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jmfield2 edited this page Nov 30, 2016 · 3 revisions


Setting up the Server:

  1. OTP Standalone Server using usf-mobullity branch mobullityrebase:
    -> Note: Need to build graph in eclipse and make sure graph.obj file and file in appropriate place
    -> Open command prompt
    -> Navigate to usf-mobullity folder
    -> Use command "mvn clean package"
    -> This creates an otp.jar file in a test folder that is used to run the server
    -> Run server with command "java -jar target/otp.jar -p port --server"
    -> Use port 8080 or 8181 depending on what is open

2) Geocoder Server using usf-mobullity branch usf-GTFSrt
-> Start server with Apache Tomcat 7.0 on port 80
-> Use eclipse to export otp-geocoder.war file
-> Also use otp-leaflet-client.war and otp-rest-servlet.war but not necessary
-> Upload war file(s) into Tomcat manager

Modified Files from original OTP in mobullityrebase branch:

  1. Config.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/config.js
    -> contains many settings for the leaflet client of the server
  2. Style.css
    -> src/client/style.css
    -> used for styling the looks of the leaflet client
  3. Map.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/core/Map.js
    -> added current location capabilities
  4. MultimodalPlannerModule.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/modules/multimodal/MultimodalPlannerModule.js
    -> editing of different modules such as the Trip options module
    -> initializes BusPositionsLayer and StopsLayer
  5. PlannerModule.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/modules/planner/PlannerModule.js
    -> add welcome pop up and different color path legs for HART and Bull Runner
  6. TripOptionsWidget.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/widgets/tripoptions/TripOptionsWidget.js
    ->changes to the looks of the trip options widget
  7. StopsLayer.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/layers/StopsLayer.js
    -> modified to work with both HART bus stops and Bull Runner bus stops
    -> modified to work with rebase and new api call stopsinradias
  8. TransitIndex.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/core/TransitIndex.js
    -> added functions for making api calls and edited existing functions that were messed up in the rebase
  9. Webapp.js
    -> src/client/js/otp/core/Webapp.js
    -> used to edit the looks of all the modules and how they act

## Added Files into mobullityrebase branch: 1)
-> src/main/java/org/opentripplanner/updater/vehiclepositions/
-> parses the vehicle positions at http site
-> src/main/java/org/opentripplanner/updater/vehiclepositions/
-> constantly calls the parser and sorts the vehicle position data
-> src/main/java/org/opentripplanner/updater/vehiclepositions/
-> defines a vehicle
-> src/main/java/org/opentripplanner/updater/vehiclepositions/
-> decodes the http site and returns a list of vehicles
-> src/main/java/org/opentripplanner/api/resource/
-> turns the list of vehicles from the polling into an api that can be called from the client
-> src/main/java/org/opentripplanner/api/resource/
-> defines a vehicle position list as an xml element
7) BusPositionsLayer.js
-> src/main/java/org/otp/layers/BusPositionsLayer.js
-> calls the Vehicle Position api to display vehicle positions on the map
-> displays the Bull Runner Routes on the map
8) HartStopsLayer.js
-> src/main/java/org/otp/layers/HartStopsLayer.js
-> should display only HART stops on the map
-> currently interferes with StopsLayer because they make the same api call...
9) Images
-> Added images for vehicle positions and current positions and bus stops
-> src/cliet/images

Modified Files from original OTP in usf-GTFSrt branch:

  1. application-context.xml
    -> otp-geocoder/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/geocoder/ application-context.xml
    -> contains the list of buildings at USF and other popular buildings in the area

Added Files into usf-GTFSrt branch:
