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Getting Started (old)

Kevin Dalley edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 9 revisions

Instructions on using GO_Sync

Latest Version

This documentation refers to version 0.9 of GO-Sync. It may be out of date when using the latest version.


  1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Downloaded here.
  2. GTFS zip file or direct link to GTFS zip file from the Internet. Note:You MUST have permission from the owner of the GTFS data (e.g., transit agency) before uploading it into OSM.

Installing and Running GO_Sync

See the main README page.

Using GO_Sync

On the main screen, there are two tabs, representing two main features GO_Sync can do: Compare Data and Revert Changeset

Figure 1: GO_Sync Main Form

Compare Data

  • All the fields with asterisk are required.

  • Operator Full Name is the full name of the transit agency which is in charge of the dataset you are going to import.

  • Operator Abbreviation is also the name of the transit agency but in a simpler form. This field is used when creating name for bus route. Bus route name is in the format: (ABBREVIATE) + route + (bus rout>e ref)

  • Operator Alias are all the possible names of that transit agency, separated by semi-colon (“;”). These alias, operator full name, and abbreviate are used to match bus stops from the same agency. Since OSM has users from different backgrounds, this method hopefully increase the accuracy of matching stops while GO_Sync compares bus stops between GTFS dataset and OSM data.

  • Operator NTD ID is the National Transit Database identification number. This is only for U.S. transit agencies and you can get the number from here. For other agencies not listed in the above link, it’s only optional. Note: With the current version 0.9, GO_Sync has an auto-complete functionality. If you're dealing with an U.S. transit agency and this field is not automated, please report the issues for us. Furthermore, if you'd like GO_Sync to automate any other information, please feel free to contact us so we can improve this application.

  • GTFS ID Digit is how many digits in your stop_id that you want to put in. This is also optional.

  • Last but not least is the GTFS input.

  1. If you already have a GTFS dataset in your local computer, please select "Folder or Zip File" option and then use the "Browse" button to locate your file. For this specific option, keep in mind that your transit agency must have at least 4 files: stops.txt, stop_times.txt, routes.txt, and trips.txt in that directory.
  2. If you know a GTFS dataset from an Internet link, please select "URL" option and input the direct link to your GTFS dataset.
  • Below is the form when it is completely filled.

Figure 2: GO_Sync Main Form Filled

  • The text field at the bottom of the application shows the progress and which task GO_Sync has completed. Depends on how big your GTFS dataset is and the load of XAPI server, GO_Sync might take several minutes to complete its task. Hit run and go get a cup of coffee :D.

  • A screenshot while GO_Sync is comparing bus stops data

Figure 3: GO_Sync Running

  • After processing all the data, a report is generated.

Report Stop Viewer

Figure 4: Stop Report

  • There are 4 stop categories to view. Tool tips are provided when you let your mouse sit for few seconds.

  • GTFS stops drop down gives you a list of stops in the corresponding category.

  • If a stop is in "New GTFS stops with Potential Matches in OSM," there are several OSM stops in the OSM stops drop down for you to select. The map in GO_Sync report would help you to determine the right match.

  • The table in the report has 4 columns. The first column is "Tag Names", which are all the tags from GTFS stop and OSM stop. The second column named "GTFS Values," which give you all the associated values with the tag name in the same row. Similarly, "OSM Values" are values of the corresponding keys from OSM stops. "New Values" are values that are to be inserted in OSM. One notice is that you can only change values in "New Values" by selecting the checkboxes and at the same time, the equivalent row needs to be white.

  • The map is interactive. In addition to displaying the selected stops, the map can show stop data once you click on any stops.

Report Route Viewer

  • Prerequisite: Transit agency bus route data are created with relation. In practice, an OpenStreetMap relation can only be linked with existing objects. Therefore, in the four bus stop categories, GO_Sync takes into account bus routes from only two bus stop sets: "Existing stops" and "Existing stops with Updates." Those bus stops have been previously coded in the server and, therefore, have their own OpenStreetMap identification number (id).

Figure 5: Route Report

  • This report route viewer also works the same as the report stop viewer.

  • However, in place of the interactive map, we have a table of route members. Basically, this contains all the stops which have GTFS ID. Therefore, although the selected route might have some extra nodes and relations in OSM, they are not shown in this table. Again, this table only shows stops with GTFS ID.

Additional Features

  • The report also has a File menu, in which you can export bus stops data to GTFS format or data with additional OSM information.

Remember: Pay close attention to the data you are dealing with before uploading your dataset. We strongly suggest you to interact with OSM forums and listserv before any mass uploads.

Revert Changeset

  • A changeset is an OpenStreetMap object which contains all user activities when they interact with the server for uploading new dataset. Occasionally, GO_Sync users make mistakes in importing stops into OpenStreetMap. This functionality comes into place to correct user’s mistakes.

  • Committed changes might have been altered by other users. If that is the case, the changeset is ‘soiled.’ Otherwise, the changeset is ‘fresh.’

  • GO_Sync provides users a convenient way for correcting their mistakes. Two limitations of this implementation are that the revert only takes place on bus stops (e.g., changeset created by GO_Sync) and the changeset must be ‘fresh.’

  • Initially, users are asked to input a changeset id that they want to revert. Based on the changeset id, all changes that have been made in that specific changeset are obtained.