A Django application to retrieve user's IP address
Best attempt to get user's (client's) real ip-address while keeping it DRY.
There is no good solution against fake IP addresses, aka IP Address Spoofing
You are encouraged to read the Advanced users
to match your needs if
you are planning to pull this module in any security
related architecture.
1. easy_install django-ipware
2. pip install django-ipware
3. git clone http://github.com/un33k/django-ipware
a. cd django-ipware
b. run python setup.py
4. wget https://github.com/un33k/django-ipware/zipball/master
a. unzip the downloaded file
b. cd into django-ipware-* directory
c. run python setup.py
# If your web server is publicly accessible on the Internet
# =========================================================
# To get the `real`, `public` IP address of the client.
# Where:
# `Real IP` = Client's IP and not that of any `in-between` proxies.
# `Public IP` = Any IP address that is route-able on the Internet
from ipware.ip import get_real_ip
ip = get_real_ip(request)
if ip is not None:
# we have a real, public ip address for user
# we don't have a real, public ip address for user
# If your web server is NOT publicly accessible on the Internet
# =============================================================
# To get the `best matched` IP address of the client.
# Where:
# `Best Matched IP` = The first matched public IP if found, else the first matched non-public IP.
from ipware.ip import get_ip
ip = get_ip(request)
if ip is not None:
# we have an ip address for user
# we don't have an ip address for user
# By default the left most address in the `HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR` is returned. However, depending on your
# preference and needs, you can change this behavior by passing the `right_most_proxy=True` to the API.
# Please note that not all proxies are equal. So left to right or right to left is not a rule that all
# proxy servers follow.
from ipware.ip import get_ip
ip = get_ip(request, right_most_proxy=True)
# OR
ip = get_real_ip(request, right_most_proxy=True)
# you can provide your own meta precedence order by
# settings.py. The check is done from top to bottom
'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', # client, proxy1, proxy2
'X_FORWARDED_FOR', # client, proxy1, proxy2 - used by AWS etc.
# you can provide your own private IP prefixes by
# including IPWARE_PRIVATE_IP_PREFIX in your setting.py
# IPs that start with items listed below are ignored
# and are not considered a `real` IP address
'0.', # externally non-routable
'10.', # class A private block
'169.254.', # link-local block
'172.16.', '172.17.', '172.18.', '172.19.',
'172.20.', '172.21.', '172.22.', '172.23.',
'172.24.', '172.25.', '172.26.', '172.27.',
'172.28.', '172.29.', '172.30.', '172.31.', # class B private blocks
'192.0.2.', # reserved for documentation and example code
'192.168.', # class C private block
'255.255.255.', # IPv4 broadcast address
) + (
'2001:db8:', # reserved for documentation and example code
'fc00:', # IPv6 private block
'fe80:', # link-local unicast
'ff00:', # IPv6 multicast
To run the tests against the current environment:
python manage.py test
Released under a (BSD) license.
X.Y.Z Version
`MAJOR` version -- when you make incompatible API changes,
`MINOR` version -- when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
`PATCH` version -- when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.