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Pipeline that allows sending forensic artifacts to OpenRelik for automatic processing

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This repository provides an all-in-one DFIR solution by deploying Timesketch, OpenRelik, Velociraptor, and the custom OpenRelik Pipeline tool via Docker Compose. It allows users to send forensic artifacts (e.g., Windows event logs or full triage acquisitions generated with Velociraptor) to an API endpoint, which triggers a workflow to upload the files to OpenRelik and generate a timeline. Depending on the configuration, the workflow can use log2timeline (Plaso) or Hayabusa to produce the timeline and push it directly into Timesketch. This automated approach streamlines artifact ingestion and analysis, turning what used to be multiple separate processes into a more convenient, “push-button” deployment.

To do

  • Add Velociraptor tags into artifacts so timelines from systems tied to an investigation by tags can all be added to the same sketch for that investigation
  • Add nginx config to simplify the URLs/ports


Known Bugs

Step 1 - Install Docker

Follow the official installation instructions to install Docker Engine.

Step 2 - Clone the project and set environment variables

sudo -i
git clone /opt/openrelik-pipeline

Change IP_ADDRESS to your public or IPv4 address if deploying on a cloud server, a VM (the IP of the VM), or WSL (the IP of WSL).

export IP_ADDRESS="" 

Step 3 - Run the install script to deploy Timesketch, OpenRelik, Velociraptor, and the OpenRelik Pipeline

Depending on your connection, this can take 5-10 minutes.

chmod +x /opt/openrelik-pipeline/


Your OpenRelik, Velociraptor, Timesketch usernames are admin, and the passwords are what you set above.

Step 4 - Verify deployment

Verify that all containers are up and running.

docker ps -a

Access the web UIs:

Access the pipeline:

Again, if deploying elsewhere, or on a VM, or with WSL, use the IP you used for $IP_ADDRESS.

Step 5 - Access

With curl

You can now send files to it for processing and timelining.

We've provided an example with curl so it can be easily translated into anything else.

Generate a timeline with Hayabusa from your Windows event logs and push it into Timesketch:

curl -X POST -F "file=@/path/to/your/Security.evtx" http://$IP_ADDRESS:5000/api/hayabusa/timesketch

Generate a timeline with Plaso and push it into Timesketch:

curl -X POST -F "file=@/path/to/your/" http://$IP_ADDRESS:5000/api/plaso/timesketch

With Velociraptor

In the repo, we've provided several Velociraptor artifacts.

You can add them in the Velociraptor GUI in one of two ways:

  • In the View Artifacts section, click the Add an Artifact button and manually copy paste each one and save it
  • Via the Artifact Exchange
    • Click Server Artifacts
    • Click New Collection
    • Select Server.Import.ArtifactExchange
    • Click Configure Parameters
    • Click on Server.Import.ArtifactExchange
    • For the ExchangeURL enter the URL of found here
    • For the prefix, choose something relevant, like OpenRelikPipeline.
    • Leave ArchiveGlob as is
    • Click Launch
    • You should now see all of them as Server Monitoring artifacts in the Artifacts page

These are configured to hit each available endpoint:

  • /api/plaso
  • /api/plaso/timesketch
  • /api/hayabusa
  • /api/hayabusa/timesketch

You can configure them to run automatically by going to Server Events in the Velociraptor GUI and adding them to the server event monitoring table.

By default, they are configured to run when the Windows.KapeFiles.Targets artifact completes on an endpoint.

It will zip up the collection, and send it through the pipeline into OpenRelik for processing.


I strongly recommend deploying OpenRelik and Timesketch with HTTPS--additional instructions for Timesketch, OpenRelik, and Velociraptor are provided here, here, ahd here. For this proof of concept, we're using HTTP. Modify your configs to reflect HTTPS if you deploy for production use.