation. All existing InterLink routes will be removed from the VPC route table. Traffic will not be able to flow over the InterLink until route propagation is reactivated.
+4. Click **Deactivate**.
+ Route propagation is deactivated, and you are returned to your InterLink's overview page.
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index 0000000000..9c54e94d16
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+++ b/pages/interlink/how-to/create-allowed-routes-list.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ title: How to create an allowed routes list
+ description: Find out how to create an allowed routes list for your Scaleway InterLink. Whitelist incoming and outgoing route announcements, so that traffic can flow securely over your InterLink.
+ noindex: true
+ h1: How to create an allowed routes list
+ paragraph: Find out how to create an allowed routes list for your Scaleway InterLink. Whitelist incoming and outgoing route announcements, so that traffic can flow securely over your InterLink.
+ validation: 2024-12-09
+ posted: 2024-12-09
+tags: interlink direct-connect allowed-routes route-propagation whitelist range IP announcements BGP
+ - network
+InterLink is currently in [Private Beta](https://www.scaleway.com/en/betas/), and only available to selected testers.
+InterLink uses [**B**order **G**ateway **P**rotocol](/interlink/concepts/#border-gateway-protocol-bgp) to exchange routing information between the customer’s infrastructure and the Scaleway VPC. Each side advertises IP prefixes for its own internal subnets and resources, to allow the other side to dynamically learn and update its internal routes, facilitating efficient traffic flow. However, by default, **all routes across an InterLink are blocked**. You must create and attach an [allowed routes list](/interlink/concepts/#allowed-routes-list) aka routing policy, to set IP prefix filters for the route advertisements you want to whitelist. This facilitates traffic flow across the InterLink.
+When creating an allowed routes list, you specify one or many IP ranges representing the outgoing routes to announce from the Scaleway VPC, and one or many IP ranges representing the incoming route announcements to accept from the external infrastructure. When [route propagation](#route-propagation) is activated, the route ranges defined in the allowed routes list are whitelisted, and traffic can flow across the InterLink along these routes.
+You may also know allowed routes lists under the terms "routing policy", or "route filters".
+Learn more about routing across an InterLink in our [detailed overview](/interlink/reference-content/overview/#routing-across-an-interLink).
+## How to create an allowed routes list
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click the **Allowed routes** tab. A listing of your allowed routes lists displays.
+3. Click **+Create allowed routes list**. The **Create an allowed routes List** wizard displays.
+4. Enter a name for the list, or leave the randomly-generated name in place.
+5. Choose a region for the list. It can only be attached to InterLinks within the same region.
+6. Whitelist the outgoing routes to allow. For each entry:
+ - Select whether it is of type IPv4 or IPv6.
+ - Enter an IP prefix to define a range of route announcements to whitelist, e.g. ``.
+ - Click **Add** when complete.
+ Routes within these destinations will be propagated, allowing traffic from your external infrastructure to be routed via InterLink to your VPC. For example, adding `` whitelists all 1,024 IPs in this block, from `` to ``.
+ IPv4 and IPv6 routes must be defined separately.
+7. Whitelist the incoming routes to allow, in the same way you did for outgoing routes. Outgoing routes concern announcements to accept from the external infrastructure. Traffic can be routed via InterLink from your Scaleway VPC to your external infrastructure along these routes.
+8. Click **Create allowed routes list**.
+The list is created, and you are returned to the listing of your allowed routes lists.
+Remember to [attach the list to an InterLink](/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink/#how-to-attach-an-allowed-routes-list) for it to take effect. Each InterLink can have one allowed routes list attached to it, but a single allowed routes list can be attached to multiple InterLinks, if desired.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bcb9d93b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/interlink/how-to/delete-interlink.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ title: How to delete an InterLink
+ description: Learn how to delete a Scaleway InterLink so that it is correctly deprovisioned on both the Scaleway side and the partner side. Follow our step by step guide.
