Client server TicTacToe Game with additional death match rules
Prototype implementation using ReST
start Description: Initiates a new game Method: GET Inputs: Response: string gameid Example: connect Description: Joins a player to a game and returns a player id. First player to connect successfully gets the playerid of p1, first to move. Second player to connect successfully gets the playerid of p2, second to move. Method: GET Inputs: string gameid Response: string playerid Example: status Description: Get the status of the game Method: GET Inputs: string gameid Response: int 0 = game has not started yet int 1 = player 1's turn int 2 = player 2's turn int 3 = player 1 is winner int 4 = player 2 is winner Example: mode Description: Get the mode of the game Method: GET Inputs: string gameid Response: string tictactoe|slide Example: move Description: place a move Method: POST Inputs: string gameid string playerid int position Response: true Example: grid Description: fetch the current game grid Method: POST Inputs: string gameid Response: JSON array Example: All responses use http code of 200, if an error occurs the response code is set to 400. In the event of an error you may also get one of the following error messages as a response: "Unknown Error" "Database Error" "Invalid Move/Command" "You must provide a valid game ID" "You cant join this game as it is already full" "That game does not exist" "You must provide a valid player ID" "Player is not part of this game" "Game not started" "It is not your turn" "Game is over"