- Mark Atwood
- Maximillian Huber
- Joshua Watt
- Steven Carbno
- Nisha Kumar
- Sean Barnum
- Alfred Strauch
- Peter Monks
- Henk Birkholz
- Jeff Licquia
- Marc-Etienne Vargenau
- Arthit Suriyawongkul
- Kate Stewart
- Gary O'Neall
- Matt Rutkowski
- Rose Judge
- Victor Lu
- Dick Brooks
- Review/merge meeting minutes https://github.com/spdx/meetings
- spdx/spdx-spec#962 (Need to regenerate 3.0 model to include abstract classes) --> DONE
- Users Guide --> moving annexes to new document.
- Translations --> where to log the information
Henk: RDF has a way to attach; Class naming should shift to labels for languages. Serialization specific. Standard on language type strings.
Gary: mkdocs/markdown input, need to figured out. Probably need to pull Alexios input.
Sean: Base names, we can make it easier for consuming of japanese, with their labels.
Joshua: Don't change class names --> would be breaking changes.
Henk: not so important for versioned SPDX --> with URIs being not readable.
Jeff: mkdocs has a plug in that allows you to provide translation (.jp.md) - can say what. Model portions of the spec will be generated into the spec.
Gary: Nice to have - OWL/SHACL pick up language tags/label.
Sean: When we're adding the languages, we should add the tags at that time.
Jeff: Drop down to the version, each version has a language drop down that appears that have been deemed to be supported.
Japanese team will start with SPDX Lite profile Annex in the model.
Henk: language labels for string problem. Annotate with nested structure its language. Every nested structure; add what language you're in, and instance level. Some inheritance may be possible, thinking about unicode readable string.
- https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9290.html#name-language-tagged-strings (only for newer encodings, but that is what we'll use for lengthy sboms in any case, including ref to rdf label) language tags are obviously a hard problem...
- https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Implicit_Directional_Marks
Sean points out "instanceids" may be different. Metadata in a language document that could be instance specific.
- Have a backlog and need to merge.
- Steve Winslow examples? - need to move over.
- Max points out that the tool entry getting creation info, needing a different id. If same id, needs same creation info.
- If you want a single instance of a tool - need to publish a document somewhere.
- UUID - need to keep readable.
GSA is accepting portals: service up and running - Dick has submitted SPDX - US GSA announcement is here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7196518054288072704/
For those interested in participating in services - join: https://lists.spdx.org/g/SPDX-Software
Joshua: wrote a merging utility: ....
Joshua: When we release SPDX 3.0.1 - will the model & schema all be 3.0.1? 3.0.0 --> new URLs? and validate against new URLs.
- Do we need the micro version in the URLs?
- We may want talk about this for 3.0.1. (going to 3.0)
- Art: For 3.0.x, no changes in model, the URL should stay 3.0
- Kate notes we still need to remove the "Draft" at the bottom of the spec at: https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/v3.0/
- Max: Missing SPDX definitions file missing in specification - import failure?
- As we add other languages, source of truth is the English version.
- We need to be very explicit about what is normative spec.
- We need to document a process for translation - second set of eyes reviewing each pull request in differnt language.
- June 18th for Operations.
- Brief Alexios on the translations, get him reviewing and signed up for spec parser.
- Next week: what annexes from spec, move into starting points of user guide .
- Services & Operations need to meet on