is the canonical location for presentations and code from CppCon 2019.
For Speakers: Submitting Materials
- 6 Algorithmic Journeys with Concepts by Taras Shevchenko
- A C++ Approach to Physical Units by Mateusz Pusz
- A Series of Unfortunate Bugs by Satabdi Das
- A Short Life span For a Regular Mess by Victor Ciura
- A Unifying Abstraction for Async in C++ by Eric Niebler, David S Hollman
- Abseil's Open Source Hashtable: 2 Years In by Matthew Kulukundis
- (Ab)using compiler tools by Reka Kovacs
- Address Sanitizers + Cloud at Microsoft by Jim Radigan
- An Overview of Standard Ranges by Tristan Brindle
- Are We Macro-free Yet by Zhihao Yuan [.pptx] [.pdf] [more materials]
- Asynchronous Programming in Modern C++ by Hartmut Kaiser
- Atomics Locks And Tasks by Rainer Grimm
- Avoid Misuse of Contracts by Rostislav Khlebnikov
- Back To Basics: Atomics, Locks, and Tasks by Rainer Grimm [more materials]
- Back to Basics: Lambdas from Scratch by Arthur O’Dwyer
- Back to Basics: Move Semantics (part 1) by Klaus Iglberger
- Back to Basics: Move Semantics (part 2) by Klaus Iglberger
- Back To Basics: OOP by Jon Kalb
- Back to Basics: RAII and the Rule of Zero by Arthur O’Dwyer
- Back to Basics: Smart Pointers by Arthur O’Dwyer
- Back to Basics: Test-Driven Development by Fedor Pikus
- Back To Basics: The Best Parts of C++ by Jason Turner
- Back to Basics: Type Erasure by Arthur O’Dwyer
- Back To Basics: Virtual Dispatch And Its Alternatives by Inbal Levi
- Behind the Scenes of a C++ Build System by Jussi Pakkanen
- Catching ⬆️ - The (Baseline) Unicode Plan for C++23 by JeanHeyd Meneide
- Clang Based Refactoring by Fred Tingaud
- Compiler Explorer: Behind the Scenes by Matt Godbolt [README] [more materials]
- Concepts in C++20 Revolution or Evolution by Rainer Grimm
- Concurrency in C++20 and beyond by Anthony Williams
- C++20 Standard Library Beyond Ranges by Jeff Garland
- C++20 What's In It For You by Marc Gregoire
- C++ as a First Language... Really? by Patrice Roy
- C++ at 40 by Bjarne Stroustrup
- C++ Class Natures in Their Canonical Form by Peter Sommerlad
- C++ Code Smells by Jason Turner
- C++... Easy, Elegant, Powerful! by Charles Bay
- C++ Standard Library "Little Things" by Billy O'Neal
- Deep CMake For Library Authors by Craig Scott
- De-fragmenting C++: Making exceptions and RTTI more affordable and usable by Herb Sutter
- Design Patterns by Fedor Pikus
- Destructor Case Studies by Pete Isensee
- EDSL Infinity War Mainstreaming Symbolic Computation by Joel Falcou and Vincent Reverdy
- Embrace Modern Technology: Using HTML 5 for GUI in C++ by Borislav Stanimirov [README]
- Error handling is cancelling operations by Andrzej Krzemienski
- Everyday Efficiency: In-place Construction by Ben Deane
- Expression Templates for Efficient, Generic Finance Code by Bowie Owens
- Fixing C++ With Epochs by Vittorio Romeo
- Floating-Point charconv Making Your Code 10x Faster With C++17's Final Boss by Stephan T. Lavavej [.pdf] [.pptx] [more materials]
- Founding and running C++ User Groups by Jens Weller
- From Algorithm to Generic, Parallel Code by Dietmar Kuhl [more materials]
- From Functions to Lambdas: How Do C++ Callables Really Work? by Walter E. Brown
- From STL to Ranges by Jeff Garland
- Generators, Coroutines and Other Brain Unrolling Sweetness by Adi Shavit
- Getting Allocators out of Our Way by Alisdair Meredith & Pablo Halpern
- Great C++ is_trivial by Jason Turner
- High Performance Graphicsand Text Rendering on the GPU by Barbara Geller & Ansel Sermersheim
- Higher Order Functions in Modern C++ Existing Techniques And Function Ref by Vittorio Romeo
- How C++ wins at card games SWAR by Eduardo Madrid
