Devolutions PowerShell module samples scripts.
The repository is divided in four areas:
Small fragments of PowerShell code that are used mostly in RDM's "Edit -> Edit (special actions) -> Custom PowerShell command". This offers a simple interactive method to run a snippet of code on currently selected entries. You should note that the snippets available in the custom_batch_actions area are usable in scripts. When looking for information on how to handle a specific field of one of our entries, it's recommended to look in the whole repository.
Scripts that make use of DVLS cmdlets (verb-DSxxxx) from our Devolutions PowerShell Module.
Scripts that make use of Remote Desktop Manager cmdlets (verb-RDMxxxx) from our Devolutions PowerShell Module.
Scripts that make use of Hub Busines cmdlets (verb-Hubxxxx) from our Devolutions PowerShell Module.