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Changelog release

This GitHub Action reads a CHANGELOG file according to the KeepAChangelog format and outputs the content.

You can fill your release content from your changelog file.

    - name: Read the changelog
      id: changelog
      uses: 3liz/[email protected]

    - name: Create release on GitHub
      uses: ncipollo/[email protected]
        body: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.markdown }}
        token: ${{ secrets.BOT_HUB_TOKEN }}
        allowUpdates: true


Input Description Default value
TAG_NAME The tag to look in the changelog file Default to a current GitHub tag if present
INPUT_CHANGELOG_FILE The file to parse Default to in the root folder
ADD_EMOJIS If emoji must be inserted in the output Default to True
EMOJI_END_OF_LINE Emoji at the beginning or end of line Default to False, so the beginning of the line
ADD_RAW_CHANGELOG_LINK If a link to GitHub website must be added between this tag and the previous one Default to True


Output Description
markdown The changelog as Markdown


In the backend, it's using the Python library KeepAChangelog


There isn't any unittests for now.

INPUT_CHANGELOG_FILE=tests/fixtures/ INPUT_TAG_NAME=10.0.1 ./application/