This project is a webring relay service built with Go. It manages a list of websites, checks their uptime, and provides a dashboard for administration.
- Dashboard for managing websites in the webring
- Automatic uptime checking of websites (with proxy support)
- API endpoints for navigating the webring
- Basic authentication for the dashboard
- Go 1.16 or later
- PostgreSQL database
edit .env to set correct path to database
go install -tags 'postgres'
go mod tidy
cp .env.template .env
make migrate-up
go run cmd/server/main.go
or download prebuild version
chmod +x webring
- Access the dashboard at
(use the credentials set in your.env
file) - API endpoints:
- Next site:
GET /{id}/next/
- Previous site:
GET /{id}/prev/
- Random site:
GET /{id}/random/
- Full data for a site:
GET /{id}/data
- Next site:
- Redirect endpoints:
- Next site:
GET /{id}/next
- Previous site:
GET /{id}/prev
- Random site:
GET /{id}/random
- Next site: