This repository is obsolete and superseded by Ansible role for Sympa and other roles for Postfix, Apache, Nginx, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
Sympa is an open source mailing list software
Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software.
First install the tools on your local machine:
- Install Vagrant and VirtualBox. Virtualbox will run the development VM and Vagrant is used to create, configure and manage the development VM instance. Vagrant 2 and later is required (there is problems with previous versions).
- Install Ansible. There are several ways to install Ansible. They are described in the Ansible installation guide. Ansible 2.5 is required for the include-role feature to be used.
Clone or download this repository to your local machine:
$ git clone
Next change into the "sympa-ansible" directory and start the development VM:
$ vagrant up
This prepares a VM that is ready to be managed by Ansible. It will call a
simple Ansible playbook to make some changes to the VM and create an
inventory in environments/local
A starting point for a playbook is provided. Run the playbook "site.yml":
$ ansible-playbook site.yml -i environments/local/inventory
You can login to the VM using $ vagrant ssh
By default, Vagrant shares your project directory (remember, that is the one with the Vagrantfile) to the /vagrant directory in your guest machine.
You should add an entry in your host /etc/hosts file for the VM's IP address
You can now connect to your Sympa server web interface
Once you have created the environment, here is the layout of the environment directory:
- group_vars/
- private/
- tasks/
- templates/
- vault-password
This file contains the vault secret ( Please make sure that the permissions stay prohibitive (write and read only for the current user).
This directory contains the variables global to all domains.
It contains three files:
- all.yml
- postfix.yml
- sympa.yml
This file contains parameters global to all servers and domains. Especially, it contains variables that will be visible to all roles. For example, it contains the definition of the db root credentials (as they will be common to Sympa and any other application). It also defines the web and mail default domains, as well as the global admins. Anything not specifically related to either mail or sympa should go there.
Here is the default file content:
managed_file_dir: /opt/ansible/managed_files
timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
ansible_remote_user: root
install_prefix: /usr/local
root_password: "{{ lookup('file',inventory_dir+'/private/password/db_root_password') }}"
root_user: root
ip: "*"
port: 443
enabled: yes
selfsignedcertificate: yes
admin: [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
smtp_out: localhost
address: check-smtp-service-ping
auth_secret: foobar
max_delay: 300
This file contains the global parameters for postfix.
All data must be located under the namespace mail
Here is the default file content:
force_smtp_route: 1
outgoing_server: ''
incoming_smtp: ''
basic: /etc/aliases
This file contain Sympa-only parameters.
All parameters are under the sympa
Here is the default file content:
app_user: sympa
app_password: "{{ lookup('file',inventory_dir+'/private/password/sympa_db_app_password') }}"
readonly_user: sympareadonly
readonly_password: "{{ lookup('file',inventory_dir+'/private/password/sympa_db_readonly_password') }}"
lists_path: /var/lib/sympa/list_data
arc_path: /var/lib/sympa/archives
This directory contains one file per virtual host. Any parameter can be redefined in these files, Though it is pointless if the parameter is not virtual host-related.
by default, the environment generation script creates four domain descriptions:
Example of one such file:
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
title: My lovely service
create_list: listmaster
color_6: '#FF0000'
server: local-sympa
You can see that, in this file, we redefine global parameters (web and mail domain), i.e. parameters that
would be used by applications others than Sympa (Dokuwiki for example).
We also set Sympa specific parameters. Note that anything under sympa.config
namespace will be used to generate
the robot.conf file for this domain.
A remark regarding sympa.server
: it defines on which server this domain's Sympa will be run.
That way, you can define several Sympa servers in your inventory, and pick for each domain which one to use.
This directory contains files for tasks to be executed at the end of their respective roles:
- sympa.yml is executed at the end of the sympa role
- apache.yml is executed at the end ot the apache role
- common.yml is executed at the en of the common role.
Currently there are no tasks in sympa.yml
and apache.yml
Why only these three roles? Because we never had to execute other environment-specific tasks for the other roles (such as postfix). But if you want it, just add the following line at the end of the main.yml task of the corresponding role:
- include: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tasks/custom-role.yml"
Below is the whole set of parameters used in the different files, either role defaults, or group_vars, or virtual hosts files, in that order of precedence:
If you define the same parameter in deifferent locations, it will follow the normal order of precedence in Ansible:
1- first in group_vars, 2- second in role defaults.
We added another level with the vhosts configuration files. If you define a parameter in the vhosts file, it will take precedence over anything else. So the precedence is actually:
1- first in vhosts files 2- second in group_vars, 3- third in role defaults.
In the ansible.cfg
file, we setup the following parameter: hash_behaviour=merge
This will trigger automatic merge of hashes. That way, you can specify in the environment only the part of hashes that are
specific to your setup. The rest of the hash keys will default to whatever can be found in the defaults/main.yml
of the current role.
