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Releases: trendmicro/tlsh

TLSH with 50 byte limit

19 Jul 05:28
Choose a tag to compare

We have determined that the 256 byte limit was too conservative
TLSH appears to work down to approximately 50 bytes
So making the default behaviour to evaluate a digest for strings for 50 bytes and above

windows alpha

31 May 05:43
Choose a tag to compare
windows alpha Pre-release

windows alpha release
Please test in your Windows environment

fast version

19 Mar 02:53
Choose a tag to compare

fast version - see results in under 3.11.0

definetly move to version 3.11.0

3.10.0 minor fixes. extended API. baseline for timing experiments

19 Mar 02:28
Choose a tag to compare
3.9.3 fix to tlsh_pattern
3.9.4 fixing bug when calls to finish() update() done in invalid sequence
3.9.5 ./  added -notest option
3.9.6 zero byte checksum option in Cmakefiles
3.9.7 fixing bin/timing_unittest
3.9.8 added distance calculations and -size option to bin/timing_unittest
3.9.9 remove dependancy on GNUInstallDirs
3.10.0 added to the API available for tools using TLSH
        int BucketValue(int bucket);
        int Checksum(int k);

Minor improvements. Zero change to underlying hash function.

18 Mar 04:53
Choose a tag to compare

Picked up following improvements.

Added the - force option
Allows a user to force the generation of digests for strings down to 50 characters long

Fixed the error in the Python extension

merged in various fixes - ifdef / added a SHA1 to the NOTICE.txt file / improved / improved regression tests / fixed the header file to resolve C++ standard violation. See for details

resolved issue #29 - the force option for Python Step 1 - adding a regression test for strings approx of length 50 Step 2 - add python code

added code to set the distance parameters for ROC analysis to use these settings then change in CMakeLists.txt set(TLSH_DISTANCE_PARAMETERS 0) => set(TLSH_DISTANCE_PARAMETERS 1)

resolving internal issue #44
making static library the default

resolving internal issue #45
add a timing test for TLSH

$ bin/timing_unittest
build a buffer with a million bytes...
eval TLSH 50 times...
TLSH(buffer) = A12500088C838B0A0F0EC3C0ACAB82F3B8228B0308CFA302338C0F0AE2C24F28000008
BEFORE ms=1502905567631
AFTER ms=1502905573523
TIME ms=5892
TIME ms=117 per iteration

resolving internal issue #46
in include/tlsh_impl.h #define SLIDING_WND_SIZE 5 this can be varied between 4 to 8

3.8.0 Adding // access functions - required by tools using TLSH library
int Lvalue();
int Q1ratio();
int Q2ratio();

3.9.0 resolving internal issue #48 - tlsh_pattern program This tlsh_pattern program should read a pattern file
col 1: pattern number
col 2: nitems in group
col 3: TLSH
col 4: radius
col 5: pattern label The input options should match the tlsh program

usage: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -f file
: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -d digest
: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -r dir
: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -l listfile

3.9.1 resolving internal issue #38 putting in fix in rand_tags.cpp so that it generates identical output to previous version while safely working with pointers

3.9.2 18/Mar/2019
Also merged the contents of NOTICE.txt into LICENSE.
This was done because NOTICE.txt is sometimes accidently removed when people create their own version of this repository.
And the LICENSE specifically states that NOTICE.txt should NOT be removed.

Also added command line option -notice which displays the NOTICE.txt file