To add/remove users to INCIDENTS, you must be an admin. Visit Admin > Users
in the top navigation bar.
To add an user, enter her email address to send her an invitation to create an account.
- You cannot disable an user who's been sent, but hasn't accepted, an invitation.
- You cannot disable the last enabled admin user.
- You cannot disable the last enabled user (who's probably an admin!).
An user can be either an admin or a normal user.
An admin can do everything a normal user can, plus:
- view every incident (not just the incidents he's a member of)
- add users to INCIDENTS
- remove users from INCIDENTS
- add/edit statuses
- add/edit priorities
Currently, there's no way to elevate an existing user to an admin from the web interface.
An user can have a status of:
- DISABLED: User is soft deleted and cannot log in.
- INVITATION_PENDING: The user has been sent, but hasn't accepted, an invitation
- INVITATION_ACCEPTED: The user has been sent and has accepted an invitation
- CREATED_MANUALLY: This user wasn't created via invitation. This is likely the initial user, created using the Rails console.