A Jest test results processor for generating a summary in HTML.
Inspired by karma-htmlfile-reporter
$ npm install jest-html-reporter --save-dev
$ yarn add jest-html-reporter --dev
Configure Jest to process the test results by adding the following entry to the Jest config (jest.config.json):
"reporters": [
["./node_modules/jest-html-reporter", {
"pageTitle": "Test Report"
As you run Jest from within the terminal, a file called test-report.html will be created within your root folder containing information about your tests.
There are multiple configuration options available. Read more about these further down in this document.
To run the reporter as a test results processor (after Jest is complete instead of running in parallel), add the following entry to the Jest config (jest.config.json):
"testResultsProcessor": "./node_modules/jest-html-reporter"
Note: When running as a testResultsProcessor, the configuration needs either to be placed within a new file named jesthtmlreporter.config.json
residing in the root folder
"pageTitle": "Test Report",
or via adding a key to package.json
named "jest-html-reporter":
"jest-html-reporter": {
"pageTitle": "Test Report",
Option | Type | Default | Description |
additionalInformation |
Array<{ label: string; value: string; }> |
null |
A list of additional information to be added to the top of the report. |
append |
boolean |
false |
Append test results to an existing report. |
boilerplate |
string |
null |
Path to an HTML boilerplate file. The {jesthtmlreporter-content} variable will be replaced with test results. |
collapseSuitesByDefault |
boolean |
false |
Collapse test suites (accordions) by default. |
customScriptPath |
string |
null |
Path to an external script file injected into the report. |
dateFormat |
string |
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss |
Date format for timestamps. See documentation for available formats. |
executionTimeWarningThreshold |
number |
5 |
Warn if a test suite exceeds this execution time (in seconds). |
includeConsoleLog |
boolean |
false |
Include console.log outputs in the report (requires --verbose=false ). |
includeFailureMsg |
boolean |
false |
Show detailed error messages for failed tests. |
includeStackTrace |
boolean |
true |
Show stack traces for failed tests. |
includeSuiteFailure |
boolean |
false |
Show detailed errors for entire failed test suites. |
includeObsoleteSnapshots |
boolean |
false |
Show obsolete snapshot names. |
logo |
string |
null |
Path to an image file to display in the report header. |
outputPath |
string |
./test-report.html |
Full path for the output report file (must end in .html ). |
pageTitle |
string |
"Test Report" |
Title of the document and top-level heading. |
sort |
string |
null |
Sort test results by a specific method. Available values: ➤ status → Sorts by test status (pending → failed → passed).➤ status:{custom-order} → Custom status order (e.g., "status:failed,passed,pending" ).➤ executionasc → Sorts by execution time ascending.➤ executiondesc → Sorts by execution time descending.➤ titleasc → Sorts by suite filename/test name ascending.➤ titledesc → Sorts by suite filename/test name descending. |
statusIgnoreFilter |
string |
null |
Comma-separated list of statuses to exclude: "passed" , "pending" , "failed" . |
styleOverridePath |
string |
null |
Path to a CSS file to override default styles. |
useCssFile |
boolean |
false |
Link to the CSS file instead of inlining styles. |
All the configuration options provided in the table above are available via environment variables and follows the pattern of snake case in uppercase prepended with JEST_HTML_REPORTER_
Example: customScriptPath
*NOTE: Environment variables will take precedence over configurations set in jesthtmlreporter.config.json and package.json*
Here is an example of dynamically naming your output file and test report title to match your current branch that one might see in a automated deployment pipeline before running their tests.
export BRANCH_NAME=`git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | cut -d"/" -f 3`
export JEST_HTML_REPORTER_OUTPUT_PATH=/home/username/jest-test-output/test-reports/"$BRANCH_NAME".html