+ noindex: true
+ h1: How to delete an InterLink
+ paragraph: Learn how to delete a Scaleway InterLink so that it is correctly deprovisioned on both the Scaleway side and the partner side. Follow our step by step guide.
+ validation: 2024-12-09
+ posted: 2024-12-09
+tags: interlink direct-connect allowed-routes route-propagation whitelist range IP announcements BGP
+ - network
+InterLink is currently in [Private Beta](https://www.scaleway.com/en/betas/), and only available to selected testers.
+You can delete your InterLink at any time. Action is required on both the Scaleway side and the partner side to completely deprovision the InterLink. Follow the steps below.
+## How to delete an InterLink
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to delete. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. [Deactivate route propagation](/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink/#how-to-deactivate-route-propagation).
+4. In the **Delete InterLink** panel, click **Delete InterLink**.
+ A pop-up displays, confirming that this action will permanently delete your InterLink on the Scaleway side.
+5. Type **DELETE** in the box, and click **Delete InterLink**.
+ You are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page, where its status now shows as **Deprovisioning**. Scaleway stops billing you for your InterLink at this point, and it can no longer be configured, un-deleted, or used to route traffic.
+6. Contact your partner to request that they delete the InterLink resource on their side. They may continue to bill you until you do so, and they deprovision the resource on their side. To get in touch with the partner, you can use the same contact information that you used when [requesting the InterLink from the partner](/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning/).
+If the provisioning of your InterLink by the partner was never completed, e.g. you a) never contacted the partner to request provisioning of the InterLink, or b) the partner refused to provision your InterLink, you do not need to contact the partner again to request that they deprovision the resource. Deleting it on the Scaleway side is sufficient.
+When the InterLink is fully deprovisioned on both sides, it will be deleted from the list of your InterLinks, and its Overview page will no longer be accessible.
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+ title: InterLink - How Tos
+ description: Learn how to set up and optimize Scaleway InterLink. These how to guides take you from ordering your InterLink, to completing the provisioning process, and all the configuration you need to get the direct connection between your Scaleway VPC and external or on-premises infrastructure, up and running.
+ noindex: true
+ h1: InterLink - How Tos
+ paragraph: Learn how to set up and optimize Scaleway InterLink. These how to guides take you from ordering your InterLink, to completing the provisioning process, and all the configuration you need to get the direct connection between your Scaleway VPC and external or on-premises infrastructure, up and running.
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+ title: How to order an InterLink
+ description: Learn how to order a hosted InterLink connection to your Scaleway cloud infrastructure via your chosen partner. Step-by-step guide included.
+ noindex: true
+ h1: How to order an InterLink
+ paragraph: Learn how to order a hosted InterLink connection to your Scaleway cloud infrastructure via your chosen partner. Step-by-step guide included.
+ validation: 2024-12-03
+ posted: 2024-12-03
+tags: interlink direct-connect order hosted partner pop location
+ - network
+InterLink is currently in [Private Beta](https://www.scaleway.com/en/betas/), and only available to selected testers.
+InterLink is Scaleway's product to let you create a secure, private connection between your external infrastructure, and your Scaleway VPC. This allows you to direct your traffic safely from your Scaleway infrastructure to your on-premises infrastructure, away from the public internet.
+Currently, InterLink is available in **hosted** version only. This means that you must choose a compatible [partner](/interlink/concepts/#partner) to facilitate the physical connection between the external infrastructure and the Scaleway VPC.
+This guide takes you through the process of ordering an InterLink via the Scaleway console.
+- A Scaleway account logged into the [console](https://console.scaleway.com)
+- [Owner](/iam/concepts/#owner) status or [IAM permissions](/iam/concepts/#permission) allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
+## How to order an InterLink
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. If you have not already created an InterLink, the product ordering page is displayed.
+2. Click **Order InterLink**. The order wizard displays.
