Become a sponsor to Castle Game Engine
Castle Game Engine is an open-source cross-platform (desktop, mobile, consoles) game engine for 3D and 2D games.
Our goal: create a powerful game engine that is completely free and open-source forever. We like open standards (like glTF, X3D), we like modern graphic effects (PBR, shadows, mirrors...), we like writing modern high-level code that is native and fast automatically (Object Pascal). See main Castle Game Engine website for a full list of engine features.
Your donations fund actual work on the engine. Right now we finance the time of Andrzej Kilijański so he can work on new engine features. This resulted in big developments happening in 2021, including sprite sheets and Delphi compatibility.
The main engine author is Michalis Kamburelis. Contact me if you have any questions: [email protected]
We get tangible proof that we can fund engine development! Right now we are hiring 1 developer (Andrzej Kilijański) at 1/2 FTE, paid from Michalis own pocket. As we reach further goals, I hope that money from your donations can cover this cost -- and allow to hire more people. Reaching this goal will also deserve a little dance of joy with my cat!
Meet the team
Michalis Kamburelis michaliskambiProject Lead of Castle Game Engine @castle-engine. CTO @cat-astrophe-games . I like open-source, game and web development, 3D standards, modern Pascal.
Andrzej Kilijański and3mdCpp, Crystal and Object Pascal (freepascal, delphi) developer. For my music related things check @akimaze.
Eugene Loza eugenelozaScientist, Ph.D. (Technical Sciences - Ecology); English/Ukrainian/Russian interpreter; Programmer (Free Pascal); Voice actor.
Featured work
Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, console, web) 3D and 2D game engine. Powerful visual editor. Support for glTF, X3D, IFC and more. Fast clean code using modern Pascal. Free and open-source.
Pascal 1,027 -
Viewer for many 3D and 2D model formats: glTF, X3D, VRML, Collada, 3DS, MD3, Wavefront OBJ, STL, Spine JSON, sprite sheets in Cocos2D and Starling XML formats
Pascal 97 -
Demo 3D models (mostly in X3D and VRML formats) of view3dscene and Castle Game Engine
$5 a month
SelectThank you for supporting the development of the engine! The engine, documentation, over 100 examples, view3dscene, forum, Discord chat and more are available to you for free, always.
$10 a month
SelectThe sponsors on this level are also mentioned on our public page.
$50 a month
SelectIn addition to the benefits from previous tiers, you are invited to a monthly meeting scheduled by Michalis only for sponsors on this tier. Please drop by and let's talk! I can e.g. answer questions about the engine and help you with your project.