Just Nvim is just a personal nvim configuaration. It's not meant to be portable, or to appeal to anyone at all. Tested on Kali linux.
First, you need to install vim-plug.
Then just clone this repository and move all files to your nvim config folder (e.g. ~/.config/nvim/).
There should be an error message on your first launch. Simply run :PlugInstall
, which should install all required plugins.
A possible way to achieve that would be:
- Create backup
cp -r ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/.nvim
- Remove current config
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/GallowsDove/just-nvim ~/.config/nvim
You can check dependencies using :checkhealth
- Language servers of choice. (Have to be added to lua/plugins/lspconfig.lua)
- TreeSitter grammars can pe installed via :TSInstall
- Git - For git stuff
- Fd - For better file browsing, and for searching repositories. Also for default wilder config.
- Ripgrep - For extended telescope functions
- Glow - For markdown preview
- Bat - For better file previews
Keybindings can be added to keymaps.lua. Keybindings specific to LSP should be added to lsp-keymaps.lua.
Keybind | Action |
<A-i> |
Open/Close terminal |
\xx |
Toggle Trouble |
\xd |
Trouble document diagnostics |
\xw |
Trouble workspace diagnostics |
\xr |
Trouble LSP References |
<A-[> <A-]> |
Open previous/next buffer |
<C-t> |
Open Nvim Tree |
<A-p> |
Markdown Glow preview |
<A-q> |
Close current buffer |
!<A-q> |
Force close current buffer |
[d ]d |
Jump to previous/next diagnostic |
gd |
Go to definition |
gD |
Go to declaration |
gi |
Go to implementation |
ca |
Code action |
<space>ca |
Extended code action menu |
gr |
Rename |
K |
Show hover doc |
<space>d |
Show line diagnostics |
gc |
Linewise comment |
gb |
Blockwise comment |
\gd |
Show deleted lines (git) |
\gD |
Show git diff |