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Galaxy CI Ansible Ansible Ansible

Graylog Ansible Role


  • Ansible 11.2.0
  • Python 3.12
  • At least 4gb of memory on the target instance.
    • Linux
      • Currently tested against:
        • Ubuntu 18.04
        • Ubuntu 20.04
        • Ubuntu 22.04
        • Ubuntu 24.04
        • Centos 7
        • Centos 8
        • Centos 9

To install the role, run:

ansible-galaxy install graylog2.graylog


Graylog has the following dependencies:

  • Java
  • OpenSearch
  • MongoDB

See the official Graylog documentation for more details on these requirements.

Be certain you are running a supported version of OpenSearch.

Compatibility Matrix

Graylog version 3.x 4.x 5.x 6.x
Elasticsearch 5-6 6.8 - 7.10 6.8 - 7.10 n/a
OpenSearch 1.x* 1.x - 2.x 1.x - 2.x
*Graylog 4.3.x introduces support for OpenSearch.

Refer to the Software Interoperability Chart

You will need to these Ansible role dependencies:

To install it, run:

ansible-galaxy install -r <GRAYLOG ROLE_DIRECTORY>/requirements.yml

Example Playbook

Here is an example playbook that uses this role. This is a single-instance configuration. It installs Java, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and Graylog onto the same server.

    # Graylog vars
    graylog_version: 6.1
    graylog_install_java: True
    graylog_password_secret: "" # Insert your own here. Generate with: pwgen -s 96 1
    graylog_root_password_sha2: "" # Insert your own root_password_sha2 here.
    graylog_http_bind_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:9000"
    graylog_http_publish_uri: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:9000/"
    graylog_http_external_uri: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:9000/"
    graylog_install_open_package: True
    graylog_install_enterprise_package: False

    - role: "graylog2.graylog"
        - "graylog"

Remember to generate a unique password_secret and root_password_sha2 for your instance.

To generate password_secret:

pwgen -s 96 1

To generate root_password_sha2:

  echo -n "Enter Password: " && head -1 </dev/stdin | tr -d '\n' | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1

Example Playbook - Cluster

Here is an example that deploys a Graylog cluster, like the one mentioned on the architecture page of our documentation.

In our Ansible hosts file, we have 3 instances for a Graylog cluster:


First, deploy an OpenSearch cluster.

Next, deploy three MongoDB instances and configure them as a Replica Set. This can be done with the MongoDB community collection.

These MongoDB instances can live on the Graylog servers, as they are not expected to consume much resources.

Again, this doesn't configure authentication in MongoDB. You may want that for a production cluster.

- hosts: "graylog"
    mongodb_version: "4.4"
    bind_ip: ""
    repl_set_name: "rs0"
    authorization: "disabled"
    - community.mongodb.mongodb_repository
    - community.mongodb.mongodb_mongod
    - name: "Start MongoDB"
        name: "mongod"
        state: "started"
        enabled: "yes"

- hosts: "graylog01"
    - name: "Install PyMongo"
        update_cache: yes
        name: "python3-pymongo"
        state: "latest"
    - name: Configure replicaset
        login_host: "localhost"
        replica_set: "rs0"
        - graylog01
        - graylog02
        - graylog03

Finally, install Graylog.

- hosts: "graylog"
    graylog_is_master: "{{ True if ansible_hostname == 'graylog01' else False }}"
    graylog_version: 6.1
    graylog_install_java: False
    graylog_password_secret: "" # Insert your own here. Generate with: pwgen -s 96 1
    graylog_root_password_sha2: "" # Insert your own root_password_sha2 here.
    graylog_http_bind_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:9000"
    graylog_http_publish_uri: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:9000/"
    graylog_http_external_uri: "http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:9000/"
    graylog_elasticsearch_hosts: "http://elasticsearch01:9200,http://elasticsearch02:9200,http://elasticsearch03:9200"
    graylog_mongodb_uri: "mongodb://graylog01:27017,graylog02:27017,graylog03:27017/graylog"

    - role: "graylog2.graylog"

The full example can be seen here. Our documentation has more in-depth advice on configuring a multi-node Graylog setup.

Role Variables

A list of all available role variables is documented here.


We run smoke tests for Graylog using this role. Documentation on that can be found here

Author Information

Author: Graylog and contributors


Apache 2.0