- Fix for where :w wouldn't work after SimplenoteNew
- No code changes, I just forgot to update the CHANGELOG and README to suit 1.4.0
- support for :saveas and :w thanks to @sanchon
- Python 3 compatibility for format_title
- When using vertical split try to use correct width for note list index
- new parameter: SimplenoteListSize used both for vertical and horizontal split
- Switch to prefixed based commands instead of using arguments
- Make Python 2 and 3 compatible
- Externalise the python code instead of embedding
- Attempt to avoid E16: Invalid range errors some people are seeing (Bug fix)
- Update simplenote.py to v1.0.3 (Bug fix)
- Bug fix - :w was not working for updating the note
- Bug fix - Don't overwrite unsaved local changes if re-opening from the list index (or using -o)
- Update simplenote.py submodule to v1.0.2
- Add note key back into title to ensure unique buffer names
- Update CONTRIBUTING to be more friendly
- Add license badge to README
- Update simplenote.py submodule for rewritten commit.
- Bug fix - Update buffer title when updating the note.
- Use first line of note as note title, note keys are now stored internally and mapped to buffer numbers
- Change how commands for previous versions work (
for info,-v
no args is now latest version), also display note id - Make updating a list index target the existing list index window
- Merge content when local and remote have been updated
- Add commands to allow previous versions of notes to be retrieved.
- Add tests related to retrieving versions of notes
- Update simplenote.py submodule to v1.0.0
- Remove errant tabs from code
- Minor fix/improvement to regex in script for generating release
- Add "single window" mode to emulate behaviour of website
- prompt for user/pass when missing. From @yuex
- Add Great Firewall of China usage note to README. From @yuex
- When deleting a note also remove it from the note index list
- Make list index work again when Vim is compiled without conceal
- Quick fix for titles with single quotes causing error in list index
- Fix alignment of titles/tags with multibyte characters in list index
- Re-order commands to avoid BufReadPost overriding intended filetype
- Add reduced vimrc for running Vader tests and other test related changes
- Force autocommand processing of notes opened via Simplenote.vim. For example, to enable modeline processing. From @insanum
- New list index format options and syntax highlighting. From @insanum
- New commands to pin/unpin notes. From @insanum
- Add script to generate vimball. From @jeromebaum
- Add more detailed installation instructions and mention contains git submodule
- Add a script to help automate release management
- Add tests using Vader.vim
- Reference Simplenote.py externally rather than include inline
- Updating a non existing note creates a new one
- Toggle markdown flag in Simplenote to match current buffer filetype
- Auto set buffer filetype to markdown if checked as markdown in Simplenote
- No longer uses buffhidden=delete on scratch buffers
- Make the Simplenote list/index the only window on screen
- Fix for double enocding issue.
- Change optional qty to optional since date for
- add vim help file
- add custom sort orders
- add -o option to open note for given key directly
- show notes tags in the list view
- add the possibility to restrict note listing to tags
- respect pinned notes in note index
- set initial number of notes to load to 100
- add config option to specify a preferred filetype
- add modifydate to
- make pretty formatting for note list
- allow vertical splitting of scratch buffer
- listing command (-l) takes parameter of max notes to fetch
- update to simplenote.py v0.2.0
- incorrectly fetched notes are not displayed anymore
- refactor into autload plugin
- add documentation for usage behind proxy
- buffer write command updates note
- UTF-8 support
- create new notes from buffer via :Simplenote -n
- update note when buffer is written
- support direct deletion of notes via :Simplenote -D
- support tagging of notes via :Simplenote -t
- distinct buffer for every note
- use simplenote.py for API interaction
- encapsulate interface methods in Python class
- change interface function to Simplenote
- truncate long note titles in list
- display modified date instead of note key in list
- load all notes for index
- don't display notes from trash
- deferred token retrieval and simple caching
- Wrapped username, password and token in urllib2's quote method
- improve time needed for listing notes
- SimpleNote -l: list notes in scratch buffer
- SimpleNote -u: update note from buffer
- SimpleNote -d: move note to trash