+3. Select a [connection type](/interlink/concepts/#connection-type), the type of physical InterLink connection. For now, only **hosted** connections are available.
+4. Select a [partner](/interlink/concepts/#partner). To establish an InterLink connection via a partner, generally you must be client of that partner, e.g. with your infrastructure in their datacenter, or on your own premises using the partner as a network provider. [Get help with choosing a partner](/interlink/reference-content/overview/#hosted-interlinks).
+5. Choose a [region](/interlink/concepts/#region) for your InterLink. This must correspond to the Scaleway VPC you want to attach later.
+6. Choose a [location](/interlink/concepts/#location) for your InterLink. This represents the physical location where the connection to Scaleway's network will be established.
+7. Choose a [bandwidth](/interlink/concepts/#bandwidth) amount. This represents the maximum bandwidth that will be available over the InterLink.
+8. Enter a name and optional tags for your InterLink.
+9. Check the estimated cost for your InterLink. Note that Scaleway will start billing you for the InterLInk as soon as you order it. You must then wait for your partner to provision the connection, who may charge you additional fees.
+10. Click **Order InterLink**.
+Your InterLink is ordered, and its status briefly shows as `Configuring`, then `Requested`. **You must now contact your chosen partner to request they provision your InterLink from their end.**
+For full details of the provisioning process, including how to contact your partner and what other steps you need to take, see the page [How to complete InterLink provisioning](/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning/).
+If you see a `Failed` status, it means there was a configuration error on the Scaleway side as we attempted to create the InterLink. Our technical team is automatically made aware of such a problem, and will intervene to resolve it. When the problem is resolved, the InterLink should automatically move to `Requested` status, and you can proceed to [completing provisioning](/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning/). If you have any concerns, open a support ticket.
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@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ title: InterLink - Quickstart
+ description: Get started with Scaleway InterLink in minutes. Follow this quickstart guide to order, provision and configure your InterLink to get traffic flowing as soon as possible.
+ noindex: true
+ h1: InterLink - Quickstart
+ paragraph: Get started with Scaleway InterLink in minutes. Follow this quickstart guide to order, provision and configure your InterLink to get traffic flowing as soon as possible.
+tags: load-balancer load balancer frontend backend
+ validation: 2024-12-13
+ posted: 2024-12-13
+ - network
+InterLink is currently in [Private Beta](https://www.scaleway.com/en/betas/), and only available to selected testers.
+InterLink is Scaleway's product to let you create a secure, private connection between your external infrastructure, and your Scaleway VPC. This allows you to direct your traffic safely from your Scaleway infrastructure to your on-premises infrastructure, away from the public internet.
+- A Scaleway account logged into the [console](https://console.scaleway.com)
+- [Owner](/iam/concepts/#owner) status or [IAM permissions](/iam/concepts/#permission) allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
+## How to order an InterLink
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. If you have not already created an InterLink, the product ordering page is displayed.
+2. Click **Order InterLink**. The order wizard displays.
+3. Select a [connection type](/interlink/concepts/#connection-type), the type of physical InterLink connection. For now, only **hosted** connections are available.
+4. Select a [partner](/interlink/concepts/#partner) to facilitate the physical connection between the external infrastructure and the Scaleway VPC. Generally, you must be client of the chosen partner, e.g. with your infrastructure in their datacenter, or on your own premises using the partner as a network provider. [Get help with choosing a partner](/interlink/reference-content/overview/#hosted-interlinks).
+5. Choose a [region](/interlink/concepts/#region) for your InterLink. This must correspond to the Scaleway VPC you want to attach later.
+6. Choose a [location](/interlink/concepts/#location) for your InterLink. This represents the physical location where the connection to Scaleway's network will be established.
+7. Choose a [bandwidth](/interlink/concepts/#bandwidth) amount. This represents the maximum bandwidth that will be available over the InterLink.
+8. Enter a name and optional tags for your InterLink.
