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Cloud-native monitoring app using AWS EKS, Kubernetes, Docker, Flask & psutil. Showcases DevOps skills in automation, deployment & troubleshooting. 🚀


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This project demonstrates the end-to-end deployment of a cloud-native monitoring application on AWS EKS. It showcases expertise in Kubernetes, Docker, AWS IAM, ECR, and troubleshooting real-world deployment challenges. The application monitors system resources using Python and Flask, providing a visual representation of CPU and memory usage.

Monitoring Dashboard ECR Repository AWS Docker Image AWS Node Group

Tech Stack

  • Cloud Provider: AWS (IAM, EKS, ECR)
  • Containerization: Docker
  • Orchestration: Kubernetes (kubectl, manifests)
  • Backend: Python, Flask
  • Monitoring: psutil (CPU & memory usage)
  • Automation: AWS CLI, Boto3

Key Features

Cloud-Native Deployment: Fully deployed on AWS EKS using Kubernetes manifests.
Secure IAM Configuration: Least-privilege AWS IAM setup for secure access.
Dockerized Application: Efficient containerization and registry management with AWS ECR.
Optimized Node Group: Cost-effective Kubernetes cluster provisioning.
CI/CD Ready: Potential integration with GitHub Actions for automated deployments.
Troubleshooting & Debugging: Hands-on experience in diagnosing and resolving Kubernetes issues.

Deployment Steps

1️⃣ AWS IAM Configuration

  1. Created an IAM User: Configured necessary permissions for AWS services.
  2. Configured IAM Locally:
    aws configure
  3. Verified IAM Setup:
    aws iam list-users

2️⃣ Environment Setup

  1. Installed Kubernetes CLI:
    sudo apt install -y kubectl
  2. Developed Python Monitoring App:
    • Uses psutil to track CPU & memory.
    • Serves metrics using Flask (render_template for index.html).

3️⃣ Dockerizing the Application

  1. Created Dockerfile (with dependency management and exposed port 5000).
  2. Built and Ran Docker Container:
    docker build -t monitoring-app .
    docker run -p 5000:5000 monitoring-app
  3. Resolved Docker Issues:
    • Fixed incorrect port binding warnings.

4️⃣ AWS ECR Setup

  1. Created an ECR Repository Using Boto3:
    import boto3
    client = boto3.client('ecr')
    response = client.create_repository(repositoryName='monitoring-app')
  2. Pushed Docker Image to ECR:
    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-account-id>
    docker tag monitoring-app:latest <aws-account-id>
    docker push <aws-account-id>

5️⃣ Kubernetes Deployment on AWS EKS

  1. Created an EKS Cluster:
    eksctl create cluster --name cloud-native-cluster --region us-east-1
  2. Configured Node Group (Optimized Cost by Using t2.micro)
  3. Deployed Kubernetes Manifest Files:
    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  4. Exposed the Application:
    kubectl expose deployment monitoring-app --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 --target-port=5000
  5. Updated Kubernetes Cluster Config:
    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name cloud-native-cluster

6️⃣ Troubleshooting & Debugging

  1. Checked Service Status:
    kubectl get svc
  2. Debugged Failures Using kubectl describe:
    kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
  3. Forwarded Service for External Access:
    kubectl port-forward svc/monitoring-app 8080:5000


🚀 Successfully deployed a cloud-native monitoring application on AWS Kubernetes, accessible via port forwarding.
📌 Demonstrated proficiency in DevOps tools, cloud deployment, container orchestration, and troubleshooting real-world infrastructure issues.
🛠️ Open for improvements—potential to integrate CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Cloud-native monitoring app using AWS EKS, Kubernetes, Docker, Flask & psutil. Showcases DevOps skills in automation, deployment & troubleshooting. 🚀







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