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File metadata and controls

116 lines (91 loc) · 4.98 KB





|   |   RuyiDev.exe
|   |   Layer0.exe
|   |   Client.exe



打开Windows的命令行窗口(左下角搜索窗输入cmd),带参数运行RuyiDev.exe(比如RuyiDev.exe -h)来启动命令行界面(CLI):

所有插件均可通过RuyiDev.exe <plugin> <arguments>的命令格式来运行使用。 所有插件的帮助说明可以通过RuyiDev.exe <plugin> -h来访问。

比如, 运行RuyiDev.exe settingtool -h会输出:

D:\git\jade\dev_tools\Main\bin\Debug>ruyidev.exe settingtool -h

Usage: 'RuyiDev [<Options>+] settingtool [<args>]'

      --commandline=VALUE      Input command line directly
      --buttonruncommand       Run the command line, required:
      --listformat=VALUE       The format of list result
      --listfilterby=VALUE     The filter by string used to filter result
      --listfilter=VALUE       The json file used to filter result
      --listtoconsole=VALUE    If output result to console
      --listtocapture=VALUE    Output result to which file
      --listhost=VALUE         Hostname or ip address of device for list.
                               Default: localhost
      --buttonlist             Run list command, required:
                               [ListFormat] [ListFilterBy] [ListFilter]
                               [ListToConsole] [ListToCapture] [ListHost]
      --setkey=VALUE           The key of item to set
      --setvalue=VALUE         The value of item to set
      --setmodule=VALUE        The module of item to set
      --sethost=VALUE          Hostname or ip address of device for set.
                               Default: localhost
      --buttonset              Run set command, required:
                               [SetKey] [SetValue] [SetModule] [SetHost]
      --playbackfile=VALUE     The file used to playback
      --playbackhost=VALUE     Hostname or ip address of device for playback.
                               Default: localhost
      --buttonplayback         Run playback command, required:
                               [PlaybackFile] [PlaybackHost]


  1. 运行RuyiDev.exe启动图形界面
  2. 选择Setting Tool插件
  3. _Format_栏选simple
  4. 勾选Console
  5. 点击Run List按钮
  6. 输出界面会显示当前所有设置:


  1. 打开命令行窗口,运行RuyiDev.exe -v verbose SettingTool --buttonlist --listformat=simple --listtoconsole=true
  2. 输出的信息类似图形界面:
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    Found setting amount: 22
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    ScreenShot null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIFocusUp null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIFocusDown null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIFocusLeft null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIFocusRight null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIAuxUp null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIAuxDown null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIAuxLeft null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIAuxRight null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIConfirm null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UICancel null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UISetting null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    UIX null systemsetting
[12/29/2017 6:00:57 PM] [         SettingTool]  [      Info]    Mute false systemsetting


  1. 得到当前“静音(Mute)”的参数值:

    [12/29/2017 6:26:04 PM] [ SettingTool] [ Info] Mute false systemsetting

  2. 运行RuyiDev.exe -v verbose SettingTool --buttonset --setkey=Mute --setvalue=true --setmodule=systemsetting把“静音(Mute)”值设置为__true__:

    [12/29/2017 6:26:39 PM] [ SettingTool] [ Info] Set Mute to true result: True

  3. 验证“静音(Mute)”值是否更新:

    [12/29/2017 6:27:53 PM] [ SettingTool] [ Info] Mute true systemsetting