+9. Check the estimated cost for your InterLink. Note that Scaleway will start billing you for the InterLInk as soon as you order it. You must then wait for your partner to provision the connection, who may charge you additional fees.
+10. Click **Order InterLink**.
+Your InterLink is ordered, and its status briefly shows as `Configuring`, then `Requested`. **You must now contact your chosen partner to request they provision your InterLink from their end.**
+## How to complete InterLink provisioning.
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to finish provisioning. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. Note down the [pairing key](/interlink/concepts/#pairing-key) for your InterLink. This is a unique identification number which the partner will need in order to provision your InterLink.
+4. Contact your partner. After [creating your InterLink order](/interlink/how-to/order-interlink/), either their online portal URL, or their email address was displayed to you for this purpose. Use the relevant method to contact your partner, provide the pairing key, and request that they provision your InterLink from their side.
+You can also use the [Get a partner](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-partners-get-a-partner) endpoint in the API to get contact details and other information about your selected partner.
+Your InterLink will remain in `Requested` status until the partner responds to your request. You can keep track of your InterLink's [status](/interlink/reference-content/statuses/) via the [InterLink listing](https://console.scaleway.com/interlink/links) in the Scaleway console.
+When the partner approves your request, the InterLink moves to `Provisioning` status. This means that the partner has agreed to facilitate your InterLink, and is now preparing the resources and configuration necessary to establish the physical connection.
+When the partner has finished provisioning your InterLink, it moves to `Active` status. This indicates that the physical link and necessary accompanying configuration has been completed on the partner's side, and your InterLink is ready for use.
+If you experience any unexpected statuses, refer to our [information page on InterLink statuses](/interlink/reference-content/statuses/) for full explanation and guidance.
+## How to configure your InterLink
+After your InterLink has been provisioned, a number of configuration steps are necessary to enable traffic to flow over the InterLink.
+### How to attach a VPC
+Attaching an InterLink to a VPC allows you to complete the connection from your external infrastructure, across the InterLink, to the Scaleway resources in the selected VPC.
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Attached VPC** section, click **Attach VPC**. A pop-up displays:
+4. Select one of your existing VPCs from the dropdown list. It must be in the same region as the InterLink. Alternatively, click **+ Create VPC** to create and attach a new VPC.
+ An InterLink can only be attached to one VPC at a time, but you are free to detach the VPC and attach a different one whenever you like.
+5. Click **Attach VPC**
+ The VPC is attached and you are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page.
+### How to attach an allowed routes list
+After attaching a VPC, the next step in configuring your InterLink is to create and attach an allowed routes list.
+The VPC and the external infrastructure's routers both announce their routes to each other via [BGP](/interlink/concepts/#border-gateway-protocol-bgp) when route propagation is activated, but all of these routes are blocked by default. Allowed routes lists let you whitelist ranges of route announcements to allow, so that traffic can flow along these routes across the InterLink.
+Each InterLink can have one allowed routes list attached to it, but a single allowed routes list can be attached to multiple InterLinks, if desired.
+See the dedicated documentation on [creating an allowed routes list](/interlink/how-to/create-allowed-routes-list/) to create a list, then follow these instructions to attach it:
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Route propagation** section, click **Attach allowed routes list**. A pop-up displays.
+4. Select an allowed routes list from the drop-down list, and click **Attach list**.
+ Make sure that the allowed routes list is suitable for the incoming routes (announced by the Scaleway VPC) and outgoing routes (announced by the external infrastructure) that should be propagated on this InterLink.
+The list is attached, ad you are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page.
+### How to activate route propagation
+Once you have attached a VPC and attached an allowed routes list, you can activate route propagation. This is the final step in configuring your InterLink so that traffic can flow between the VPC and your external infrastructure: it triggers the dynamic exchange of route information between the VPC and external infrastructure.
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to configure. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. In the **Route propagation** section, use the toggle to turn route propagation **ON**.