Here is the list of the parameters used in the playbook, presented as YAML data:
: the root where applications should be installed. Useful if you're combining this playbook with others to install other appplications than Sympa.db.root_user
: the username of the database global root user.db.root_password
: the password of the database global root user.
and sympa.unix_group
define respectively the user and group under which the Sympa processes are executed.
A set of parameters define how Sympa will be installed.
: if set to 1, Sympa will be installed from a checkout of a Git repository. Otherwise, a tar.gz is downloaded.sympa.install_dir_name
: the name of the directory where Sympa will be installed. It is a sub_directory of theinstall_prefix
global parameter.
You need to set the following parameters:
: value 1sympa.version
: the version of Sympa, from 6.1.17 to the latest unstable. Only used to find the patches.sympa.repository
: the URL of the git repository, to be used for thegit clone
: eitherHEAD
or a commit hash.sympa.apply_patches
: if set to 1, any patch located in roles/sympa/patches/version
will be applied to the extracted sources before the install process.
You need to set the following parameters:
: value 0sympa.version
: the version of Sympa, from 6.1.17 to the latest unstable.sympa.apply_patches
: if set to 1, any patch located in roles/sympa/patches/version
will be applied to the extracted sources before the install process.sympa.source
: the extracted archive must have the URL:source
for now, only Postfix is supported. The mail setup is the same as the one proposed by the Sympa documentation for multiple domains support.
: location of the file where list alias file will be storedsympa.alias_file
: name of the alias file
: ony two values:mysql
. Defines which RDBMS to use as Sympa database backend.sympa.db.app_user
: username used by Sympa for accessing its own database.sympa.db.app_password
: password used by Sympa for accessing its own database.sympa.db.readonly_user
: a user with readonly privleges to Sympa database. Can be useful.sympa.db.readonly_password
: a password for the user with readonly privleges to Sympa database.
All parameters can't be defined in the playbook. Only the few below. Don't hesitate to change the roles/sympa/templates/sympa.conf.j2
to add more.
: the colors to be used for Sympa web interface.sympa.config.language
: the default server language.sympa.config.log_level
: the log level (0..4)
: full path to the directory containing the lists config.arc_path
: full path to the directory where the lists archives will be stored.
The SOAP server is disabled by default. To turn it on, set
to true.
For now, only Apache is configured.
: ("*" by default) IP for apache vhost configurationcommon.port
: SSL port for Apachecommon.ssl.enabled
: Set to 1 to enable ssl configurationcommon.ssl.selfsignedcertificate
: Set to 1 if the certificate is self-signed: it implies a configuration change.common.web.domain
: web domaincommon.web.admin
: web admin email address
: mail domain (overriden by vhosts configuration)common.mail.force_smtp_route
: if set to 1, any outgoing SMTP session will be made towardscommon.mail.outgoing_server
without DNS resolution.common.mail.incoming_smtp
: the IP from which incoming mail should come to the server. Remove variable to accept any incoming server.common.mail.outgoing_server
: Seecommon.mail.force_smtp_route
: the default admins for all applictions, including Sympa. Overriden by vhosts configuration.
unix_user: sympa
unix_group: sympa
repository_version: HEAD
install_from_repository: 0
version: 6.2.40
install_dir_name: sympa
apply_patches: 1
alias_directory: /etc/mail
alias_file: sympa_transport
type: mysql
app_user: sympa
app_password: "{{ lookup('file',inventory_dir+'/private/password/sympa_db_app_password') }}"
readonly_user: sympareadonly
readonly_password: "{{ lookup('file',inventory_dir+'/private/password/sympa_db_readonly_password') }}"
color_0: '#F7F7F7'
color_1: '#222222'
color_2: '#004B94'
color_3: '#5E5E5E'
color_4: '#4c4c4c'
color_5: '#0090E9'
color_6: '#005ab2'
color_7: '#fff'
color_8: '#f2f6f9'
color_9: '#bfd2e1'
color_10: '#983222'
color_11: '#66aaff'
color_12: '#FFE7E7'
color_13: '#f48A7b'
color_14: '#ff9'
color_15: '#fe57a1'
language: 'en_US'
lists_path: /var/lib/sympa/list_data
arc_path: /var/lib/sympa/archives
install_prefix: /usr/local
root_password: "{{ lookup('file',inventory_dir+'/private/password/db_root_password') }}"
root_user: root
ip: "*"
port: 443
enabled: yes
selfsignedcertificate: yes
admin: [email protected]
domain: ''
force_smtp_route: 0
incoming_smtp: ''
outgoing_server: ''
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
All configuration must be done in your environment. There are three ways to customize your installation:
- globally for all domains, through the files in group_vars/ directory
- specifically for one domain through the domain files in the private/vhosts/ directory.
- you can add environment-specific tasks in the tasks/ directory.