Provide the base tools to develop a flutter app for production
/!\ For Android, I setup all requierments in android/
/!\ For IOS, you need to look all packages to see what edit in ios/
Dependency | Description |
http | For HTTP(S) requests, basic didn't need better in general |
i18n_extension | The Easiest translation system, no code generator |
flutter_bloc | State management edited to make an architecture event to event |
shared_preferences | Little storage for stock theme preference, locale, settings |
flutter_secure_storage | Storage for tokens or user's personal data like email. |
firebase_crashlytics | To report crash on Firebase (free) |
firebase_analytics | Storage for tokens or user's personal data like email |
firebase_core | Mandatory to use Firebase plugins |
provider | Simple provider system to share resource. |
flutter_launcher_icons | To generate the launcher app icons (see pubspec.yaml) |
flutter_native_splash | To generate the splash screen (see pubspec.yaml) |
Change the google-service.json by yours.
In this app, you can see how quickly manage :
- rooting
- storage (preference & secure)
- theme
- translation
- phone settings importation
- api calls
- data sharing
- state management
- analytics