+ A pop-up displays, showing the attached allowed routes list which will define the incoming and outgoing route announcements to accept. You can change the attached allowed routes list if you wish.
+ It is not possible to activate route propagation without attaching an allowed routes list, as all route announcements would be blocked, rendering the action ineffective.
+4. Click **Activate route propagation**.
+ Route propagation is activated, and you are returned to your InterLink's overview page.
+ While route propagation remains active, traffic can flow across the routes allowed over the InterLink. The VPC and external infrastructure will dynamically exchange and update route information. You can deactivate route propagation at any time: if you do so, all routes are blocked and no traffic can flow.
+## How to delete an InterLink
+You can delete your InterLink at any time. Action is required on both the Scaleway side and the partner side to completely deprovision the InterLink. Follow the steps below.
+1. Click **InterLink** in the **Network** section of the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com) side menu. A listing of your InterLinks displays.
+2. Click on the InterLink that you want to delete. The InterLink's **Overview** page displays.
+3. [Deactivate route propagation](/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink/#how-to-deactivate-route-propagation).
+4. In the **Delete InterLink** panel, click **Delete InterLink**.
+ A pop-up displays, confirming that this action will permanently delete your InterLink on the Scaleway side.
+5. Type **DELETE** in the box, and click **Delete InterLink**.
+ You are returned to the InterLink's **Overview** page, where its status now shows as **Deprovisioning**. Scaleway stops billing you for your InterLink at this point, and it can no longer be configured, un-deleted, or used to route traffic.
+6. Contact your partner to request that they delete the InterLink resource on their side. They may continue to bill you until you do so, and they deprovision the resource on their side. To get in touch with the partner, you can use the same contact information that you used when [requesting the InterLink from the partner](/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning/).
+If the provisioning of your InterLink by the partner was never completed, e.g. you a) never contacted the partner to request provisioning of the InterLink, or b) the partner refused to provision your InterLink, you do not need to contact the partner again to request that they deprovision the resource. Deleting it on the Scaleway side is sufficient.
+When the InterLink is fully deprovisioned on both sides, it will be deleted from the list of your InterLinks, and its Overview page will no longer be accessible.
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@@ -43,24 +43,20 @@ Attaching an InterLink to a VPC allows you to complete the connection from your
The VPC must be in the same region as the InterLink. An InterLink can only be attached to one VPC at a time, but you are free to detach the VPC and attach a different one whenever you like.
-You can use the [Attach a VPC](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-attach-a-vpc) endpoint to attach a VPC to a given InterLink.
+Follow the instructions for [attaching a VPC via the console](/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink/#how-to-attach-a-vpc), or use the [Attach a VPC](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-attach-a-vpc) endpoint of the API.
### 3. Attach allowed routes list (routing policy)
-InterLink uses [**B**order **G**ateway **P**rotocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Gateway_Protocol) to exchange routing information between the customer’s infrastructure and the Scaleway VPC. Each side advertises IP prefixes for its own internal subnets and resources, to allow the other side to dynamically learn and update its internal routes, facilitating efficient traffic flow. However, by default, **all routes across an InterLink are blocked** . You must create and attach an [allowed routes list](/interlink/concepts/#allowed-routes-list) aka routing policy, to set IP prefix filters for the route advertisements you want to whitelist. This facilitates traffic flow across the InterLink.
+InterLink uses [**B**order **G**ateway **P**rotocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Gateway_Protocol) to exchange routing information between the customer’s infrastructure and the Scaleway VPC. Each side advertises IP prefixes for its own internal subnets and resources, to allow the other side to dynamically learn and update its internal routes, facilitating efficient traffic flow. However, by default, **all routes across an InterLink are blocked**. You must create and attach an [allowed routes list](/interlink/concepts/#allowed-routes-list) aka routing policy, to set IP prefix filters for the route advertisements you want to whitelist. This facilitates traffic flow across the InterLink.