- How to Choose the Right Standard Library Container by Alan Talbot
- How to Hold a T by CJ Johnson
- How to Write a Heap Memory Profiler by Milian Wolff [README]
- Inference in C++ - The Big Picture by Mike Spertus
- Infiltrating a Codebase by Brian Ruth
- Latest and Greatest in Visual Studio for C++ Developers by Sy Brand, Marian Luparu
- Leveraging Modern C++ in Quantitative Finance by Daniel Hanson
- Lifetime analysis for everyone by Matthias Gehre, Gabor Horvath
- Mesh: Automatically Compacting Your C++ Application's Memory by Emery Berger [.pptx] [.pdf] [more materials]
- Meta++ by Andrew Sutton
- Minimal Structured Logging for Autonomous Vehicles by Robert Keelan
- Modern Linux C++ Debugging Tools_ Under the Covers by Greg Law and Dewang Li
- Mostly Invalid by Arthur O’Dwyer
- Naming is Hard: Let's Do Better by Kate Gregory
- Non-conforming C++ by Miro Knejp
- Path Tracing Three Ways: A Study of C++ Styles by Matt Godbolt [README] [more materials]
- Pattern Matching: A Sneak Peek by Michael Park
- Polymorphism != Virtual by John Bandela
- Practical C++ Modules by Boris Kolpackov
- Quickly Testing Legacy C++ Code with Approval Tests by Clare Macrae [more materials]
- Range Algorithms, Views and Actions: A Comprehensive Guide by Dvir Yitzchaki
- Reflections by Andrew Sutton
- Releasing C++ Toolchains Weekly in a Live at Head World by Jorge Gorbe Moya, Jordan Rupprecht
- Rethinking the Way We Do Templates in C++ by Mateusz Pusz
- Solve Hard Problems Quickly Using SAT Solvers by Martin Hořeňovský
- Some Programming Myths Revisited by Patrice Roy
- Speed Is Found In The Minds Of People by Andrei Alexandrescu
- The Business Value of a Good API by Bob Steagall
- The Design of The C++ Runtime For AWS Lambda by Marco Magdy [README]
- The Networking TS in Practice: Patterns for Real World Problems by Robert Leahy [more materials]
- The Smart Pointers I Wish I Had by Matthew Fleming
- The Truth of a Procedure by Lisa Lippincott
- This Videogame Programmer Used the STL by Mathieu Ropert
- TMI on UDL by Stephen Dewhurst
- Unicode: Going Down the Rabbit Hole by Peter Bindels
- unique_pseudofunction by Filipp Gelman
- Using C++20’s Three-way Comparison by Jonathan Müller
- Will Your Code Survive the Attack of the Zombie Pointers by Paul E. McKenney, Maged Michael, Michael Wong
- Algorithm Magic by Rene Rivera [more materials]
- Arguments Over Argument by Adi Shavit
- Catching New Tricks by Martin Hořeňovský
- Code Samples that Actually Compile by Clare Macrae
- Detecting Programs That Rely on Undefined Behavior by Geoffrey L. Viola
- Highlighting C++ with C++ is... hard by Marcin Zdun
- I SPY with my little eye by Joel Falcou
- Leaving No Input Unsanitized by Gabriel Aubut-Lussier
- Lets Cmakeify the C++ Standard Library by Jussi Pakkanen
- Postmodern Meta C++ by Kris Jusiak
- The Universe of C++ Types by Walter E. Brown
- v.uint32_t(); by Matthis Kruse
- Why Are They Named Lambdas? by Walter E. Brown
- A Study of Integer Sum Reduction using SYCL by Zheming Jin, Hal Finkel
- Analysis of Template Matching by Comparing C++ Concurrency with CUDA and OpenCV by Aditya Immaneni, Victor R. Cabrera, Vadim Pinskiy, Matthew C. Putman
- Embracing modern C++ in HPC for Brain Scale Simulations by O. Awile, T. Carel
- Empirical by Matthew Andres Moreno, Charles Ofria
- Fixed Precision Adder by Elmar Westphal
- FlexIT: Not just another JSON Parser by Nipun Jindal, Pranay Kumar
- High-level Synthesis with SLX FPGA by Matthias Gehre
- How Snap uses C++ to build the most-used augmented reality platform by Evgenii Zaikin, Fedir Poliakov, Yurii Monastyrshyn
- Meet Beetroot by Adam Ryczkowski [more materials]
- Yet Another Fast Log by Ran Regev