This is TechLabs team project summer 2023
- Create MonggoDB Account here :
- After Create Acount are finish the next you can find and click "Browse Collections" and please create your first database with "Collection name" === "User"
- Next step, you can go back to the previouse page by click "Database" below the green title "DEPLOYMENT"
- Next, please find and click "Connect" button, if you not setup the connection method yet you can choose "Drivers" like like the image bellow
- If you already setup everything, then you can copy the "Connection String", the string begin with title "mongodb+srv". Please copy eveything.
- Please make sure your VSCode is open with the project from your brunch, the find and open the file ".env" then paste the string you copied into ( DATABASE_URL = paste here )
- After you paste the string then please go back to MonggoDB website, then again click "Browse Collections" then click the database name (not Collection Name) and copy it.
- Again go back to your VSCode, and on the DATABASE_URL string you can paste the database name into very last part of the string after " here"
- Also dont forget to changes the into your database user password without < or >.
- So the string will looks like this:
- DATABASE_URL="mongodb+srv://USERNAME:[email protected]/DATABASE-NAME?ssl=true&connectTimeoutMS=5000"
- Now you can try by run this command in the terminal "npm run dev" and go to your browser and visit http://localhost:3000/signup to if the connection is working