-You can [create](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-routing-policies-create-a-routing-policy) and [attach](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-attach-a-routing-policy) allowed routes lists via the API.
-When setting the route ranges to whitelist, you must separately define the IP prefixes to accept from the external infrastructure (incoming ranges of route announcements to accept), and the IP prefix filters to advertise from the Scaleway VPC to the peer (outgoing ranges of routes to advertise). For example, adding `` whitelists all 1,024 IPs in this block, from `` to ``.
-Only one allowed routes list (routing policy) can be attached to an InterLink at a given time. However, you can reuse the same list by attaching it to multiple InterLinks, for example if you have a second InterLink attached to the same VPC/external infrastructure for redundance purposes. You can update, delete or reattach a list at any time.
+Follow the instructions and tips for [creating an allowed routes list](/interlink/how-to/create-allowed-routes-list/), via the console. Alternatively, you can [create](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-routing-policies-create-a-routing-policy) and [attach](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-attach-a-routing-policy) allowed routes lists via the API.
### 4. Activate route propagation.
-Once you have attached a VPC and defined the routing policy/allowed routes, you must [activate route propagation](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-enable-route-propagation) to allow traffic to flow over the InterLink. This enables all prefixes whitelisted in your allowed routes list / routing policy to be announced in the BGP session, so that traffic can flow along these routes.
+Once you have attached a VPC and defined the routing policy/allowed routes, you must activate route propagation to allow traffic to flow over the InterLink. This enables all prefixes whitelisted in your allowed routes list / routing policy to be announced in the BGP session, so that traffic can flow along these routes. See the documentation for activating route propagation via the [API](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-enable-route-propagation) or the [console](/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink/#how-to-activate-route-propagation)
Even when route propagation is activated, remember that all routes are blocked by default. It is essential to attach a routing policy (aka [allowed routes list](/interlink/concepts/#allowed-routes-list) to the InterLink to allow traffic to flow.
-You can deactivate route propagation via the dedicated endpoint at any time. When you do this, all routes are blocked and removed from the VPC's route table. No traffic can flow across the InterLink until route propagation is reactivated.
+You can deactivate route propagation at any time. When you do this, all routes are blocked and removed from the VPC's route table. No traffic can flow across the InterLink until route propagation is reactivated.
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h1: InterLink - Technical overview
paragraph: Dive deeper into understanding Scaleway's InterLink product, with technical diagrams, explanations and more.
- noindex: true
tags: interlink pop infrastructure diagram technical overview
- interlink
@@ -36,6 +35,10 @@ A hosted InterLink is provisioned via a [partner](/interlink/concepts/#partner).
By choosing a hosted InterLink, you can re-use existing connectivity between a PoP where both you and the partner are present, and the Scaleway network. Layer 2 isolation to your Scaleway VPC is preserved, with guaranteed bandwidth (100Mbps - 25Gbps) across the InterLink.
+#### How to choose a partner
+To establish an InterLink connection via a partner, generally you must be client of that partner, e.g. with your infrastructure in their data center, or on your own premises using the partner as a network provider.
The diagram below shows the architecture of a hosted InterLink. Note that three possibilities are available on the customer side:
- The partner's router connects to the customer's router (itself connected to the customer's on-premises infrastructure) via a **M**eet **M**e **R**oom at a PoP where both networks are present.
- The partner's router connects directly to the customer's on-premises infrastructure via a last-mile connection facilitated by the partner.
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ While each InterLink can only be attached to a single Scaleway VPC, it is possib
## Routing across an InterLink
-InterLink uses [**B**order **G**ateway **P**rotocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Gateway_Protocol) to exchange routing information between the customer’s network and the Scaleway VPC.
+InterLink uses [**B**order **G**ateway **P**rotocol](/interlink/concepts/#border-gateway-protocol-bgp) to exchange routing information between the customer’s network and the Scaleway VPC.
