I made this because I don't like VirtualBox and I wanted to use vagrant with VMWare Fusion but was too cheap to buy the Vagrant plugin.
Usage is pretty straightforward:
mech init <url>
mech (up | start) [options] [<name> --gui]
mech (down | stop) [options] [<name>]
mech suspend [options]
mech pause [options]
mech ssh [options] [--user=<user>]
mech ip [options]
mech (list | status) [options]
mech -h | --help
mech --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--debug Show debug messages.
mech init
can be used to pull a box file which will be installed and generate a mechfile in the current directory. Barring that, mech up <name>
can also be used to specify a vmx file to start.
pip install mech