GHCi-like theme with selectable color schemes.
Credits to hugo-theme-shell that this project is forked from and its author, @Yukuro.
GHCi-like portfolio
Selectable color schemes
Built-in themes
Mayccoll/Gogh themes (an example listed below)
Minimal design
MathJax: Beautiful and accessible math in all browsers
- Hugo Version 0.85.0 or higher
- Hugo extended version is required.
hugo new site myportfolio
cd myportfolio
git init
git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-ghci
hugo server -t hugo-theme-ghci -w -D
cd myportfolio
git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-ghci
hugo server -t hugo-theme-ghci -w -D
supports the Mayccoll/Gogh theme
- Choose a Goph theme : you can choose a theme here.
- Copy the name of the theme you selected
- Configure your config.toml as follows
[Params.Prompt] scheme = "THEME_NAME"
in config.toml
# Note: This is for the meta description, which is different from the
# "description" displayed in the prompt.
description = "Kevin Hammond's Portfolio!"
# Note: color scheme
# Note: You can choose between
# Note: hugo-theme-ghci original: ["Haskell"]
# Note: hugo-theme-ghci built-in (inherited from hugo-theme-shell):
# ["prompt-powershell", "prompt-ubuntu", "prompt-retro", "prompt-white"]
# Note: gogh theme:
scheme = "Haskell"
# Note: variables for GHCi heading
# GHCi, version [ghcVersion]: [ghcURL] :? for help
ghcVersion = "9.0.2"
ghcURL = ""
# Note: speed at which text is displayed on the prompt
# Note: if set to 0, typing animation will be disabled
# Note:
# Note: if you want to enable Mathjax, you need to set it to 0
# Note: and set "math: true" at front matter in your Markdown or Org file
headingDelay = 0 # GHCi heading speed : GHCi, version [ghcVersion]: [ghcURL] :? for help
promptDelay = 0 # prompt speed : ghci>, |
stdoutDelay = 0 # stdout speed : [description] , files in Params.Tree
codeDelay = 50 # code speed : myStringTransform :: String -> String
# Note: speed at which text is displayed on the activity pages
# Note: if set to 0, typing animation will be disabled
# Note:
# Note: if you want to enable Mathjax, you need to set it to 0
# Note: and set "math: true" at front matter in your Markdown file
titleDelay = 0 # title speed : "title" in front matter
contentDelay = 0 # content speed : content in .md file
# Note: variables that control timing with regards to dynamic scrolling as the
# prompt is updated
# Note: these variables should not need to be tuned most likely (in-place due
# to poor dynamic scrolling implementation due to limitations of more ideal
# functionality like scrollIntoView + dynamically rendered elements)
# Note: units are in milliseconds
# Note: a FIXME comment is in place for this functionality. Once fixed, these
# variables will be deprecated.
scrollDownUpdateInterval = 50 # Controls the interval duration between scroll to bottom calls
scrollDownTimeoutAfterTypeEffect = 500 # Controls time after typing effect is done to cancel subsequent scroll down calls
# Note: controls properties related to the Haskell "module" that contains
# functions with information about the site and profile
importPackage = "Site" # module name
importQualified = false # whether module should be a qualified import
# Note: in output
# ghci> [sysInfoFcnName]
# Login name: [userName]
# Host name: [pcName]
# ghci> [profileDescriptionFcnName]
# [description]
userName = "khammond"
pcName = "glasgow"
sysInfoFcnName = "getSystemInfo"
profileDescriptionFcnName = "getProfileDescription"
# Note: If you want to use a Markdown or Org file, you can use the following
# description = "/"
# Note: and put the in /content/
description = """
Hi I am Kevin Hammond!
Nice to meet you!
use = true
fcnName = "getProfilePicture"
# Note: if githubUserName is non-empty, src is ignored
githubUserName = "haskell"
src = "" # path/url to image
use = true
fcnName = "getActivity"
files = [
["C", ""],
["Cmm", ""],
["Haskell", ""],
["Lazy ML", "/posts/"],
- Hugo build fails
- What is the version of your Hugo?
- GHCi theme requires Hugo version 0.85.0 or higher and extended version
- Post does not show up (return 404 not found)
- There are two possible causes for this.
- Forgot to add
) as an argument to the hugo command - The front matter of the post's
file has "draft: true" set.
- Forgot to add
- There are two possible causes for this.
Contributions are always welcome!