Each side advertises IP prefixes for its own internal subnets and resources, to allow the other side to dynamically learn and update its internal routes. This facilitates efficient traffic flow across the link towards these destinations, providing that [allowed routes](#allowed-routes-list) and [route propagation](#route-propagation) have been correctly set up.
@@ -73,4 +76,4 @@ By default, **all route announcements from both sides are blocked** by InterLink
### Route propagation
-Even after attaching an allowed route list, traffic cannot flow across your InterLink until you **activate route propagation**. This is the second part of the safety-net mechanism enabling you to fine-tune the traffic that flows across your InterLink. Route propagation can be activated or deactivated whenever you want. See the [configuration](/interlink/reference-content/configuring/) page for more information on route propagation.
+Even after attaching an allowed route list, traffic cannot flow across your InterLink until you **activate route propagation**. This is the second part of the safety-net mechanism enabling you to fine-tune the traffic that flows across your InterLink. Route propagation can be activated or deactivated whenever you want. See the [configuration](/interlink/reference-content/configuring/) page for more information on route propagation.
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@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ For full information about different statuses an InterLink might flow through, s
### 1. User orders InterLink via Scaleway
-The order process begins when you order an InterLink via the Scaleway [InterLink API](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/) (or, coming soon, via the [Scaleway console](https://console.scaleway.com/) or one of our other [developer tools](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/)). To order via the API, use the [Create a link](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-create-a-link) call. You need to set the following parameters when ordering:
+The order process begins when you order an InterLink via the Scaleway [InterLink API](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/) or the [Scaleway console](/interlink/how-to/order-interlink/), or one of our other [developer tools](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/). When ordering, you set the following parameters:
-- **Connection type**: In the long term, dedicated, shared and hosted InterLinks will be available. For now, only **hosted** connections (facilitated via a partner) are available.
-- **Partner**: The third-party service provider to facilitate the InterLink. Use the [List available partners](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-partners-list-available-partners) call to find available partners.
+- **Connection type**: In the long term, both dedicated and hosted InterLinks will be available. For now, only **hosted** connections (facilitated via a partner) are available.
+- **Partner**: The third-party service provider to facilitate the InterLink. A list of available partners is shown in the console, or for the API you can Use the [List available partners](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-partners-list-available-partners) call.
- **Region**: The region in which to create the InterLink. It must correspond to the region of the Scaleway VPC you want to later attach to the InterLink.
- **Location**: The physical **P**oint **o**f **P**resence (PoP) where the connection to Scaleway's network will be established, via the partner.
- **Bandwidth**: The maximum bandwidth which you want to be available over the InterLink.
@@ -48,55 +48,34 @@ The order process begins when you order an InterLink via the Scaleway [InterLink
Scaleway starts charging for the InterLink as soon as your order is placed. You must then wait for the partner to provision the connection, and they may charge you additional fees.
-After placing the order via the API, the ID of the InterLink is returned in the response. You can use this ID to [check the status of your InterLink](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-get-a-link) at any time.
-Immediately after ordering, it is expected that your InterLink will briefly be in `Configuring` status, before moving to `Requested` status.
-If you see a `Failed` status, it means there was a configuration error on the Scaleway side as we attempted to create the InterLink. Our technical team is automatically made aware of such a problem, and will intervene to resolve it. When the problem is resolved, the InterLink should automatically move to `Requested` status. If you have any concerns, open a support ticket.
+Immediately after ordering, it is expected that your InterLink will briefly be in `Configuring` status, before moving to `Requested` status. See the [statuses documentation](/interlink/reference-content/statuses/) for help with resolving any error statuses.
### 2. User requests InterLink from partner
After ordering the InterLink from Scaleway, you **must** contact your chosen partner to request that they provision the connection on their side. Scaleway is not able to automatically do this step for you.
-Use the [Get a partner](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-partners-get-a-partner) endpoint to get information about your selected partner. Each partner provides either a contact email address, and/or the URL of their online portal. You should make contact with your partner via one of these channels.
