Want to instantly preview finicky markdown files, but don't want to leave your favourite editor, or have to do it in some crappy browser text area? vim-instant-markdown is your friend! When you open a markdown file in Vim, a browser window will open which shows the compiled markdown in real-time, and closes once you close the file in Vim.
As a bonus, github-flavored-markdown is supported, and styles used while previewing are the same as those GitHub uses!
Quick start (assuming you have all the necessary dependencies):
Install the Node.js mini-server by running either:
[sudo] npm -g install instant-markdown-d
or, for the pre-release version:[sudo] npm -g install instant-markdown-d@next
or the following command for the Python mini-server (which also requires pandoc to render markdown):
pip install --user smdv
Add the following to your
, depending on the plugin manager of your choice:-
Plug 'instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown', {'for': 'markdown', 'do': 'yarn install'}
Plugin 'instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown'
Vim8 built-in package manager (Execute the following command instead of adding it to
)# NOTE: # 1. Please check you have git installed. # 2. Please replace * with a package name you want. git clone https://github.com/instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown.git ~/.vim/pack/*/start/
Detailed instructions
- If you're on Linux, ensure the following packages are installed:
(Ensure that you are using a recent stable version. Installnode
if needed.)
- If you're on Windows, you will need into install cURL and put it on your
. - If you do not use a plugin manager, copy the
file into~/.vim/ftplugin/markdown/
(creating directories as necessary), - Open a markdown file in Vim and enjoy!
Arch-based distributions
- There is a package available on the AUR that installs the plugin:
Minimal default configuration:
filetype plugin on
"Uncomment to override defaults:
"let g:instant_markdown_slow = 1
"let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 0
"let g:instant_markdown_open_to_the_world = 1
"let g:instant_markdown_allow_unsafe_content = 1
"let g:instant_markdown_allow_external_content = 0
"let g:instant_markdown_mathjax = 1
"let g:instant_markdown_mermaid = 1
"let g:instant_markdown_logfile = '/tmp/instant_markdown.log'
"let g:instant_markdown_autoscroll = 0
"let g:instant_markdown_port = 8888
"let g:instant_markdown_python = 1
"let g:instant_markdown_theme = 'dark'
After installing the plugin, execute :help vim-instant-markdown-configuration
to read more about what the different configuration options imply.
OSX, Linux^, and Windows^^.
^ One annoyance in Linux is that there's no way to reliably open a browser page in the background, so you'll likely have to manually refocus your Vim session every time you open a Markdown file. If you have ideas on how to address this I'd love to know!
^^ In Windows, there's no easy way to execute commands asynchronously
without popping up a cmd.exe window. Thus, if you run this plugin without
, you might experience performance issues.
It's not working!
- Make sure
was installed and verify usingInstantMarkdownDPath
. - Try to launch with Vim and vim-plug and this
vim -u vim -u minimal.vimrc my_markdown_file.md
- If you're on OSX and are using zsh, try to add
set shell=bash\ -i
in your.vimrc
to set interactive bash as the default Vim shell. (See this issue)
- Make sure
How to start it when autostart is off?
You can use the command
to manually start the preview.
BTW, to disable it, use:InstantMarkdownStop
If you're curious, the code for the mini-server component for this plugin can be found at http://github.com/instant-markdown/instant-markdown-d. A plugin can easily be written for any editor to interface with the server to get the same functionality found here.