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WM-agnostic Theme Manager |
WM-agnostic Theme Manager made with Bash only. Simply, it copy-pastes configs and manages them. It was preconfigured to work with Sway WM but there are lots of possibilities to use with other WMs, testing now with i3-gaps and bspwm. If you have made advances with these testing WMs, please let me know!
- Simple GUI with
- Easy and intuitive usage
- Dynamic and instant change of themes
- Easy Installation script
- Customization - Create you own Theme Package
- Auto-backup your previous config up to 8 histories at "~/Documents/wmtm_configs_saved"
- Windows 98/XP/7/10
- MacOS 1.0/15.0
- Ubuntu 20.04
- 2 custom
- Take Screenshots via
- Processor, Memory, Battery & Volume sensors
- Caffeine
- Autotiling via
from (nwg-piotr)[https://github.com/nwg-piotr/autotiling] - logout screen via
- Intuitive enough panel with widgets and used applications via
- Menu via
- Ready for Copy/Paste via
- Icons with NerdFonts
- Open GUI of the appCtrl+Super+s
- Save your config to the folder ~/Documents/wmtm_configs_savedCtrl+Super+(1-9)
- change theme tho N'th themeCtrl+Super+(left|right)
- change theme to the next/previous one./changetheme.sh (next|prev)
- change to next or previous theme./changetheme.sh <Theme Name>
- change to an exact theme./changetheme.sh customize
- open customization menu./changetheme.sh <number>
- change theme to an N'th theme./changetheme.sh goback
(or fuckgoback) - revert changes if you have suddenly overwritten them./changetheme fuck
- feel free to swear at my code if you somehow messed up your config
Copy this and try to install to your Distro:
sway swaylock wlogout rofi dialog alacritty waybar zenity polkit polkit-gnome grim grimshot wl-clipboard light playerctl pamixer tar zip unzip
- rofi-lbonn-wayland-git -> Apps menu
-> Wayland Window Managerdialog
-> Terminal Interfacegrimshot
-> Screenshotsswaylock
-> Lock Screenwaybar
-> Panelalacritty
-> Terminalwlogout
-> GTK logout screenmako
-> Notification daemonzenity
-> GUI application for my scriptautotiling
from (nwg-piotr)[https://github.com/nwg-piotr/autotiling], can be installed by AUR- nerd-fonts-fira-code -> icons for panels
-> authentification for stacer, gparted, etcpolkit-gnome
-> required addition for polkit, preferred version is polkit-gnome-git from AURwl-clipboard
-> Wayland Copy/Paste Utilitylight
-> Screen Brightness TUI appplayerctl
-> Does smth with soundpamixer
-> Raises and Lowers volume, problematic to install in Fedora, I recommend just to compile on your own
- To
package to work, add your user tovideo
sudo usermod -aG your_username
-> PDF (and others) readerzathura-pdf-poppler
-> PDF addon forzathura
- Add customizability of Sway config (Autostart, Behaviour, Rules)
- Add Gtk-2.0, Gtk-3.0, Gtk-4.0 (if possible)
- Add customizability of other Config folders (Rofi, Mako, Waybar)
- Create a Wiki and Q&A with guides on ricing sway and other WMs
- Basic logging for maintenance (I don't know how)
- Add qt5st to WMTM (if possible)
- Create a website/server similar to gnome-look.org which will download ready configs from my site
I still thinking on how to do that, but for now feel free to send to [email protected]
P.S. I'm a beginner developer, if you have some bash scripting skills, please peer-review my script. I made the code as human-readable and maintainable as much as possible, but it's still a big mess.
- rofi everywhere is broken, I guess an update broke something
- Brightness and Volume buttons are not working
- In MacOSBigSur, rofi is not working in VM
- In resources files, you cannot name archives with spaces!
- GTK apps still need 20 seconds to turn on
- Potential: tar.?z and zip files are being opened differently
- Automatic Logout not tested
Yes, I'm lazy af
- Greetd -> Login Manager
- greetd-gtkgreet -> GTK-based addition for Greetd