+See [how to contact partner](/interlink/how-to/complete-provisioning/#contact-partner-to-request-interlink) for full details.
-You should also provide the partner with your unique [pairing key](/interlink/concepts/#pairing-key), which you can get via the [Get an InterLink](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-get-a-link) endpoint.
-Your InterLink will remain in `Requested` status until the partner responds to your request.
+Your InterLink will remain in `Requested` status until the partner responds to your request. See the [statuses documentation](/interlink/reference-content/statuses/) for help with resolving any error statuses.
### 3. Partner accepts InterLink request
When the partner approves your request, the InterLink moves to `Provisioning` status. This means that the partner has agreed to facilitate your InterLink, and is now preparing the resources and configuration necessary to establish the physical connection.
-Your InterLink will remain in `Provisioning` status until this process has been completed.
-If your InterLink does not move to `Provisioning` status, you may see one of the following statuses:
-- `Refused`: The partner did not agree to provision your InterLink. Delete this InterLink resource, and contact your partner for more information. Consider re-ordering with a different partner.
-- `Expired`: Your InterLink order timed out: after 10 days, no response was received from the selected partner. Delete the InterLink resource, and create a new order if you wish to try again.
+Your InterLink will remain in `Provisioning` status until this process has been completed. See the [statuses documentation](/interlink/reference-content/statuses/) for help with resolving any error statuses.
### 4. Partner provisions InterLink
-When the partner has finished provisioning your InterLink, it moves to `Active` status. This indicates that the physical link and necessary accompanying configuration has been completed on the partner's side, and your InterLink is ready for use.
+When the partner has finished provisioning your InterLink, it moves to `Active` status. This indicates that the physical link and necessary accompanying configuration has been completed on the partner's side, and your InterLink is ready for use. See the [statuses documentation](/interlink/reference-content/statuses/) for help with resolving any error statuses.
-You must still configure your InterLink by attaching it to a VPC, attaching an allowed routes list, and activating route propagation, before traffic can flow over the InterLink. For help with these steps, see our documentation on [configuring your InterLink](/interlink/reference-content/configuring/).
-If you see a `Limited connectivity` status, this indicates that the partner provisioned your InterLink, but either IPv4 or IPv6 connectivity is down. Similarly, a `Down` status indicates the InterLink is provisioned, but both IPv4 **and** IPv6 connectivity are down. Open a Scaleway support ticket, or contact your partner for assistance.
-A `Locked` status indicates, again, that the InterLink was provisioned, but Scaleway Trust and Safety have locked the resource. No actions are possible from you as a user: you should open a support ticket for help and information.
+You must still configure your InterLink by attaching it to a VPC, attaching an allowed routes list, and activating route propagation, before traffic can flow over the InterLink. For help with these steps, see our documentation on [configuring your InterLink](/interlink/how-to/configure-interlink/).
## Deprovisioning overview
When you no longer want your InterLink connection, you can delete it. The process is as follows:
1. Deactivate route propagation.
-2. [Delete your InterLink on the Scaleway side](https://www.scaleway.com/en/developers/api/interlink/#path-links-delete-a-link). InterLink status moves to `Deprovisioning`.
+2. [Delete your InterLink on the Scaleway side](/interlink/how-to/delete-interlink/). InterLink status moves to `Deprovisioning`.
3. Contact your partner to request they deprovision the InterLink resource on their side.
4. InterLink moves to `Deleted` status once the partner has completed deprovisioning.
@@ -104,4 +83,4 @@ Scaleway stops billing you for your InterLink immediately after step 2. Your par
If the provisioning of your InterLink by the partner was never completed, e.g. you a) never contacted the partner to request provisioning of the InterLink, or b) the partner refused to provision your InterLink, you do not need to contact the partner again to request that they deprovision the resource. Deleting it on the Scaleway side is sufficient.
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